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The Overlooked Importance of Mental Health – #ARMEcosystem++
The COVID-19 pandemic brought along a variety of different obstacles and barriers to us as an organization. Beyond the effects of a traditional economic downturn, COVID-19 has presented additional challenges — fear from the virus itself, wide-spread grief, and lastly, prolonged physical distancing and associated social isolation. This World Mental…

- All individuals have been advised to keep webcams ON during all interactions - with the sole purpose of feeling a sense of real communication and interaction as opposed to the monotonous and dull interaction over a voice call.
- Starting a new job from a remote setting can be quite a daunting task which is why there are informal induction sessions organised for all new joinees.
- A practice that existed well before the pandemic - Fantastic Friday - is still in full swing. Each Friday morning, we invite a skilled professional to interact with us and give us something new to ponder over. In fact, in May, Mimansa Singh Talwar - a leading expert from Fortis Healthcare - held a session on the impact of the pandemic on our mental well-being.
- Individuals work at their best when they feel valued or appreciated. Amid the whole virtual working phenomena, appraisal & praise can often be missed out without the lack of human body language and attitude. At ARM Worldwide, all achievements and results are celebrated and praised, no matter how big or small. Informal sessions are also held to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries.
- The HR team and department leaders have incorporated more autonomy and fluidity in job roles and responsibilities. Each unique member of the organisation may work in different ways being at home, and they’re encouraged to do so as long as it does not hinder productivity.