How Safe Are Vaccines & How To Get Your Slot?
HOW SAFE ARE VACCINES? In the backdrop of reports questioning the safety of the vaccines, the DCGI has said both Covishield and Covaxin are safe Covid-19 vaccines. DCGI VG Somani categorically said, “BOTH vaccines are 110 percent safe. Some side effects like mild fever, pain, and allergy are common…

- Head over to the CoWIN website, and click on the option to register/sign in yourself.
- Put your mobile number and submit to get an OTP. On receiving the OTP, input it to verify.
- Now you can register four people for vaccination. Now, insert all the details — your name, gender, year of birth, and photo ID proof, and then click on register.
- Upon registering you will get the option to schedule an appointment. Next to the registered person’s name click on the option of schedule.
- Insert your pin code and it will display all the centers where vaccination is on in the pin code area inserted by you.
- You can then select the center, date, and time of vaccination and click to confirm. This way you can register yourself and your beneficiaries for the vaccination.

- Open the Aarogya Setu app and click on the CoWIN tab.
- Select the vaccination registration, and input your phone number, and submit to get an OTP.
- Insert the OTP and verify. This will navigate you to the page where registration for vaccination can be done.
- Follow the same steps as mentioned above for registering on the CoWIN platform.
- you can CLICK HERE to go to the website and put in your pin code, choose your area where you want to find a slot, and when next time a slot is open you will be notified on the mail or WhatsApp about the slot.
- Some more websites like these are GetJab and Under45, which provide district-wise updates on vacant vaccine slots via mail and telegram channels.
- You can also join telegram channels that might help you look for slots.
- Paytm has also integrated a vaccine finder in its mobile application.
- Vaccine slots are usually added between 6 PM and 11 PM every day. It is advised to keep a tab on the CoWin portal during that time.