
Accepting Feedback: Directly Propositional to Success


Understanding, Knowledge, Wisdom - these are a few things humans have aspired for, yearned for and toiled hard for to make things around them better, to be better. Most of us look at successful people and the first thing we usually come up with is “I wish ...”. We fail to…

Understanding, Knowledge, Wisdom - these are a few things humans have aspired for, yearned for and toiled hard for to make things around them better, to be better. Most of us look at successful people and the first thing we usually come up with is “I wish ...”. We fail to realise the amount of hard work, the time and sweat spent by the one who is successful in order to achieve what he has today. Success is a byproduct of knowledge one would say. Knowledge is a byproduct of learning. Learning involves feedback. A lot of feedback. Whenever we’re assigned a task, we work and toil to deliver the best output. However, as a great man once said. Everything can be made better if we all involve others. You need to be open to learn from other’s experience, look forward to it and accept the insights they have to share. Working and including other’s insights would add to your own experience. Feature this, a guy who has been in advertising for more than 10 years sharing his insights to your project may be that “edge” you were looking for. Add these 10 years of polished experience to your 1 year of hard work and learning, Volia! You just may have a masterpiece in your hands. Accepting feedback is hard. Asking someone to critique your work which you spent hours or days completing is bound to make anyone weary. Asking for feedback can be a steep hill to climb and as nerve wrenching as walking up to your crush and revealing your feelings. A few things that we can take into account if you find yourself fidgeting before stepping in for a feedback/ review.
  • Be calm and keep a cool head. The one giving you feedback isn’t there to roast you alive. Managers want to watch you learn and succeed. Success begets Success after all.
  • Go in with an open mind. Do not pre-plan situations which may or may not be. Step in with a smile and an open mind. Remember, its about adding to your project, your performance and your knowledge.
  • Just Listen. The one sharing feedback may be your peer, your supervisor or the one person you just don’t gel with at work. Hear them out, as Linus Pauling said, the best way to get an idea is to have a lot of ideas! And you never know where they come in from.
  • Ask questions. Be attentive and take notes so that you can work on the feedback, There may be a few pointers which may not ring a bell. For them, ask questions, take clarifications. A feedback is not your test to prove yourself, it’s an opportunity to improve yourself and your work.
  • Mind your P’s and Q’s The golden rule of etiquette doesn’t let you down here either. Before stepping in think of it as a knowledge session, remember to thank the one who is sharing feedback. This will get your mind off the edge a bit as well.
Remember, giving feedback is a tough task as well. Your managers and supervisors are not there to nullify your efforts but to add to it. Managers want their subordinates to learn, grow and succeed and those who invest time and their knowledge to help you improve are seldom found. In the end, it’s ok to make mistakes, as they say, to error is human, circle back and work on the feedback, keep and use what you like and think can improve your work. As George Bernard Shaw rightly said, “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” Feedback begets learning. Learnings beget Knowledge. Knowledge begets Success!  

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    Trustworthy Leadership: Where Team Engagement is the Key


    Recently, we underwent an Intrapreneur Training Program to groom us all at #ARM to be 'In-house Entrepreneurs' and to grow at a faster pace so as to take a step towards leading the organisation to desired results. The series of activities there helped us understand how leaders and their trust…

    Recently, we underwent an Intrapreneur Training Program to groom us all at #ARM to be 'In-house Entrepreneurs' and to grow at a faster pace so as to take a step towards leading the organisation to desired results. The series of activities there helped us understand how leaders and their trust motivates employees and affects performance. Leadership

    Leaders as trust-builders

    It's very important for the leaders to engage with employees in order to build trust through their behaviour. In a personal experience, the leader builds trust by behaving consistently over time and situations to increase parity, communicate the valuable information, engage in decision making with followers and explanations for decisions and openness. A leader shows concern for the team, act in a way that supports employees' interests while not exploit others. Trust grows between a leader and a follower, where the leader makes a decision to trust based on the follower’s behaviours and their perceived level of trustworthiness. The four key pillars of trust are, Ability – Expertise of Leader in doing a job and carrying out their role. Compassion – Show interest in employees’ needs and being approachable whenever required. Integrity – stick to set of principles acceptable to others encircling fairness and honesty. Uniformity – Consistent actions by Leaders helps in building trust amongst followers.

    From trustworthy leaders to trustworthy leadership

    The sense of independence, trust, relationship, responsibility, engagement, uniqueness leads to trustworthy leadership and at #ARM I experienced this kind of leadership from the top management. The practise of trustworthy leadership can be summed under four themes.

    1. Putting relationships at the heart

    Leaders encourage their followers to interact with co-employees within the team as well as beyond as making connections with people in other teams helps to understand business as a whole and generates respect for each other’s work. It helps to work more effectively as a whole and not as an individual resource. Putting relationships at heart is important because it let people to look beyond their job and get instead a whole lot visibility into the big picture.

    2. Recognising and developing uniqueness

    Leader gives followers a belief that they can achieve things and that they can progress from where they are. Followers must feel a willingness of their leaders and intend to develop them further in their work and capabilities.

    3. Enabling mutual responsibility

    Leader establishes an environment where responsibilities links both leader and follower, as they share accountability for their work and its outcomes. He/She can induce trust in followers by recognising the shortcomings and accepting the responsibility to address them.

    4. Engaging with people

    Employees need to feel their leaders are ‘real’. This can be achieved by leaders sharing their personal experiences with team. It’s important for the leaders to connect with their followers on personal and develop a sense of trust. Sharing thoughts, aspirations during casual talks allows real person to emerge and sense of trust among their followers.
    “Leaders need to bring to the surface what has remained hidden in order to be perceived as human, personal and relational.”

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      Starting with the Little Things: Ownership at Work


      “Sometimes, little things make a big difference...” ― Nino Varsimashvili It’s not just a great memorable quote from the movie “Little Things” but something that I never thought of until I got an opportunity to attend the #ARMpreneur programme and I am glad I was a part of it. In…

      “Sometimes, little things make a big difference...” ― Nino Varsimashvili
      It’s not just a great memorable quote from the movie “Little Things” but something that I never thought of until I got an opportunity to attend the #ARMpreneur programme and I am glad I was a part of it. In the training, we looked at the value of Intrapreneurship and explored ways to develop our skills to ease up our lifestyle; professional and personal both. Many times career/professional growth starts right where you are rather than looking for a new job, it starts with “taking ownership at work”– one of the critical lessons I learned. What do you mean by taking ownership? Ownership is all about taking initiative. It means we are accountable for our actions and our performance at work. The first step is “self analysis”, ask yourself questions about your performance whether you are an individual contributor or a team leader. Take Control to Own We take ownership when we believe that taking action is not someone else’s responsibility. We, as an individual, are accountable for the quality and timelines of an outcome, even when you’re working with others. Here, I share the secret of taking ownership leading to success.

      The six D’s secret:


      We should have the desire to perform at our best. This desire constantly helps us to better our performance, learning, growth and development. Desire to succeed sets a high benchmark for yourself and the team which motivates everyone to achieve it.


      Having a strong drive means being able to get things done. The intent is to be productive and we are ourselves responsible for completion of our work and task. The most successful people in life are the ones who have the drive to do more and better.


      In our professional and personal life, we come across hurdles/obstacles. As much as we try to avoid it, the likelihood is it will still happen. The successful ones are those who overcome anything positively that comes in their way.


      Dedication comes when we understand our organisation’s mission and identify our role/contribution in it. Every organisation has resources that play different roles which contributes to the overall success of the organisation. To be at top of our performance/work, is to be dedicated to what we are doing and being prepared to do extra ,if required.


      Self-discipline and focus are vital for individual productivity. Distractions are everywhere. Whether it’s social media or frequent questions from well-meaning colleagues, it can be super-easy to be thrown of course. Sometimes we have to say ‘no’ (and to say ‘no’ in the right way) in order to safeguard our own productivity.


      Everyone has dreams and we all need dreams to empower us. Its helps us to move forward and achieve what we want to. Dreams backed up with hard work makes any dream worth having a reality. So, dream big and dream often.

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        How to Measure the Quality & Value of the Content?


        We all have gone through various jargons around content marketing but have you ever thought on measuring the effectiveness of a great content? What is a good or bad content? Skip this and go to the end of this post if you are simply interested in a checklist to gauge…

        We all have gone through various jargons around content marketing but have you ever thought on measuring the effectiveness of a great content? What is a good or bad content? Skip this and go to the end of this post if you are simply interested in a checklist to gauge the content quality, else take this rapid-fire questions. Try answering them honestly in not more than 30 seconds:
        1. Value or Volume?
        2. Quality or Quantity?
        3. Twitter Trends or Organic content driven conversations?
        digital pr In most of the cases, your answers will be 1) Value 2) Quality 3) Organic content driven conversations. Yes, you are right. Now how you respond to this questions which define the value or quality of any content.

        What is the difference between Good Content vs Average Content? or How to measure the quality of the content?

        Try to answer this question and think again on what makes us "like" the content on facebook or twitter? Why we bookmark any website? Why The Shawshank Redemption (or these other IMDB movies) has the highest consumer rating? IMBD Movies
        The answer to measuring the quality of content is "Why one should care."
        Why is the phenomenon by virtue of which we can also define the quality or value of any piece of the content.
        Here is the list of few checklist that you may consider while crafting the content & ensure the quality output.
        1. Does the "content" pass the “Why Should I Care” test?
        2. Does the "content" have any surprising elements?
        3. Is it differentiable from the competitor’s content?
        4. Does it offer mass appeal?
        5. Is it something that hasn’t been seen before?
        6. Is it able to be monitored and measured in real time?
        If you can answer the above six questions then you can easily answer:
        • whether your pitch is right or not
        • whether your content will go viral or not (personally I hate the word 'viral')
        • whether your consumers will love or ignore your story
        Would love if you can share your feedback & can answer this common question to measure the quality of the content in a different way. Feel free to ping me via comments or via twitter (@honeytech). To know more about Definitive Content Writing 2018.

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          We are in the Business of Creating History!


          As a community of marketing professionals, all of us are working to create something new, something which can deliver magic for the brand and many of us have been creators, enablers and or spectators of some of most astonishing successes. The conventional wisdom says, everyone isn’t equally smart, doesn’t get…

          As a community of marketing professionals, all of us are working to create something new, something which can deliver magic for the brand and many of us have been creators, enablers and or spectators of some of most astonishing successes. The conventional wisdom says, everyone isn’t equally smart, doesn’t get equal opportunity, right place right time, etc. – therefore only few are successful and rest are participants or spectators, not creators. Even if the above said is true, core difference lies in the hunger one has over other, hunger to succeed, hunger to achieve something, hunger to be something; not everyone has written a plan for them or have clarity of vision, it’s about the hunger. I as an entrepreneur and #ARM Worldwide as an entity is about to complete 3 years in July and in these 3 years we have done many things to keep the zeal going - zeal of a startup, startup mindset, startup hunger, startup instinct. One of the biggest inspirations for us as well has been Steve Jobs and his meaning for ‘Stay Hungry Stay Foolish’. We did many things differently and our latest one was an Intrapreneurship program, a first batch of 20 out of 52 of us. According to Wikipedia,
          Intrapreneurship is the act of behaving like an entrepreneur while working within a large organization. Intrapreneurship is known as the practice of a corporate management style that integrates risk-taking and innovation approaches, as well as the reward and motivational techniques, that are more traditionally thought of as being the province of entrepreneurship.
          The definition says it all; we want to increase the risk-taking appetite of people working within the organization, we want them to be hungry, hungry for taking risks, hungry of creating new means, new ways, hungry for creating history! 5 things to start with: a quick guide to our brain: How Brain Works - Intrepreneurship There is no right or wrong way and there are multiple ways of looking at everything, either follow & improvise or else write your own way & improvise.
          1. Vision (Occipital Lobe) – Have a vision and own it, to start with, have a vision for the division you are working for and ensure to share it with all related.
          2. Trend Mapping (Parietal Lobe) – Entrepreneurs understand and also are also looking out for trends, to be ahead of the curve.
          3. Processes (Frontal Lobe) – Following a process, which is designed by someone in the organization vs, working to ensure that is being followed by all and there is a constant effort of helping it improve.
          4. Analytics & Creativity (Frontal Lobe) – Lower part of our brain is all about reflexes & response, the middle is all about emotions and the top brain is divided into two half – analytics & creative.
          5. People (Temporal Lobe & Brain Stem) – Be human, have fun & ensure that the journey is same for everyone around.
          6. Prioritization (Cerebellum) – We all are jugglers, one just needs to get better at juggling while adding more & more pins of different shapes, sizes & weights.
          Image Source –

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            Complete SEO Checklist for 2022: Tips to Instantly Increase Website Traffic


            2021 saw a lot of conjecture on the value of technical SEO. From being called makeup to dead, it managed to procure a lot of other names too. But then came an SEO checklist 2022, which firmly bade 2021 goodbye! SEO checklist 2022 has brought back SEO to life gracefully…

            2021 saw a lot of conjecture on the value of technical SEO. From being called makeup to dead, it managed to procure a lot of other names too. But then came an SEO checklist 2022, which firmly bade 2021 goodbye! SEO checklist 2022 has brought back SEO to life gracefully and conclusively with exceptional examples of technical SEO tactics resulting in major traffic boosts. This post will focus on some primary steps to the technical SEO checklist 2022. Some of these have been around for a bit and haven’t really lost their relevance, too; others are rather new and owe their advancement to the recent search engine changes. So let’s get started! Technical search engine optimisation concerns frequently keep a website from ranking as high as it should. Here are a few key technological best practices that must be adhered to.

            Check indexing

            Indexing is the method by which search engines like Google prepare content prior to a search in order to provide super-fast responses to queries. Let's start by determining how many of your site's pages are indexed by search engines. Enter site: in your target search engine or use an SEO crawler like WebSite Auditor to perform this quickly. Preferably, this number should be essentially proportional to the total number of pages on your site, not considering the ones you don’t want to be indexed. If there’s a larger gap than what you thought there would be, you’ll need to evaluate your disallowed pages. This brings us to the next point.

            Make sure important resources are crawlable

            To check how crawlable your site actually is, you may be tempted to simply look through robots.txt; but often, it’s just as imprecise as it is convenient. So you may want to use an SEO crawler to get a list of all blocked pages.

            Optimize crawl budget

            Crawl budget is simply the number of a site’s pages that search engines crawl during a given period of time. You can get an idea of what your crawl budget is in Google Search Console.

            Audit internal links

            A shallow, logical site structure is what is required from a great UX and crawlability; internal linking also helps spread ranking power (or PageRank) around pages more efficiently.

            Review your sitemap

            It is no new news how important sitemaps are. They tell search engines about your site structure and let them discover new content faster.

            Test and improve page speed

            Users care about page speed because faster pages are more effective and offer a better on-page user experience. The goal of Page Experience Signals is to assess the quality of a web page's user experience for real users. Page speed isn’t just one of Google’s top priorities for 2022; it also lends itself to its ranking signal. Google's Page Speed Insights tool can be used to test the load time of your pages.

            Get mobile-friendlier

            A few weeks ago, there was news that Google’s starting the “mobile-first indexing of the web.” The implication is that the mobile version of your pages will determine how they should rank in both mobile and desktop search results.

            Heading Keywords Research Checklist

            Keyword research is the core of search engine optimisation. People keep looking for terms; thus, they come straight to Google. Using this method, they can create high-quality key phrases that would optimise your website. The Google Keyword Planner is Google's professional keyword research tool. The checklist for On-page SEO and Off-page SEO -

            On-Page SEO Checklist

            If you want to have a go at the Killer on-page SEO Checklist, all you need to do is read on. We have mentioned below On-Page SEO as well as Off-Page SEO techniques that will help you rank well on the search engines. Now let’s get going with the On-Page SEO Checklist

            Title Tag

            One of the most weighted aspects of on-page optimisation, title tags tell humans (and search engine spiders) what the page is about. They should be anything up to approximately 65 characters long. And please do try to make titles as unique as they can get for every page.

            Meta Description Tag

            Keeping your primary keywords a part of the description, Meta description tags should be no longer than 156 characters. Though Meta descriptions do not impact rankings, they are directly related to your click-through rate. It also does not appear anywhere on the page. Google often supplements content on the page with your Meta description if it either does not find the description tag or finds the keyword on the page and wants to display it to the user.

            Heading (H1) Tag

            These help in logically laying out your webpage. Heading tags should include the primary keyword at least once (it really does not need to be an exact match). And please do not forget that, like all aspects of SEO, you are not supposed to overdo it!

            Body Copy

            There’s no minimum number of words required for each page, but common knowledge apart from common sense would recommend at least 100 words (to give the engines enough text to make an assessment of your content). Important keywords should be revealed in the first 50-100 words of the content if possible (but please design for users!). The keyword you’re targeting should be used 2-3 times on the page for short pages, don’t stuff the page with them.

            ALT Tags

            Search engine spiders are not comparable to humans and can’t see images. We use ALT tags to let search engines know what those images are, as well as the name of the image file. Again: DO NOT over-optimize! Use natural, user-friendly language, and don’t worry about exact match text.

            Internal Links

            Just like size, the text you use in your links matters! Search engines factor in how you link to all the other content you have as a clue to what that content is all about. The keyword you’re trying to optimise should be used in the text pointing to that page. Links with text like “website” or “click here” are too generic and take neither the search engines nor the user anywhere.

            SEO friendly URLs

            Though URLs are not a large ranking factor, SEO-friendly URLs affect CTR. Sometimes users assess a URL when deciding whether to click through or not. Underscores are alpha characters and do not separate words, so make sure you use dashes in the URLs.

            Heading Content Checklist

            Content optimisation

            Content should be high-quality, relevant to the website, and utterly fresh for better ranking chances. To go higher, write more! The regular content length for a web page that ranks in the top 10 results for any keyword on Google has at least 2,000 words. The better the ranking on the search listings page, the more content each web page has.

            Keyword density

            This refers to the percentage of keywords or keyphrases that you have used on a web page in comparison with the total number of words on the webpage. The ideal keyword density should be about 1%-3%.

            Grammar checker

            With the presence of a chrome add-on, a faultless automated grammar checker can help you enhance your content clarity and can present the perfect meaning of your content to the user.

            Do check for duplicate content

            Do a search to check if your content exists elsewhere on the Web or not! Check with Copyscape or Plagiarism software.

            Heading off Page Checklist

            Now, let’s not put off the Off-Page Optimization! The off-page SEO checklist for optimisation is the other critical piece of the ranking equation. Search engines in 2022 will continue to factor in how the rest of the Internet views your site. With the on-page techniques, we can get visibility in search engines. But only off-page 2022 SEO techniques will help improve your website position in SERP. Take a look at the list of top trends.

            Social Media Engagement

            One of the main Off-page SEO techniques is social media engagement. If you want to popularise and make your business, website, or blog a name to reckon with, engage with people on multiple social media platforms. Your social media presence will aid in nurturing your business and also help you get more backlinks. If you have a blog (and there’s no way you shouldn’t be having one!), then you have a great tool for getting your own content out there to other sites. As your blog is promoted via shares and tweets, this will only enhance your SEO. Researchers now fully agree that social “signals” such as Facebook likes and shares, Twitter follower counts and tweets linking to your site and pages, and Google+ circles and reviews and links are all noticed by the search engine bots and algorithms, and help contribute positive SEO power to your site. And if you’re in a B2B market, LinkedIn promotion of your latest content can drive direct traffic and the occasionally shared link from your networks.
            • Have active business Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn accounts and link to them with share buttons from your site.
            • Promote your latest news and views in your social media presence and ask/invite others to like and share.

            Social Bookmarking Sites

            These sites are some of the best platforms to promote your website. As you decide to bookmark your webpage or blog post on popular social bookmarking websites, you decide to attract higher traffic to your webpage or blog.

            Forum Submission

            Take part and contribute in search forums that are related to your website and business and make a connection with that community. Respond to threads, go ahead and answer people’s questions and give your suggestions and advice.

            Blog Directory Submission

            Directory submission is incessantly working to build quality backlinks. Select an effective directory and pick a proper category. It does not happen overnight and does take a considerable amount of time to deliver good results, but these outcomes stand out over a longer time period.

            Article Submission

            Make sure to submit your articles in a high PR article submission directory. You can also add links to your website. Ensure your content is exceptional and of amazing quality. Low-quality content and content that has more keyword stuffing might get rejected. Choose the right category and give a good title to your content.

            Questions and Answers

            This is undoubtedly one of the best ways to get high traffic to your site. Do not think twice before joining high PR question and answer sites and search for questions related to your business, blog, or website and give well-defined answers to these questions. Add a link to your website, which will help in bringing you more visibility.

            Video Submission

            Head to popular video submission sites if you want to make your videos trendy and well-liked. Don’t forget to give a proper title, description, tags, and reference links. It is one of the more prevalent ways to get quality backlinks because all video submission websites have high PR.

            Image Submission

            Share your photos on well-known image submission websites. But before submitting your images, please optimise them with the correct URL and title tag. Also, check if they have a proper title, description, and tags.

            Infographics submission

            Add to your creative genius by making creative infographics. The last couple of years has made infographics popular on the Internet. Submit your infographics on infographics submission websites and provide reference links to your webpage or blog. The image sizes will be different for different websites.

            Document sharing

            Attractive documents relating to your business or blog can attract more traffic. The documents should have fresh and original content and should be in either pdf or ppt formats. Submit these documents to the document-sharing websites. So if we had to summarise what SEO is and what SEO is not, we could easily say that:
            • The words you use are imperative.
            • The titles of your pages are vital.
            • The links pointing back to your website are significant.
            • The words used in those links are important. (They’re called anchor text)
            • Your ability to get pages into search engine indices is important.
            • Your reputation and credibility matter.
            • Social media matters.
            • Freshness matters.

            SEO in 2022 is not:

            • Using SEO traffic to build a first-party data hub
            • Increasing the page's speed
            • Concentrating on the user's search intent
            • Semantic search optimisation
            • Refreshing existing content


            By following the aforementioned tips to practice both on-page and off-page SEO checklist optimisation, your site(s) can experience an unprecedented jump in their search engine ranking which can prove to be a huge help when it comes to increasing their overall online visibility. Enlisting the best SEO services and content marketing checklist in India can help immensely when it comes to practising these strategies, and #ARM Worldwide is one of the premier digital marketing agencies whose SEO services you can enlist to considerably improve your search engine ranking.

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              Essential SEO Techniques for Top Ranking in SERP


              All geared up to scale new heights with your search traffic? Just go ahead and use the right SEO techniques. It's the classic case of doing the right thing at the right time! The right systems and practices will help you with a substantial increase in your traffic as well…

              All geared up to scale new heights with your search traffic? Just go ahead and use the right SEO techniques. It's the classic case of doing the right thing at the right time! The right systems and practices will help you with a substantial increase in your traffic as well as your conversion rate. But at the same time, it is imperative to understand and meet the requirements of your target audience. It all becomes clearer and much more lucid once you have these answers and have comprehended them well. And maybe right now, thousands of netizens are looking for your site. So, get set to become an SEO expert – it is much easier than you think!

              How do I become Number 1 in Google?

              Psst...want to know something that some SEO companies might not be too keen on letting you know? The number 1 reason to become the No. 1 in Google is to be good enough or a little more than that. They know how to employ the right SEO techniques. And it's as easy as ABC:
              • All you need to follow are some basic good practice on-page SEO guidelines.
              • Add a few high-quality, relevant anchor text savvy links at the site.
              • Make sure that the on-site navigation is Google-friendly and articulate.
              • Ensure the site is easy to update.
              Post this, all you require is some awesomely amazing original content that does not compromise quality and is at least a tad similar to other sites and pages competing for the desired terms. Once you've followed the procedure with full faith, you'll probably rank in Google for the spot you've been eyeing for so long. Normally there are a few more obvious ways to become Numero Uno:
              • Free / Natural / Organic Listings
                • Organic Listings
                • News
                • Video
                • Maps
                • Places
                • Blogs
                • Images
                • Social Updates
                • Shopping
              • Sponsored / Advertising links
              As easily understood and deciphered, a number 1 ranking in Google natural listings is something to die for because you do not pay for the clicks. Free traffic from Google is like manna from heaven. Moving ahead, there are certain other SEO techniques to grow the search traffic too. These could move the needle from 0 to 50 in just about three months. It would help if you audited your site framework – Figure out why you're not getting enough search traffic and sales. Write for readers like you and me, not search engines – Give it a thought and a long one about what your readers want to hear from you. Shy away from "guaranteed SEO results." – Whenever you hear the words "Guaranteed SEO results", run for the hills. Don't over-optimise anything – This needs to be avoided at all times because Google penalizes sites that don't look natural. Do some research on keywords – Use Google Keywords Tool to discover what people are looking for. Now that we've talked a lot about SEO techniques let's focus on improving website positions. SEO has two techniques to do just that in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). These are famously known as ON-Page SEO and OFF-Page SEO. ON-Page SEO relates to all the things that we do within our website, such as title, description, content, image, keyword stuffing, internal linking, etc. It gives a structure to your website to make it search engine friendly. Now coming to Off-Page SEO will help make your website popular on the Net. You could get more visibility through this. Only Off-Page techniques can aid in enhancing your website status in SERP.

              Technical SEO Techniques -

              1. Internal Linking -

              Internal links are a method of directing relevant keywords from your website to pages you want to rank. The reason for this is that internal links assist Google crawlers in crawling the structure of your website. In addition, internal linking is an approach to establishing your website's topics and related subjects. Finally, internal links are also useful for making it easier to navigate throughout your website.
              1. Technical SEO -

              To improve organic ranks, technical SEO guarantees that your website conforms with all technical criteria put forth by major search engines. Indexing, content distribution, crawling, and site creation are covered subjects. Technical SEO tactics are always changing, making it more difficult to coordinate with dynamic search engines. Therefore, it's safe to state that technical SEO is always improving.
              1. Mobile-Friendly Test -

              Search engine rankings are improved by having a mobile-friendly website. This is one of the areas that Google's Mobile-Friendly Test can readily evaluate. It is simple to collect all of the necessary information. The following are some essential aspects that can contribute to the desired outcomes:
              • Font Sizing Increase
              • YouTube Videos Embedded
              • Using Mobile Accelerated Pages
              • Images that have been compressed
              1. Website Loading Time -

              The speed with which a website load is a key technical SEO aspect. Page load time has a significant impact. Users want to navigate websites quickly, and even a small delay in page load time increases the bounce rate. In the user's browser, every web page should load rapidly. It would help if you used the web page test tool to see how long it takes for each web page to load.

              Let's take a look at the trending off-page SEO techniques:

              The most famous ways of Off-Page SEO techniques are search engine submission, directory submission, social bookmarking, forum posting, article submission, and blog commenting. These can help build quality links for your pages.

              So now you want to know what Link Building is?

              Link Building is the route to gain quality links from diverse sources to optimise your content on the Internet. And in turn, quality backlinks assist with improving your web page domain authority, page authority, and organic traffic. Some of the best-known ways to build quality-incoming links are social bookmarking sites, article submission sites, directory submission sites, forum posting sites, classified submission sites, and blog commenting sites. These myriad options enhance the popularity of your web pages.

              What are the latest off-page SEO techniques in 2021?

              Here is a list of the most popular off-page SEO factors: Link Building: We are sure you already know a lot about this! Social Bookmarking: This is a way to save, edit, search and share links on the Internet. Article Submission: As the name suggests, article submission is a way to send your article to the articles directory. These sites let the users place some incoming links to their web pages. Directory Submission: Here, you need to submit the links of web pages to web directories. Forum Posting: Ask, and you shall find the answers here! Forum posting is a way to ask and find solutions to the questions put forth by any member of the forum posting sites. Blog Commenting: Go on and say it all, comment this way or that because blog commenting lets you do it your way. It is a way to post comments to a blog. Classified Submission: This is a way to post classified ads on different classified submission sites to advertise your products and services to generate more leads. Social Media: The most common way social media sites boost social and referral traffic. Social media sites also come in handy to improve your ranking instantly by posting the web pages in groups. Link Exchange: A good way to increase incoming links, link exchange can help improve your search engine ranking positions.

              Enough about Off-page now. Let's move on to On-page.

              So what does on-page SEO involve? Well, well, we could spend a remarkable amount of time on this, but we guess it's all about certain principles behind all the tactical work that you would put into optimising that page for that keyword term, phrase, or set of phrases. Of course, it's 2017, and we're sure that it is a set of phrases that you're targeting rather than just a single keyword! So what are these principles? Satisfy the searcher's intent – Let's aim to fulfil the searcher's goal and satisfy their intent. Long-Form Content – Once upon a time, 300-word blog posts used to be enough. Today, please go on and write your heart out! Increase your speed – We all know that abandonment rates are very high, so pull up your socks! Engage your audience with UI, UX, and branding – Explore options and look for a few different aspects of UI and UX from the SEO point of view. Ensure certain elements do not dissuade your visitors – You would want to avoid elements that distract searchers or dissuade them from visiting you. Keyword targeting – Keyword targeting, the old traditional way, still holds value even in today's day and age. Long-Tail Keywords – The longer the Long-Tail keywords, the better the conversion rates. Snippet optimisation – A nice Meta description works well, and it's the snippet at work here. This is principally an ad to searchers saying, "Please click on my link. I'm waiting for it." A unique value – Uniquely valuable is this idea that you provide something that no one else in the search results provides. So, look no further. Instead, Mull over the above pointers or principles of on-page SEO techniques can be implemented and tried out for improved results. And try not to forget the most important aspect of it all – that the focus should be on quality content written for humans. So think of the reader and write accordingly. Only the smartest search engine optimiser paired with the best content writer reaches the pedestal where they can proudly be called No. 1. We hope you see yourself in that position.

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                Core SEO Tips for Beginners to Boost Website Traffic


                New to the world of SEO? Looking for a magic wand to get your website ranked as No. 1? There are definitely some SEO tips and tricks even if there is no route to get your site to rank as the first page on search engines such as Google, Yahoo,…

                New to the world of SEO? Looking for a magic wand to get your website ranked as No. 1? There are definitely some SEO tips and tricks even if there is no route to get your site to rank as the first page on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing. The net has vast amounts of information with SEO tips and tricks to promote websites. But a closer look reveals that most of the articles and blog posts talk about SEO in a suppositional or academic manner and not a practical fashion as to how to best employ SEO. So struggle no more to get visitors to your website because we are here to reveal SEO tips that will boost your organic traffic. We would like to believe that SEO is no longer just a basic set of rules but rather needs you to make your entire website a well-oiled machine. With a few best practices, you can vastly improve your SEO efforts and take the first few steps toward a higher ranking.

                There are many tips and tricks to enhance your websites’ SEO performance:


                The main strategy of effective SEO is keyword research. Primary and Secondary keyword research is important for effective content. Having an idea of how to use them strategically will lead to engagement. The main focus on your landing page should be the primary keyword, that is, what is your brand about and its connection. Primary keywords are important for your content. Secondary keywords support the primary keywords, and by including them in your content, you can rank higher by making your content unique and relevant. You need to make a mental note and realise that you create content for humans and not search engines. As much as it is imperative to include keywords on your pages, your content should most importantly be informative and meaningful.

                Page title

                Keep it short and simple. Listen to the digital gurus when they tell you that the page title should be under 70 characters and contain no more than three long-tail keywords. Also, make sure that your page title is something out of the ordinary and descriptive of the content that it caters to.

                Meta description

                In case you’re rolling your eyes at this new word, let us inform you that a meta-description is that little bit of information below the link of a search result. It should be as short as 150 characters and include at least two of the keywords being used in the page’s title.

                Header tags

                Nobody likes too many words followed by more words. So use header tags to break up your content into sections. This makes reading easier and pleasurable. Also, the good formatting of your content helps enhance the user experience of your website tremendously.

                Use descriptive URL

                Let’s do it right – put the most important keywords – that is, the page title at the beginning of the URL. Make sure that you always use hyphens to separate words – Google considers hyphens to be word separators. Structuring URLs for your content can improve your SEO rankings.

                An effective URL should:

                1. Include keywords - To make your URL effective, include two or more keywords.
                2. Be easy to understand - Making it easy for the readers to comprehend your website.
                3. Be compact - Having shorter URLs will help to push you down the results page.

                Use the right keywords

                Images used on the page should have keywords included in the file name. Images play an important role in SEO. Use the right keyword in your image. As the URL structure is separated by hyphens, so should the words be in this case. Also, ensure that an alt-text, a word, or phrase is included to describe the image.

                Internal links

                Once your content is ready, you can link to your website and blogs. This will help to boost your search rankings. Use this great opportunity to point people to more relevant material on your site and keep them moving through it.

                Meta keywords

                Although search engine algorithms have stopped entertaining meta keywords, adding 3-5 keywords to your page is still important to optimise your content. Smaller search engines may still use them, and you may benefit from this SEO tip.

                Page load speed

                Page speed is a measurement of how quickly your page's content loads. It is mistaken with "site speed," which is the page speed. A site's page speed is measured in "page load time", which is the time it takes for a page to show its content fully.

                Different multimedia

                Usage of images, videos, and audio can help augment the user experience and allow you to deliver information in a way that is most suited to your visitors. It also shows that you have put in the work to make your content interactive and appealing.

                What SEO tips does 2022 have in store for us?

                Mobile App Optimisation

                The mobile market is expanding, and how? It’s become so big that even Google is still trying to get answers on how to provide mobile users with a better search experience. So site owners should aim to optimise if they want that coveted rank.

                Add Value

                As easy as this seems, it’s really important to create content that adds value while still being relevant to the target audience. Apart from creating quality content, it is also about knowing your audience to the extent that the content is useful.

                Optimise Visual Content

                Ignore visual content at your own peril. In the current scenario, visual content has become more important than ever. It supplements the text in the best possible way (or even manages to replace it), and it certainly can affect SEO.

                Keep Your Online Footprint Up-to-Date

                Never forget that your online presence goes way beyond your site. It’s definitely a splendid idea to experiment with new platforms to let the world know of your presence, but make sure you keep them up-to-date even if you stop using them.

                Optimise for Rich Answers

                Although it is still important to aim for the top positions in Google search with your target keywords, it’s now time to optimise for other ‘Rich Answers’ too. These are the results that emerge from the top organic search results.


                On the internet, users have become more knowledgeable. Mobile users check their email on the go, desktop users redeem social media coupons, and individuals who click on your PPC advertisements want a similar experience to what they experienced when they arrived on your site via organic search. Using social media networks to promote your content is one of the most effective strategies to drive traffic to your website.

                Google SEO tips

                Attaining a coveted rank in Google in 2022 is about the delivery of a satisfying end product to users. And a clear direction is what is required on what you need to do to your website to get more traffic from Google.

                Pick a good keyword

                The very first thing to do is to pick the search term or phrase you want the post to show. If I am writing about travel destinations or the best places in the world, I’ll want to find out what people are actually searching for. The coolest way to do this is to use Google Keyword Planner. It is a free tool that will guide you along the path and show you an estimate for any search phrase.

                Keyword Density

                In simple terms, this means the number of times the keyword appears in the article that you are writing. Generally, people use it up to 2-3 %. Focusing too much on the keywords can also lead to bad SEO. So use this tool in a proper manner.

                Figure out the competition

                You are now ready and armed with a term that you want to try to rank for. So now you need to know the competition and do a bit of research on them. Time to go undercover and do some recon! Get, set, and go over to your “private browsing” mode on your web browser (“Incognito” in Chrome, “Private” in Safari and Firefox, “InPrivate” on Internet Explorer) and head to the beloved Once you’ve had a look, ask yourself if you can do better?

                Write Unique Content

                You know what your competition looks like now, so it’s time to create content that is going to be mind-blowingly unique and amazing. It's not just about the words you use, but it's also about how unique your information is. While you want your material to be useful, easy to comprehend, and user-friendly, you also need to think about how to arrange it for search engines.

                Make sure your keyword is in your URL

                Your keyword needs to be part of the page title, but that doesn’t mean it has to be exact (though it can be). Moreover, the title must also be exciting and attention-grabbing enough that people will actually want to click on it!

                Another important place for your keyword is your header

                A large title at the top followed by several sub-headers throughout the page, and there! You’re all sorted! This organization not only helps people in skimming through your blog-post articles, but it’s also helpful in showing Google exactly what your blog post is about. Therefore, make sure you use your exact keyword phrase at least once in your sub-headers.

                The name and alt-tag of your image also deserve some keyword attention

                Someone rightly said a picture is worth a thousand words. So prove them right with images in your blog post, you can use those images to cement the idea to Google about your post’s topic. There are two ways to do this:
                1. The image name
                2. The image alt tag
                Just change the name of the image on your computer before uploading. So a vastly uninteresting file called “2831274.jpg” can be renamed with something like “a place divine 1.jpg.” Without using the regular mumbo-jumbo or getting too technical, the alt tag is simply the text that the web browser will show if the photo can’t load for some reason.

                Make sure your keyword is in your URL

                The keyword you include in your webpage should also be included in your URL. We're describing what comes after the ".com" in your web address (or .net, .org, or whatever you use). Which of the following URLs do you think Google will prefer when selecting whether or not to show a given page?
                You’re bang on if you guessed the second one. While the former might not totally ruin your SEO efforts, the latter definitely helps show Google exactly what the post is about.

                Add internal links

                The process of linking to other useful pages on your website is known as internal linking. Internal links are vital for on-page SEO because they direct visitors to other pages, keeping them on your site longer, and signalling to Google that your site is worthwhile.

                Page loading speed

                Page speed refers to the time it takes for a single webpage to load. It is determined by a variety of factors, including server quality, file sizes, picture compression, and more. This is considered by both Google and Bing. Their preference lies with those websites, which have a very high page loading speed. You can check page speed and loading time with:
                Core Web Vitals – Core Web Vitals are used to measure the user experience. Google announced three metrics: Loading, Interactivity, and Visual Stability. All three are aligned with one thing which is Page Speed.

                To be or not to be - ask your readers

                Just ask your readers what they want you to write. You could conduct open polls to know their opinions, or you could e-mail them to know about their questions or interests about specific topics.

                Last but not at all least – update the content

                This matters a lot because if you have not updated your outdated content and links, then search engines will send you far down in the ranking. So, update your content regularly. We could go on and on with our suggestions and SEO tips and techniques. But it’s time you paid heed to the ones we’ve mentioned above and get going. We’ll keep you updated even as you update your stuff.

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                  On-Page Optimisation – A Complete Walkthrough to Rank on Top


                  Attaining nirvana, or in other words, grabbing a good ranking in a search engine, hasn’t been a cakewalk for a lot of people. Search engines have upped their game and are getting smarter & cleverer every day, so now it takes more than just good content to beat your competitors.…

                  Attaining nirvana, or in other words, grabbing a good ranking in a search engine, hasn’t been a cakewalk for a lot of people. Search engines have upped their game and are getting smarter & cleverer every day, so now it takes more than just good content to beat your competitors. And On-page optimization is one of the first steps every Webmaster should look into. It is rightly regarded as one of the most important aspects of SEO and will help you with your on-page ranking factors. Learn more about the Top 6 SEO Trends that will Dominate 2022. On-page, tell google about your website and how you provide services to your customers. It helps in siting both optimisation and search engine. To attract more traffic and visitors, you need to optimise your website for google. On-page optimisation techniques are crucial as changes you make affects your website. It is critical as every part of on-page SEO depends on you.

                  What do you understand by On-page optimisation?

                  It’s simply a process in which various components of a single web page for a given keyword or a phrase start getting noticed by the search engines. As mentioned above, On-page optimisation is one of the basic steps to search engine optimisation. So what do you do with this information? All that you need to do is act upon a simple on page SEO checklist that will bring in more search engine traffic from every piece of content that you publish. Making it easy for you, we are summarising some of the most important on-page optimisation techniques here. You can apply some of these, if not all. This is sure to give your site a better standing where search engines are concerned, as well as increase your overall CTR (Click-Through-Rate) ratio.

                  Publish High Quality -

                  Unique content can do well with or without on-page SEO factors. Few characteristics of quality content are as follows -
                  • Exclusive Content
                  • Originality
                  • Content including text element
                  • Well Researched Content
                  Before starting your SEO, make sure your content is unique and relevant to the target audience.

                  Title Optimization

                  A no-brainer, it’s a known fact that a site’s title tag lends itself to one of the most important website optimisation elements. A short but effective and descriptive title tag should be just right for your visitors to know you and your business. The first thing to be showcased and indexed is, you’ve guessed it right – the title tag. So obviously, it is to give utmost importance. Out of a gazillion results that a searcher sees, your site’s title has to be interesting enough for them to want to find out more information. At the same time, your title also has to be appealing enough to the search engine in order to rank you above thousands of other similar websites like yours.

                  Important things that need to be considered while thinking of the title:

                  1. Your Name/ Business Name / Site Name: Shakespeare does not hold good here – this is a very important aspect. If you think that your customers may look for you by your brand name, then it will also help to put it somewhere in your title.
                  2. Keywords: These are definitely the key to success. If you want to rank for a certain set of keywords, it will only help to place some of them in your title tag. A title tag symbolizes the whole feel & content of your website. So if you are selling clothes online, you could consider including keywords like – fabric for the season, dresses, etc., in your title tag. Don’t add too many keywords in your title. Write a title that is interesting to the users & also good for the search engine.
                  3. Write short-length descriptions: Make sure your page titles are short. To be sure of your website rank, make sure you include all the keywords. As per google update’s the suggested character is 70, make sure to keep it below. Make your titles relevant and short.
                  4. Meta Tags Optimization: It's a chance to promote your page and persuade users to visit your website rather than one of the others by clicking your link. A Meta Description is something you can’t and shouldn’t ignore. A site’s Meta description should comprise a short description of your website, letting the users know of the areas and services that your business specializes in. This small piece of information can prove to be a selling snippet. And if it is interesting enough, the searcher can choose to go for more information. But remember to make the Meta Description exceptionally unique. If it is too generic and written shoddily, then there is a good chance that your site will simply not make the mark and be royally ignored.
                  5. Keyword Optimization & Synonyms: You need to think of the readers first and then the search engine while writing the content. It needs to be optimised, keeping both these factors in mind. Cramming up your site with too many keywords can make your site uninteresting and dull. So it is imperative to have a balance between your keywords & your content.
                  Important elements of Keyword Optimization:
                  • Research: A thorough research should be done before you decide on your keywords. There are many free tools available that can help you to do keyword research. Some of the famous ones out there are Google Adwords Keyword Tool, SEO book Keyword Suggestion tool & Uber suggest.
                  • Keyword Density: Try to keep an adequate keyword density so that it can help the search engine figure out whether your page is indeed related & appropriate for the keyword that you are targeting.
                  • Synonyms & Related Keywords: You could go for synonyms instead of having a high keyword density. This helps to make the content sound natural but still helps in SEO.
                  • Long Tail Keywords: It’s often a very good idea to focus on some long-tail keywords, as they are fairly easier to rank for.

                  Link Optimization

                  It makes perfect sense to optimise your internal & external outbound links for search engines as well as to lead your visitors down a better path.

                  Vital features of Link Optimization:

                  • Make an earnest attempt to use good Anchor Text when you are trying to link to other people. Include a fitting keyword in the Anchor Text, which lends the outbound link the right meaning and value.
                  • A proper Internal Link Structure with the correct usage of Anchor Text will definitely help. E.g. “Home delivery of pizzas” is a better anchor text than “click here”.

                  Image Optimization

                  If you intend to use many images, you need to look at optimising them, too, as they can’t be read by the search engines. It might be an easy task for the user to interpret the image into its meaning. However, it’s a totally new ball game for a Web crawler because the whole interpreting process is completely different in its case. So you need to add special tags to your images for them to attain some kind of meaning.

                  Some Important Image Optimization Elements:

                  • Alt-text: ALT text or Alternate Text is the text that describes your image. The text should be short but meaningful. You can use your relevant keywords as ALT text.
                  • Filename: Always remember to use the meaningful file name for your images, use names like “homes-for-dogs.jpg” instead of meaningless “DSC24045.jpg”. Try to keep the image file name the same or similar to the ALT text.
                  • Image Title: Using the title tag in images is an important aspect because it will show the title as a tooltip when a user moves his mouse over the image.
                  • Image Linking: Whenever you wish to link to your image, use the image keywords in your link text. For example: use “view the world’s most beautiful destination” instead of “Click here to view” as the anchor text.

                  URL Optimization -

                  It's critical to optimise your URLs for maximum SEO. It is divided into two sections. The first step is to optimise the URL, and the second is to organise the URL. An SEO-friendly URL is brief, descriptive, and incorporates your goal term, just like the page title. Best techniques for improving the structure of your URLs:
                  • Use categories to your advantage - Sort your pages into categories to make it easier for users and search engines to locate what they're looking for.
                  • Add Breadcrumb menu - A breadcrumb menu is beneficial since it allows people to explore your website systematically because they always know where they are and how far away they are from the home page.

                  Page Loading Speed -

                  Site speed is classified as technical SEO. When it comes to on-page SEO factors, page speed is quite important. First and foremost, Google is concerned about the user experience. Conversions and ROI can be affected by site speed. Fast-loading websites are beneficial not only for SEO but also for retention and revenues.

                  Mobile Friendless -

                  Mobile devices now account for nearly all of Google's searches. As a result, if your website isn't mobile-friendly, you're already missing half of your prospective visitors. Your website must be mobile responsive, so make sure it is. In general, mobile-friendliness is not an issue for websites with a responsive design. These techniques are just some of the many ways that you can improve your on-page SEO. Anyone used independently of the others won’t make much of a difference to your site ranking. However, when used together, they can definitely help to improve your site traffic. They will work in the direction of getting your pages to work better, they will assist in getting your entire site crawled by search engine spiders, they will help augment the value of internal pages, and they will build the relevancy of internal pages to specific keyword phrases.

                  What does 2022 have in store for us?

                  The world of SEO is transforming at lightning speed. And like everyone else, you’re still thinking about how you can magically materialise relevantly and organically on Google’s SERPs. Well, whether you’re doing SEO in 2022 or planning for it for any other year, it’s important to pay tribute to the components of trust. The user’s expectations, not to mention Google’s algorithm updates, keep us marketers on our toes all the time. We are continuously making adjustments. 200+ factors attribute to your rank in Google’s current algorithm. You can find out about those 200+ algorithm factors in any of the SEO books. However, on a more general note, there are some rules you should be following.

                  Always work towards winning Google’s trust

                  If you want to do exceedingly well in SEO, you need Google’s trust. This is not a newly discovered fact, it has been true for years now, but too many people overlook this guiding principle.

                  Old is gold

                  Your website’s age has more importance than its beauty. No matter how gorgeous your site looks, what Google is really looking for is link consistency over time. How much time? We’re talking years here.

                  Quality over quantity

                  When it comes to getting noticed on the Web, one of the unwavering rules is that quality beats quantity every single time. For example, don’t worry about pushing out a certain amount of content every day; worry about pushing out good content every single week. That’s what Google cares about – quality.

                  Content will always rule

                  If the content fails to impress, so will the SERP rankings. Google aims to deliver the most relevant results in the quickest manner possible. If the content is no good, how can it be relevant?

                  Size really does matter

                  Google has been battling against something called thin content. Thin content is a bony structure without much meat. Not only is it short on length, but also it’s short on value because of it.

                  Keywords are mostly everything but don’t overdo it

                  Coming up with great SEO content in 2022 has an amazing amount of stuff to do with keywords. Google wants content made for humans. But you also need to customise the content for search engines like Google. So think well and write better!

                  Go mobile In the current scenario, if your site doesn’t have a mobile design and it’s enormously difficult to navigate or load the content on mobile devices, you’re basically shooting yourself in the foot. Remember, Google is furiously focused on mobile.

                  Location of your links

                  When it comes to SEO, just like real estate, it’s all about location, when talking about your links, of course. You want people from all over the world linking to you, but you also want to ensure that relevant, high-quality content is linking to you.

                  Improve user engagement

                  Marketers have almost always conjectured user engagement as a possible ranking factor. This covers the average time on site; bounce rate, pogo-sticking, and others. This can determine the effectiveness of page elements that add to the chances of visitors committing to your call to action.

                  A content marketing plan that wins hands down

                  Since content is one of the top two Google ranking factors, it’s really important to get it right. Getting a content marketing plan that is way better than competition presents a huge opportunity for those willing to invest the time and make that happen.

                  Structured Markup

                  The process of "marking up" your website code to make it much easier for Google to identify and comprehend different aspects of your content is known as structured markup or structured data. When you search for something on Google, you see highlighted snippets, knowledge panels, and other content elements that use structured markup. The above rules will definitely aid you in dominating SEO in 2022. And even if Google makes amendments moving forward, these guidelines will still help you make great progress on those all-encompassing, ubiquitous SERPs.

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                    Off Page vs On Page SEO: Techniques and Trends 2021


                    Whoever said life was unfair must have certainly gone through the ever-changing Google algorithm updates. Because with every update that Google releases, SEO gets seems to get a little more complex. But, here are the Top 6 SEO Trends that will Dominate 2018 to make your lives easier. There is…

                    Whoever said life was unfair must have certainly gone through the ever-changing Google algorithm updates. Because with every update that Google releases, SEO gets seems to get a little more complex. But, here are the Top 6 SEO Trends that will Dominate 2018 to make your lives easier. There is not just one but two main buckets that search engines look at when assessing your site compared to other sites on the web.
                    1. On-page: What is your site all about?
                    2. Off-page: How convincing is your site? How popular is it?
                    Gone are the days when on-page SEO was essentially synonymous with keyword stuffing, while off-page SEO involved a bit more than getting as many links as possible to your pages, that too as quickly as possible. In other words, what you rank for is largely determined by on-page factors, while how high you rank in the search results is largely determined by off-page factors. But now, both on and off-page SEO have advanced and evolved significantly. Each element of search engine optimisation now entails its own components to cater to, and each one offers its own potential for ROI. Now we are sure you definitely want to know some important differences between on-page and off-page search engine optimisation so that you can prioritise your SEO tasks effectively. As crucial as both on-page and off-page are to the success of an SEO campaign, they’re on completely different sides of the fence when it comes to enhancing your search engine rankings.

                    What is On-Page SEO?

                    On-page SEO helps in optimising diverse parts of your website that affect your search engine rankings. It’s something that you have control over and can change on your own. Some of the biggest factors are:

                    TITLE TAGS

                    Your title tags should include your keywords on each page of your site. You could look at the many best practices that go into writing an effective title tag.

                    HEADINGS (H1)

                    They are called headings for a reason. And are usually the biggest words on the page. Any wonder then, search engines give them a little more weight than your other page copy. It would be a super idea to work your target keywords into the headings of each web page.


                    Metadata is a well-written description summarising the content of a particular webpage. It used to be one of the most important factors affecting search engine optimisation once upon a time. Meta descriptions should be created within a limit of 155- 160 characters, which effectively should not have anything but alphanumeric characters. Though in the current scenario, it can’t influence search engine rankings, but Meta Data does help in getting a high click-through rate.

                    URL STRUCTURE

                    Add keywords into your URLs if that can be done easily. However, you do not have to change the current URLs just so they have keywords in them. Don’t alter old URLs unless you plan on redirecting your old ones to your new ones. Consult someone who knows about this before you set out to do this.

                    ALT TEXT FOR IMAGES

                    Alt text should be added to all images on your website. The average visitor can’t see this text. The screen reader software uses alt text to help blind internet users understand the content of your images. Search engines crawl images in more or less the same way, so introducing some appropriate keywords while accurately describing the image will help search engines understand your page’s content.


                    In a world where everything seems to revolve around speed, we can’t blame Google for wanting to help its users find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible. It does this to provide the best user experience. Thus, optimising your pages to load faster helps your site rank higher in the search results.

                    PAGE CONTENT

                    Fresh, relevant, and useful – the content on your pages needs to be all this and more. If the users are looking for something specific on your page, they need to be able to find what they’re looking for. It needs to be easy to read and provide value to the end-user. Search engines, especially Google, have several ways to measure if your content is useful.


                    It is but common sense to link pages. Linking one of your website pages to other similar pages on your website offers context to the search engine and to the readers as well. Some of the known best practices are:
                    1. Include links in the main content of each page.
                    2. Paragraph links carry the most weight.
                    3. Use keyword-rich anchor text in links.
                    4. Avoid using non-descriptive anchor text (for example, read more, click here, etc.).
                    5. Link to relevant, deep pages.
                    6. Use breadcrumb navigation on every page.
                    7. Monitor your inbound links through Google Webmaster Tools.
                    8. Avoid multiple links to the same page from a single page.
                    9. Less links= More authority per link.
                    The most common practice of showing “related links” or “tags” at the end of a page or in a sidebar is done to thematically relate one page to another.

                    SCHEMA MARKUP

                    Google's understanding of a page's content is improved by adding structured data. In addition, structured data is used by Google to display "rich results" in SERPs. There are a variety of ways to add structured data to your website (plugins, Google Tag Manager, and so on), but it's always better to employ a professional if you're not comfortable writing code.

                    SOCIAL TAGS

                    It shows Google that your material is interesting, informative, and trustworthy when people share it on social media. Although not all of your website's pages are shareable, you can make the ones that are with these recommendations - ensure you have Open Graph tags and Cards installed, and provide links or social sharing buttons to make it easy for visitors to share your material.

                    PAGE EXPERIENCE

                    According to Google, "optimising for these qualities makes the web more pleasurable for users across all web browsers and surfaces, as well as helps sites progress toward user expectations on mobile." Google is working on a new ranking indicator that will favour websites that give positive user experiences (coming out in 2021). The 'page experience signal' will include core Web Vitals, as well as mobile-friendliness, safe browsing, HTTPS security, and obtrusive interstitial guidelines.

                    CORE WEB VITALS

                    The long-term success of a website is determined by the user experience. Google introduced Core Web Vitals in April 2020, that is, a set of signals that the company considers "essential" to all users' web experiences. These signals are used to quantify a website's user experience - from page visual stability and load speed to interactions.
                    • Largest Contentful Paint - Indicates when the majority of the page content has been downloaded and gauges perceived page loading speed.
                    • First Input Delay - Measures how long it takes a user to engage with a page for the first time.
                    • Cumulative Layout Shift – Assesses the visual stability of a page by quantifying the amount of layout shift on the visible page content.

                    What is Off-Page SEO?

                    Off-page SEO concentrates on increasing the ability as well as the authority of your domain through the act of getting links from other websites. There’s something called “Domain Authority” that calculates how authoritative your website is compared to other sites.

                    Characteristics of Off-Page SEO Work

                    Managing an off-page SEO initiative is typically a larger responsibility and a harder task to undertake because you’ve got to start trying to affect the big wide search world, not just your corner of it. Done accurately and precisely, you can get some big bumps from off-page work. The most important and by far the biggest off-page SEO factor is the number and quality of backlinks to your website. Some examples of ways you can build good links to your website are:
                    • Create mind-blowing content that interests people and they want to link to it because of its value.
                    • Be active on social media, as the shares of your content there will ultimately generate links.


                    • With 1.23 billion active users, you can and should share your content on Facebook. But don’t use a promotional tone; rather keep it light and not intrusive. Please keep in mind that interesting and light topics with pictures get more attention in the form of Likes and Share on Facebook.

                    Twitter and LinkedIn

                    • You can look at distributing your content on both these platforms. Content here can be in the form of an article, video, image, or even in the form of a simple update. If you have content of amazing quality you’ll surely be able to create a buzz around it.


                    • Pinterest is an image-sharing website that allows you to share pictures from your post to appeal to your target audience. The site can help you drive your sales.


                    • A question & answer platform, Quora can help you establish yourself as a subject matter expert in your field.

                    Video Sharing

                    • You can create entertaining as well as informational videos on topics like pet-care tips or different retail strategies to share them on free video hosting sites like Vimeo, YouTube, etc., generating billions of unique viewers every month.

                    Leveraging social interaction with your site

                    These days, the use of social metrics or social engagement as a ranking factor is an increasing trend. Apart from backlinks, Google now gives particular importance to social signals around your content. Whether it’s the number of people who tweet, ‘Like’, social bookmark, or “vote” via Google +1 for your content, your site’s social footprints have a direct relation with your rankings. SEO has now evolved into social.

                    Guest Blogging

                    Another way of gaining strong backlinks is guest blogging. All you need to do is create relevant and high-quality content and submit it to blogs with higher page ranks. If your article reads really well and impresses all, it will get published. But remember; don’t just take it up for the sake of getting backlinks. Also submitting articles to substandard blog sites is not going to fetch you the advantages you are looking for. And while size does matter, please remember that quality supersedes quantity. And the truth is just that creating excellent, shareable content is the first step to earning valuable links and improving your off-page SEO. So how many links is a good number of links for good off-page SEO? That is a mean one to answer and the solution will be based on the Domain Authority of your contenders, as you want to make sure you’re playing on the same field.

                    Which one is more important?

                    You simply can’t choose between on and off-page SEO. That would be almost like choosing between a foundation and a roof if you had to decide which to use for your house. On-page and off-page SEO work together in tandem to improve your search engine rankings. They complement each other. But putting the house in order would require you to focus firstly on On-page SEO and then looking at off-page SEO. Much like a foundation, you may be required to come back and do some touch-ups to your on-page SEO from time to time. Striking the right balance between the two will help make your website “bilingual” so that your users can understand it as well as the search engine robots- and that’s how your rankings start to improve. Both are extremely important and fundamental to the success of an online business. Though the world of SEO has changed over the years, it is very critical for online businesses to understand that both on-page and off-page SEOs are needed to get organic traffic from search engines. So while Off-Page SEO gets you at the top of the search engine rankings, On-Page SEO keeps you there. Consider a scenario wher e Google is considering your site’s ranking based on bounce rate, time on site, and other search engine ranking metrics. In this case, Off-Page SEO will have to push you to the top spot first. Only On-Page SEO cannot do it, except on a niche with low competition. Your site’s authority comes from the number of links pointing back to it. If you check top ranking sites for any keyword on search engine results, you will notice that most top-ranked sites have a good number of backlinks. So does it mean that Off-Page SEO is more important? According to us, On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO are both important, if you have a well-optimized post, fewer backlinks can shoot you into the top spot compared to when you have a poorly optimised site with the same number of backlinks. You can’t use one without the other, each simply supports the other. Learn both and use both to create a balance in your ranking technique and see your site succeed easily. We believe that on-page SEO and off-page SEO are like “Ying and Yang,” you just simply need both to fully flourish and enjoy maximum results. So we hope we are on the same page when we say that both on-page and off-page SEO are fundamental components of modern digital marketing. While one could go on and on that on-page is more critical since you need on-page content to have a web presence at all, off-page SEO is where much of your content promotion comes from. Off-page SEO drives extra viewers to your site. And if it sounds like we’re saying you need to promote your content, yes, that is basically what it actually comes down to. The more awareness you can build of the quality content on your web page, the more leads you’ll generate.


                    Practising both on-page and off-page SEO marketing strategies can be a tall order, and in order to utilise these strategies in an appropriate manner it’s highly recommended that you avail the services of #ARM Worldwide, the leading provider of SEO services in India. Contact us now to know more!

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