Lean UX: Capturing User Behavioral Needs and Pain Points
Today, technology has changed the way we market and promote our products and services. Websites and Applications have become an important marketing model to maintain a digital presence on the web for any business. An active site helps the marketers for generating the leads. But there is a need to…
Today, technology has changed the way we market and promote our products and services. Websites and Applications have become an important marketing model to maintain a digital presence on the web for any business. An active site helps the marketers for generating the leads. But there is a need to analyse the user experience while designing that website. While reviewing the superior user experience (UX), there are some ways to approach this process.

Lean UX method generates the user experience designs to a more efficient and lightweight process, emphasising on a quick process of the Building, Measuring and Learning rapid cycle.
Lean UX is continually validating UX designers’ assumptions to build a user-friendly website that provides information or highlights a product or service. Everything about analysing user experience begins with research and strategy. There is a need to understand user’s goals while they approach any website. This analysis helps to create a wireframe to identify the features of a website or application. Along with understanding the users need, Lead UX unlocks the pain and frustrations the users are currently facing while using the site or an app.
Lean User Experience to Capture User Behaviour
#1. Research
While experiencing user-friendly experience, traditional research methods like surveys, interviews, usability testing and focus groups can be considered. Focus groups tend to take more time and comparatively a costlier research process.
Usability testing comes when we have some interface available for users to test (wireframe, prototype, and mockup). Therefore, regarding Lean UX, we can discuss and focus on the first two methods, i.e.,.e surveys and interviews.
Lean UX process helps to understand users within a short period. By asking essential questions based on the audience experience, while continuously validating our assumptions, we can refine these hypotheses. This method helps to achieve user solutions more rapidly. One of the most important reasons to do research is to know who our user's insights which include where and when they bounce off a site or application.
#2. Defining the User
Lean UX research begins with determining the actual users. We can create users' personas and assumptions to identify their pain points and difficulties. Personas are the user profiles outlining their demographic, consumer behaviour, as well as their needs and goals. After we create the hypothesis persona, we should validate the proposition.
To generate customer-centric experience, we need to authenticate our assumptions with limited resources. As discussed, one rapid way is through traditional research method like surveys which is a quick and cost efficient way to capture a better understanding of customer's needs and goals. Surveys can be sent out to many users. Then the information gathered through those surveys can be compiled and help to create the UX.
Another method to capture users, needs and goals is through interviews. It brings out more personal information about the users, unlocking their behaviour patterns to build a better website profile. Interview questions can be open-ended or close-ended. For example, an open ended question like "What do you want out of the site/application can be put forth? There may be several items that the users are looking for or they may provide a brief description of it through their answers. Then, close-ended questions could be framed like "Do you prefer open menus or pull out menus?” where there are multiple options provided to the answer, and the user has to choose one accordingly.
These two forms of questions allow getting a concrete answer to particular questions you may have and unique perspective of the individuals utilising that site or app.
#3. User Validation
You can create two types of validation questions while going for a user's research i.e. screening questions and interview questions. Screening questions prove whether the individuals you are talking fits in the right segment of users whereas interview questions are to reaffirm the user hypothesis.
The process of making an interview validation, hypothetical user persona and learning from the end users defines the Lean UX method. Their approach is to build, measure and then determine cycle. Lean UX approach helps the UX team to identify the users, their needs and goals instead of making assumptions.
There are possibilities that Lean UX is not in-depth as other processes where the same traditional user research methods are used like in Lean UX, but it provides a better understanding of the users within limited time and resources. It helps to understand the user-behavior, their pain points and difficulties of their audience.
The information gathered through surveys and interviews; the website designer can create a persona with some certain assumptions about their users and make the site easier and approachable for them. Finally, revise the persona based on the findings.
Lean UX is essential for any website or app making to understand because the process will help the website strategy, understanding of the users and monetization of the site. The approach does not stop here. It should continue to apply to the next steps of user research, such as creating prototypes, and usability testing.
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