
5 Things You Must Do Before Attending an Event


With the markets expanding, competition has accentuated for industry players across every sector. From one-sided communication, it has now come to an interactive model between the owners and consumers across multiple platforms. Corporates are massively investing on two pillars - Customer attention and retention in their minds. Higher the visibility,…

With the markets expanding, competition has accentuated for industry players across every sector. From one-sided communication, it has now come to an interactive model between the owners and consumers across multiple platforms. Corporates are massively investing on two pillars - Customer attention and retention in their minds. Higher the visibility, greater are the chances to be in the consumer mind. If you are an exhibitor in any event like CES, MWC, adtech India, Tech Crunch Disrupt, Hackathon India etc, then you should keep a knack on all these pointers. Pointers Before Attending An Event Few pre-requisites to get the best out of any events are summarized below in quick points, you can use these tips & easily incorporate it into your existing marketing tactics:

Agenda setting

Agenda setting is crucial to achieving the targeted goals. It has been proved that communication agenda influences public choices. There is an intricate relation between communication – events and agenda setting, different events have different agenda’s, for example: ad tech India's agenda for this year is “Accelerating the Evolution”. With sound media mapping, industry analysis and competition audit the right frame of agenda can be developed and leveraged during the event days. With tools of communication, you can create the right momentum for the brand through effective communication tools.

Plan of Action

Successful implementation calls for a sound plan of Action. The role and responsibilities should be well mapped and designated such that there is no duplication of work, no ambiguity in the roles and no important misses. Every member should have individual targets which would cumulate to the overall business goal. Some of the tasks are as follows-
  • Media interactions: Face to face conversation with key media, coffee table with influencers etc. This enables the brand to communicate the brand vision in a personal way to the advocates of the society. PR today is no more confined only to the traditional platform. In the digital age it has given rise to digital PR or Digital First PR
  • Release dissemination: Blast the media with brand information. Releases are short crisp and to the point content pieces which communicates the key factors to the TG (target group).
  • Social media marketing: To rise and hail in today's populated business world it is vital to have a strong, clear social media strategy. It builds or breaks your image. Right strategy is vital else the traction is extremely low
  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization is a gameplay of keywords. The right set of words gets you higher visibility. There are various other hacks to get maximum outreach from any event using SEO like, using event hashtag in bio or title of your twitter profile. We will to a full feature on this in our next post & list down results we received post attending events like CES & Techcrunch Disrupt.

Mapping strengths

Competition analysis is a major step to put the right efforts on marketing. Work on the strengths and highlight the USPs. Previous work, case studies, brochures capturing the business agenda should be handy. Information dissemination should not be stalled due to lack of logistics. Eg. Identifying the right set of key words for increased media visibility.

Steps to map your strengths:

  • SWOT analysis: Measure the industry trends with respect to the brand's current standing. This gives an understanding of the competition, the possible threats and the channels of opportunity.
  • Past experiences/ case studies: Good work showcases your merit. Carry your past work/portfolio to voice your credibility
To hit the bull's eye, homework is essential. Planning not only gives a fair idea of the future opportunities but also helps map the current weaknesses which requires attention. To know more about the processes refer to the below link. Reference:

Tested Processes

It is safer to play smart. It is good to be adventurous, but the risk attached to it is high. It can always be the flip side. Tested techniques should be implemented to ensure optimization of resources. The event is not the right place to apply techniques which you are not well accustomed to, either does a pilot survey of it or look for consultants in case it looks indispensable.

Create Buzz and Sustain it

The ultimate agenda is to ensure maximum visibility. Communication to the stakeholders is the objective, and the real audience is outside the event premise. There are many events like, CES, adtech India, Tech Crunch etc use the new age techniques like content marketing, video marketing, social media amplification, etc. to ensure your brand trends on every platform. The below mentioned are the techniques to bring lime light to a company’s actions-
  • Content marketing: Content marketing is a way to communicate to your stakeholders through different platforms. Event marketing is successful if the content generated from the event is rightly spread across different platforms.
#TeaforTrump campaign is a classic example of core integrated digital campaign highlighting real-time content marketing,  digital PR & social media amplification.  Reference
  • Video marketing: Graphics and videos attract more eye balls in today's time constraint life, video marketing is a way to talk with your TG with the relevant videos. Video marketing adds in leverage the best of event marketing.
  • Visibility on the traditional and digital platform: Communication through different channels and mediums to reach out to the maximum audience. Digital first PR is the new way to build brand image.
You can reach out to us on anasua.mitra(at)armdigital(dot)in for any queries on event marketing using integrated PR.

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