
How AI Revolution Will Transform Digital Experiences


AI revolution in digital space The age of AI  By 2023, 40% of infrastructure & operation teams will use AI-augmented automation, resulting in higher productivity with greater agility & scalability. Usage of the chatbot to grow at a CAGR of 29.7% probing bots as the future of customer support.  In…

AI Revolution in Digital trend

AI revolution in digital space

The age of AI 
  • By 2023, 40% of infrastructure & operation teams will use AI-augmented automation, resulting in higher productivity with greater agility & scalability.
  • Usage of the chatbot to grow at a CAGR of 29.7% probing bots as the future of customer support. 
  • In the past two years, there has been an 186% increase in AI adoption as there is a shift to source & document customer data through AI.
Leaping forward with AI 
  • Microsoft with FedEx, to apply the power of Azure in building new commerce experiences that will transform logistics for customers.
  • Airtel to leverage AI, speech-to-text and voice applied sciences to gather real-time analytics and transform the customer experience.
  • To expedite SMEs growth, Facebook launched a ‘virtual shopping mall’ powered by AI, to embellish distinct customer experiences.
When AI meets social 
  • Facebook leverages AI to judge search patterns, buying patterns & complete online presence.
  • Instagram introduced 'DeepText AI' a smart algorithm that removes spam or anything against the community guidelines.
  • ‘'PinSage', a deep learning algorithm is based on neural networking in which every image on Pinterest is attached based on a theme.
AI in the digital race
  • AI is enabling marketers to get a closer look at audience preferences and target the ads and content in a better way. 
  • AI tools help track and analyze the move of users in the digital landscape by tracking user engagement.
  • AI technology can use complex algorithms to help craft personalized emails to subscribers. 
Your experience, enhanced Three ways how marketers can leverage AI to enhance customer experience. 
  • AI-powered tools help in ensuring personalization for customers, which will make them keep coming back for more.
  • With brilliant speed, AI-enabled tools can analyze content performance and drive traffic to ensure maximum conversion.
  • AI tools can help optimise and conclude the channels of communication for brands to increase engagement with customers. 

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