BlogSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)

Six Important SEO Trends that will Matter Most in 2022


Search Engine Optimization has always been the backbone of better ranking websites and ultimately better ROI for the business or the services offered. A study shows that up to 70% and 80% of people surfing the internet ignore paid advertisements. Therefore, optimizing the organic ranking efforts is the foremost requirement.…

Search Engine Optimization has always been the backbone of better ranking websites and ultimately better ROI for the business or the services offered. A study shows that up to 70% and 80% of people surfing the internet ignore paid advertisements. Therefore, optimizing the organic ranking efforts is the foremost requirement. Unfortunately, the number of people running in this rat race makes it more difficult. How so? 60% of the clicks go to the top three websites only. All the SEO practices go in vain if the user is not able to reach the site.  While an in-house SEO professional can do a decent job, it might not help the website reach the position that will start driving in business. Therefore, it is essential to have professional SEO services in place that can comply with the present-day trends. As a website owner, this should not be a matter of surprise that Google, the most used search engine, changes its ranking algorithm about hundreds of times in a year. However, here are a few SEO trends that are definite to fetch you considerable traction for your website.

1. User Intent Optimisation:

Web searches have now become very specific as the reader demands fresh content that can be understood easily. On the other hand, an SEO strategy that promotes the stuffing of popular keywords is now declared a faulty practice and shall not be promoted. It is important to realize that the website visitor is the primary focus, and the link will be shared or upvoted by them only if the viewer finds content that is relevant. The 2022 evaluation matrix measures the acceptance and ultimately the ranking of the webpage by the number of website visitors finding relevance to their search queries.

2. Structured Data Markup Is Key:

Artificial Intelligence is backing the search queries in Google. To comply with the changing trends, structured data has become important as well. AI ultimately is a technology and will scan through the content systematically. Therefore, it requires fast processing of content and their relatability to each other. Contextual relationships between search behaviours and topics listed on the website shall be supported by structured markup. In the coming year, one must start testing and implementing this methodology. Using structured markup, the website owner will be able to give search engines signals to understand this supportive content structure.

3. Page speed:

Page speed is one of the significant factors that influence better SEO rankings. This is because a page that is complex will not take a higher loading time. Increased time to deliver information to the reader or the consumer will increase the chances of drop-offs. Therefore, when the search engine crawls for a webpage, the loading speed is also taken into account. Simpler pages with well-structured modules work well in such cases. Core Web Vitals - Core Web Vitals are used to measure the user experience. Google announced three metrics: Loading, Interactivity, and Visual Stability. All three are aligned with one thing which is Page Speed. Read more in details about Core Web Vitals.

4. Increase Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness:

It is important to back the information on the website with credible data and cite the references. It is essential for a business to have subject matter experts writing what they wish to offer – for relatability and clear communication. Search engines like Google and Bing are looking to alter their algorithms so as to power results that can be trusted. This is done to ensure that the information reaching the user is from a trusted source and cannot be proved faulty. The future SEO trends will also focus on how contextual the data is. It is essential that however correct the data might be, it shall be in sync with what the user has demanded.

5. Microformats and Schema:

Microformats are HTML snippets that store information about a website. It works on the idea of relevant and worthy information. The more the information search engine has about the website, the more accurately it can rank it. Typically, the search engines These microformats often make the web content appealing to the consumer. Therefore, a more significant number of audience that comes across this is bound to click. Increased number of clicks will mean improved ROI and enhanced SEO signals to search engines. However, it does not hold relevance to all the websites. Voice search - Users use voice search when they look for specific answers,and these users should be taken more into consideration as they are more likely to convert.  Read More - How Voice Search Will Change The Future Of SEO Featured snippets - Snippets are useful for websites as well as for the users. The content in the snippet can’t be selected, as google algorithm bots do the job.

6. Watch Machine Learning:

Google’s main focus is on the user. All efforts have been dedicated to improving the relevance of content searched for. Google’s algorithm, RankBrain, was introduced to interpret the content and show users pages with not only the words they initially looked for but which contained information related to the query. You need to adopt ML to develop unique content for SEO, beginning with a set of data based on specific variables. Machine learning in addition to analysis and reporting, and its implementation, is imperative. SEO is always evolving. To get more focus on your website, you need to know the right trends for success to get your rank on page one of the SERP. You must also be aware of the trends below to stay ahead of your competitors!
  1. Google’s BERT -  Machine Learning and Natural Language is used by Google’s BERT to understand searches and what the users are looking for.
  2. Artificial intelligence - Artificial Intelligence is one of the most upcoming trends as google lets AI provide searchers with answers they are looking for. It is also much more efficient in terms of the algorithms.
  3. Keyword research - To drive sales and traffic for your website, investing time in keyword research to find keywords is important.
  4. Original content - Content plays a major role in ranking and SEO. Having authentic content is much more important than branding.
  5. Video marketing - Video marketing is growing day by day, all you need to do is optimize your video and set the right keywords so it reaches the right audience.
  6. Influencer SEO - Influencers help in gaining an audience and can play a major role in building your brand. Choose an influencer according to your target audience.
  7. EAT & branded SEO - When it comes to ranking, google looks out for unique and quality content. EAT expands to Expertise, Authoritativeness and trustworthiness. Improving your EAT will automatically get you the rankings.

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