Are you having a tough time keeping your audience interested? Often struggling to come up with blog posts that attract the right type of visitors? We all do! Time and again we run out of ideas. How then can one make their blog popular? There are certain common working methods that one can adopt to make their blog popular. A blog can't become popular overnight, but if you are work smartly and have a knack for learning new things, adapt and learn from your mistakes, your blog can become the rage! Blog design apart, there are several measures that you can take. Read on.
Add your Blog to Blog Communities
Other bloggers and web enthusiasts are constantly checking out these communities for networking and information.

There are many communities you can submit your blog to but it’s better to stick with the ones which are popular and have a decent Google Page Rank. When you come across a blog that you find interesting, do comment and applaud their good work. In the process you are making your self visible in the bloggers community.
Write Tutorials, Guides and How To's Relating to your Blog
One time news and new happenings will just cater to your audience once.

Old news is no news! As a new entrant into the world of blogging, as a blogger you have to amass audience based on tutorials and how to guides that stay forever. The "How To" is a staple pillar concept. It always works!
Create a Facebook Page and Sign up for a Twitter Account
Without the reach of
social media, you can't expect (as a new blogger) to have any reach at all. There are lots of amazing facebook apps that you can use to integrate your blog with facebook and make sharing easy breezy. Some good methods you can use to promote your facebook page is by adding a widget on your blog, adding a popup like button, writing a blog post on it and also including the page details in your newsletter. Facebook is huge and the traffic is legit.

Not just facebook, you must also tweet you posts. People will follow you because they are interested in sharing things with you. When you tweet, they are most likely willing to check it out. Other platforms like Google+, instagram, pintrest, etc can also be included. Fashion, travel, tech, auto blogs should give a lot of attention to YouTube.
Monitor Influencer Social Channels
You can't expect to get a decent blog traffic by writing whatever you like.

You need to first identify the
influencers in your industry and monitor their social feeds to know what garners better traffic and what goes viral.
Check Your Top Posts on Facebook
Facebook insights are a powerful tool to monitor your posts. Its the best way to determine the topic of interests of your target audience.

You can monitor how well individual posts are performing based on their overall reach, the number of users who have engaged with the post, the number of people talking about it and the post’s overall virality.
Measure Your Tweet Impact
Tools like SocialORM help you find out the impact of your tweets and which of them had the biggest impact on your audience.
Blog Frequently
Always keep your blog updated and give your audience something new to read about frequently.

Fresh content is one of the keys to a blogs success. Your readers are hungry for information. However, make sure your content is unique because at the end of the day, that is what matters the most.
Give Something to Download for Free

Everybody loves free stuff! I do, you do, we all do! Free Give away's are a great way to make your blog popular and if you can give them something premium, the audience is going to love you for that.
Be a Guest Author on Popular Blogs
Given that you are a newbie, you should never miss the opportunity to get noticed on some of the popular blogs in your niche. One blog post on some of these popular blogs can get you huge amount of traffic. Happy Blogging!