Stigma Around Covid + Physical & Mental Health
STIGMA AROUND COVID REACH OUT! Donât be afraid to ask for help. Be connected to your friends and family, seek their support if you need it. Be open to talk about anything with them. If you find yourself in a situation where you need more support then reach out…

- Cases have been reported of people affected with COVID-19 as well as healthcare workers, sanitary workers and police who are in the frontline for management of the outbreak, facing discrimination on account of heightened fear and misinformation about infection.
- Even those who have recovered from COVID-19 face such discrimination.
- Certain communities and areas are being labeled purely based on false reports floating on social media

- People worrying about being shunned and less likely to get tested or seek medical care, increasing infection risks for them and others.
- This undermines efforts to test for and treat disease.
- Discourage them from adopting healthy behaviors
- It can make people feel isolated and even abandoned. This can result in the social isolation of groups of people in fear of getting covid.
- Stigmatized groups may often be deprived of the resources they need to care for themselves and their families during a pandemic.

- Keep your facts in check from reputable sources
- Donât forward any messages on social media before checking the authenticity
- Speak up and correct people if they are misinformed
- Show support for the frontline workers and help them whenever possible
- Share positive stories of those who have recovered from COVID-19.