
Why WordPress Platform Is Essential For Online Business?


Most of the world is moving online and there is no doubt that all businesses require an online presence. Especially if as an organization you are mostly online or would like to branch out into online spaces, you will certainly need blogs and websites to help you reach your customers.…

Most of the world is moving online and there is no doubt that all businesses require an online presence. Especially if as an organization you are mostly online or would like to branch out into online spaces, you will certainly need blogs and websites to help you reach your customers. However, today we are spoilt for choices in terms of the options from blogging and website creation that one has. Nevertheless, there is one blogging platform that has stood the test of time and has continued to innovate to meet its customer’s needs – WordPress Platform. WordPress is one of the leading blog platforms available today. It is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) available. Here is a list of reasons WordPress is almost irreplaceable for online businesses.

#1. It’s free

No matter, whether you are using the WordPress platform to blog or building your own WordPress Website on it, it can be accessed for free. WordPress has no hidden charges despite how popular your website becomes. Additionally, there is a host of plugins and themes that can also be used for free.

#2. Customizable

WordPress has multiple customizable options. You can use the WordPress design to make your website look fresh and keep updating it as new themes and designs are introduced. You do not need to hire a technician to help you adapt your website to the latest WordPress design. WordPress plugins also adds a host of functionality to the website. The WordPress platform is both flexible and versatile enough to accommodate almost all the needs of you as a user. #3. Search Engine Friendly Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a primary requirement for anyone that is running businesses today. Therefore, when you create that website or blog one of the biggest investments you will have to make towards it is to ensure that it is being seen amongst all the clutter that is the web today. This happens only with SEO, and WordPress platform helps by already being search engine friendly. Most popular search engines prefer trusted sites and when a site is powered by the WordPress platform it is automatically preferred. #4. Easy to Manage If you are looking for a solution that is easy to setup, manage, and update your website and blog, then having WordPress website is the ideal solution. The minimum requirement to get your own website is a web browser and an internet connection to create your own website. The website is user-friendly, intuitive, and easy to learn. The existing WordPress design and thousands of themes help you set the websites within minutes. Additionally, all updates to the WordPress platform are installed with a click of a button making it a seamless process to stay up to date. #5. Community and Support With millions of users having blogs and websites on the WordPress platform, it has extensive support. Apart from providing instruction guides that provide all the required information to create and run a website; the platform has a loyal community that provides solutions to almost any question or issue that you might encounter. Moreover, integrating your WordPress website with social media is really simple only adding to the whole community fee. Finally, WordPress is over a decade old and therefore tested and improved over the years making it more reliable than recent platforms. #6. E-Commerce Solutions One of the biggest achievements of this content management system is its ability to function with e-commerce solutions. You can use different plugins and themes available within the WordPress website to make it functional as an e-commerce website. What’s more, these plugins are easy to install and use making the process fairly seamless. There is a host of plugins that are better for different purposes like selling online digital goods vs. selling physical stuff. WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, iThemes Exchange, Shop and so on are just some of the examples of interesting e-commerce plugins that you can use on your WordPress website with the appropriate theme to make your site compatible to trade. #7. Multi-user Options Privacy is a very important part of any business online. WordPress ensures that that aspect is taken care of from within the system. There is a host of roles that you can assign to different people that manage your website. Just some of the roles include Super Admin that accesses the entire site network, Administrator that controls the features of the website, to Editors, to Contributors and so on down to the subscriber that can only view content and manage their own profile. #8. Multimedia accessibility Apart from being great with text, the WordPress platform also is all kinds of media friendly. It can host images, videos, or audio files seamlessly. You can easily insert multimedia files into a page or a post making it accessible for all kind of users in addition to all kinds of media. Additionally, you can also edit some of the media within WordPress with the right kind of plugins. #9. Mobile Friendly Right now, it is even more important to be mobile-friendly than ever, and Wordpress complies. WordPress websites are mobile friendly and are built to give users the best possible experience on websites and mobiles alike. Many WordPress design themes are designed to be mobile responsive; meaning compatible to different screen sizes. #10. Innovation Innovation is part of the WordPress journey for over a decade. It has the most powerful tool to integrate with other applications to provide the best website for you. Integrating with payment gateways, sending emails, scheduling posts and so on are all doable with the WordPress website. With its popularity, its innovative solution to business needs has also increased. Additionally, the flexibility it offers also has increased and will continue to increase as the popularity increases in the public view. At the end of the day, the blogging platform you choose will determine how comfortable you are with your website. Just a word of caution, the transition from one platform to another is tricky and often painful. So, choose wisely and choose carefully.

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