BlogDigital Marketing / Inbound Marketing

Best 3 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch for in This Year


The digital marketing industry is intricate and capricious, still exciting for people that stay up-to-day with every emerging trend. When it comes to digital marketing business the only thing constant is change, right from technological trends, shifts in business models to evolution in customer behavior – there is lots understand…

The digital marketing industry is intricate and capricious, still exciting for people that stay up-to-day with every emerging trend. When it comes to digital marketing business the only thing constant is change, right from technological trends, shifts in business models to evolution in customer behavior – there is lots understand what’s vital about what’s next in store. In past years we saw some key developments such as an increase in mobile internet users, the age of video marketing, big data, updates in SEO algorithms, need for responsive websites design, mobile eCommerce and more that have laid the foundations stone to look for what’s ahead. However, keeping up an ever-changing pattern of digital marketing trends might be a daunting task to align with. But that’s what this industry is all about, the most successful digital marketers understand the importance of agility when speaking about engaging today’s always-alert consumers. Companies/individual who adopts these tends earlier will become industry leaders, while those delaying will struggle to achieve results. Strategies such as search engine marketing, fake reviews, big banner ads and pop-up ads are a thing of past. To give a clear frame of mind to marketers in terms of what’s important now, here are top 3 digital marketing trends one should pay attention to in 2017.

#1. Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is relatively not a new trend for 2017, yet it has the potential for improvement. This industry is already $5.5 billion huge and more companies are likely to invest in marketing automation software/tools this year. What is Marketing Automation? Marketing automation system allows organizations to create strategies that are ongoing that can be scheduled to be triggered at particular times, for certain kind of audiences. It helps create marketing campaigns that nurture leads and help in establishing long-term relationships with customers. Marketing automation tools and software allows business to streamline their promotional campaigns in order to become more efficient – meaning no investment on talent hiring and new projects. There are many tools such as Zapier, AWeber, and HootSuite to help you establish this with ease in today’s market. However, before you select the tool that is appropriate, you must first identify your organization’s specific needs. When you identify those needs as an organization, it will be easier to make your decision in a better-informed manner. For example in healthcare industry, a drip campaigns based on age can help send reminders on health check-ups, nurture campaigns can help existing patients get tips on how to take care of them based on their demography, social awareness campaigns and free health care campaigns information can give patients a feeling that the healthcare provider actually cares. Also, a varied number of channels can be used for this purpose including emails, SMSs, social media, mobiles and so on. These different channels helps to engage audience based on their preference and usage patterns. Interesting Facts of Marketing Automation:
  • According to Marketo & Ascend2 - 91% of the most successful users agree that marketing automation is “very important” to the overall success of their marketing across channels.
  • According to Adestra, 74% of marketers believe the biggest benefit automation offered them is time-saving. It augmented customer engagement by 68%, communication by 58% and increased up-selling opportunity by 58%.
  • A study by VB Insight found that 80% of businesses using automation have also enjoyed increased leads.
  • A research from VentureBeat Insight said 75% or more companies are likely to buy marketing automation software over the next year.
  • According to Nucleus Research’s study that companies that were using automation software had improved sales productivity by 14.5%.
These facts only depict that marketing automation is growing at an astonishing rate and cannot be ignored by any digital marketer. Further, one of the biggest enhancements for marketing automation will be the addition of Artificial Intelligence functionality to improve capabilities and functions.

#2. Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality

2016 was an infiltrate year for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Augmented Reality began to boom with the release of Pokemon Go and thanks to the headsets coming from HTC, Oculus, and Playstation that people were transported to a different place virtually to experience something in real-time. What is Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality? Augmented Reality is the latest technology that overlay images of the real world on users to offer a composite view. While Virtual reality means simulating our imaginary worlds using a high-performance computer and sensory tools such as VR Headsets to sense objects as spatial presence. AR/VR digital marketing trends of 2017 can encourage marketers to deliver an immersive, impactful, and most powerful memorable experience to engage customers. Also, this concept allows users virtually feel the product, campaign or a place without having any direct physical effects. These two concepts have enhanced digital marketing as a whole. We will see most brands will be using AR/VR technology to market their products, services, concepts and ideas to audiences. Best Examples of Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality –
  • Coca Cola’s Santa’s VR Sleigh Ride – Last year during Christmas, the giant company Coca-Cola designed a virtual reality sleigh ride using Oculus Rift to offer the experience of being a Santa Clause for a day. It was a roller coaster ride for the audience as Santa Clause flew over the country and into different villages.
  • Samsung Gear VR #BeFearless of Heights – Samsung had a #BeFearless project last year for helping people overcome their fear of heights gradually. 27 people participated from different countries who were scared of heights. Wearing Samsung Gear VR, participants had to go through 3 different scenarios at different levels of difficulty. The anxiety level of participants was reduced by 23.6% due to the campaign.
  • Topshop Kinect AR Dressing Rooms – TopShop partnered with Kinect to create an Augmented Reality dressing room for shoppers that are in hurry. This allowed shoppers to try out their purchases virtually and quickly.
There are hosts of possibility with this latest digital marketing trend such as shopping, wireless devices, and connected apps.

#3. Content Marketing through Employee Advocates

With native advertising falling short and digital landscape expanding, the power to influences gets shifted to individuals. And marketers this year will rely more on individual employees for advocating their brand’s content. Content marketing through employee advocacy will help businesses generate brand awareness, increase social engagement and profits, all at low or no cost. What is Employee advocacy? When promotion of a brand is done by its staff members we call it employee advocacy. An employee can generate positive exposure plus raise create awareness for a brand through social media and offline sources. With 90% of customers trusting the only recommendation from people they know, content marketing through employee advocacy will surely to evolve in coming years! These are most important digital marketing trends we believe will take center spot in 2017. Let us know your thought on latest digital marketing trends! Conclusion With industries ramping up their efforts to get recognized online, it doesn't take a genius to figure out why digital marketing has evolved into one of the most important avenues that a business needs to work on extensively to make sure that they can be discovered by prospective leads and potential customers online. These latest digital marketing trends will become the norm over time, and it's highly recommended that a business starts incorporating these innovative methods in their digital marketing strategies to quickly avail these benefits.

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    Why WordPress Platform Is Essential For Online Business?


    Most of the world is moving online and there is no doubt that all businesses require an online presence. Especially if as an organization you are mostly online or would like to branch out into online spaces, you will certainly need blogs and websites to help you reach your customers.…

    Most of the world is moving online and there is no doubt that all businesses require an online presence. Especially if as an organization you are mostly online or would like to branch out into online spaces, you will certainly need blogs and websites to help you reach your customers. However, today we are spoilt for choices in terms of the options from blogging and website creation that one has. Nevertheless, there is one blogging platform that has stood the test of time and has continued to innovate to meet its customer’s needs – WordPress Platform. WordPress is one of the leading blog platforms available today. It is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) available. Here is a list of reasons WordPress is almost irreplaceable for online businesses.

    #1. It’s free

    No matter, whether you are using the WordPress platform to blog or building your own WordPress Website on it, it can be accessed for free. WordPress has no hidden charges despite how popular your website becomes. Additionally, there is a host of plugins and themes that can also be used for free.

    #2. Customizable

    WordPress has multiple customizable options. You can use the WordPress design to make your website look fresh and keep updating it as new themes and designs are introduced. You do not need to hire a technician to help you adapt your website to the latest WordPress design. WordPress plugins also adds a host of functionality to the website. The WordPress platform is both flexible and versatile enough to accommodate almost all the needs of you as a user. #3. Search Engine Friendly Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a primary requirement for anyone that is running businesses today. Therefore, when you create that website or blog one of the biggest investments you will have to make towards it is to ensure that it is being seen amongst all the clutter that is the web today. This happens only with SEO, and WordPress platform helps by already being search engine friendly. Most popular search engines prefer trusted sites and when a site is powered by the WordPress platform it is automatically preferred. #4. Easy to Manage If you are looking for a solution that is easy to setup, manage, and update your website and blog, then having WordPress website is the ideal solution. The minimum requirement to get your own website is a web browser and an internet connection to create your own website. The website is user-friendly, intuitive, and easy to learn. The existing WordPress design and thousands of themes help you set the websites within minutes. Additionally, all updates to the WordPress platform are installed with a click of a button making it a seamless process to stay up to date. #5. Community and Support With millions of users having blogs and websites on the WordPress platform, it has extensive support. Apart from providing instruction guides that provide all the required information to create and run a website; the platform has a loyal community that provides solutions to almost any question or issue that you might encounter. Moreover, integrating your WordPress website with social media is really simple only adding to the whole community fee. Finally, WordPress is over a decade old and therefore tested and improved over the years making it more reliable than recent platforms. #6. E-Commerce Solutions One of the biggest achievements of this content management system is its ability to function with e-commerce solutions. You can use different plugins and themes available within the WordPress website to make it functional as an e-commerce website. What’s more, these plugins are easy to install and use making the process fairly seamless. There is a host of plugins that are better for different purposes like selling online digital goods vs. selling physical stuff. WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, iThemes Exchange, Shop and so on are just some of the examples of interesting e-commerce plugins that you can use on your WordPress website with the appropriate theme to make your site compatible to trade. #7. Multi-user Options Privacy is a very important part of any business online. WordPress ensures that that aspect is taken care of from within the system. There is a host of roles that you can assign to different people that manage your website. Just some of the roles include Super Admin that accesses the entire site network, Administrator that controls the features of the website, to Editors, to Contributors and so on down to the subscriber that can only view content and manage their own profile. #8. Multimedia accessibility Apart from being great with text, the WordPress platform also is all kinds of media friendly. It can host images, videos, or audio files seamlessly. You can easily insert multimedia files into a page or a post making it accessible for all kind of users in addition to all kinds of media. Additionally, you can also edit some of the media within WordPress with the right kind of plugins. #9. Mobile Friendly Right now, it is even more important to be mobile-friendly than ever, and Wordpress complies. WordPress websites are mobile friendly and are built to give users the best possible experience on websites and mobiles alike. Many WordPress design themes are designed to be mobile responsive; meaning compatible to different screen sizes. #10. Innovation Innovation is part of the WordPress journey for over a decade. It has the most powerful tool to integrate with other applications to provide the best website for you. Integrating with payment gateways, sending emails, scheduling posts and so on are all doable with the WordPress website. With its popularity, its innovative solution to business needs has also increased. Additionally, the flexibility it offers also has increased and will continue to increase as the popularity increases in the public view. At the end of the day, the blogging platform you choose will determine how comfortable you are with your website. Just a word of caution, the transition from one platform to another is tricky and often painful. So, choose wisely and choose carefully.

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      How to Select the Right CMS Platform for Your Business?


      Content management systems or CMS is becoming a vital aspect for all businesses. They not just help you design and manage your websites but can also help in making it more engaging. With the world moving online, how you manage your content can potentially determine how engaged you can make…

      Content management systems or CMS is becoming a vital aspect for all businesses. They not just help you design and manage your websites but can also help in making it more engaging. With the world moving online, how you manage your content can potentially determine how engaged you can make your customers feel. However, selecting the best CMS platform can be a complex task. Here is a list of some points that you need to keep in mind while deciding which content management system to go with.

      #1. Business needs

      Before you start analyzing different CMS platforms that are best suited for your business, first, identify your business needs. There are a whole bunch of CMS platforms out there that do different things but without deciding what features you can’t do or do without, making a decision on which is the best CMS platform for you is pointless. Identify if your website will be simple brochure site, multiple, or inter-connected sites if you require third-party software integration, and so on. For instance, if ‘easy to use’ is your priority, WordPress may be a good option for you; if you are looking to manage multiple internet properties then Joomla or Drupal might be the best content management system for you. List all your priorities beforehand to help make the decision on the best CMS platform.

      #2. Core functionality

      Identify what the core functionality of the CMS platform is. CMS platforms are typically multi-functionality, but each one of them has a set of core functionalities that they do better than anyone else. WordPress, for example, is known to be one of the best CMS platforms for blogging, while Magneto is probably one of your best choices if you wanted to have e-commerce on your website; Joomla, on the other hand, can do a bit of both.

      #3. Scalability

      You will need to keep adding new content to your website to retain the eyeballs on your page. Therefore, scalability is an important requirement. If scalability is something that is required for your business, then the best CMS platforms would be platforms like Magento, Sitecore or Drupal.

      #4. Security

      Malicious attacks and fear from hackers is not a rare phenomenon anymore. It is, therefore, imperative that the security of your CMS platform is protected. With every update of the CMS platform versions, developers strive to increase the security cover for CMS. It can be said that Magento probably is one of the best CMS platforms as far as security goes.

      #5. Mobile Responsive

      Everything is on mobile today. With the increased sale and use of smartphones, tablets, and iPads your business could lose out big-time if your website is not responsive. This means the same websites are accessible across all the different devices. While most CSM platforms provide you the features to build responsive devices, WordPress is probably the best content management system that supports mobile responsive website. Despite whether you choose the free version or the premium one, WordPress provides a host of responsive themes.

      #6. Budget

      This is the most obvious reason to choose one CMS platform over the other is how much you are willing to spend on it. For instance, apart from what you actually require, if a CMS is cheaper you will probably pick the cheaper one. If you are a new business, chances are that you would want to spend more money on driving traffic to your website rather than spend money on hosting it. That said if the CMS platform is the backbone of your business, then you might want to spend more on finding the best CMS platform for your needs. Though there are multiple free options in the market, Kentico is an example of a not so expensive option to choose with a host of features associated with it.

      #7. User interaction

      It is very important to identify how many people access the website and what kind of purposes they access it for. These days users are very particular about how accessible the websites are and what features are available for them to access. It is important to therefore, keep the users in mind while selecting the best CMS platform for your business. Additionally, ensure that the CMS platform also supports plugins like chat tools, social media and so on, to make your site more interactive.

      #8. Customizability

      Web development is becoming dynamic in terms of content and changes to the website to keep users engaged. This means that there must be constant changes to the content and design alike on the websites to keep the users engaged. Given that, doing these changes should also be easy and manageable since keeping a full-time person dedicated to only CMS updates might not always be feasible. Additionally, usability and accessibility are also important aspects when businesses want the turnover time for changes to be quick. Therefore, platforms that have extensions are more useful in these situations.

      #9. Type of CMS platform

      Type of CMS platform There are many types of CMS platforms. You can choose to go with the open source model that have the ability to be easily modified and customized based on your requirement based on the options provided by developers working on the platform. Alternately, you can choose to use proprietary CMS platforms where a company owns the platform and can customize it to your needs and charge a licensing fee for using their product.

      #10. Support

      The CMS platform has been adopted, but what happens if you encounter a problem with it? The support system for the CMS platform becomes of utmost importance. When it comes to open source CMS platforms the amount of community interaction they have becomes a vital thing to analyze. The wider the community and more interactive and engaged they are the more support you will receive from them. On the other hand, if it is a SaaS platform such as Squarespace or Wix then they provide their own support. Finally, it comes down to what is the most effective platform for you. Take the time to research and identify the one that suits you best. Remember, selecting the right content management system is the first step to creating a presence on the internet; so, choose wisely.

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        Digital Marketing Made Simple: The Ultimate Guide


        Digital marketing. What does these couple of words mean? Are they just some new fancy buzzwords or do they really mean something that’s important? Digital marketing made simple – this is a term that can be used for any form of marketing products or services that make use of electronic…

        Digital marketing. What does these couple of words mean? Are they just some new fancy buzzwords or do they really mean something that’s important? Digital marketing made simple – this is a term that can be used for any form of marketing products or services that make use of electronic devices. And it’s been around for a lot of years (because electronics have been around too for as many decades). So to talk straight, digital marketing is anything you do online to get people’s attention. A decent digital marketing strategy will also aid in driving people to your website and maybe even convince some of them to join your email list and try your products and services. In the current scenario, lots of businesses opt for digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, online advertising and their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers. A lot of organizations have started focusing on online or digital channels over offline marketing campaigns because this is one way they can reach their ideal target audience where they're already present or aim to spend most of their waking hours: online. And unlike conventional usage of TV, radio, print ads for traditional marketing, digital marketing can be measured. This obviously lets you gauge what’s working and what’s not. So you could concentrate your efforts on what actually works for you and stop focusing on stuff that doesn’t. Also digital marketing is way more inexpensive when compared to the rest of the means and methods and easy to test and pivot. Let’s look at the ultimate guide and strategies that work for digital marketing:
        • SEO Marketing
        • SEM Marketing
        • Email Marketing
        • Content Marketing
        • Social Media
        • Pay Per Click Advertising
        • Relationship Marketing
        You’ll have to look at tackling different things at various stages of your business. Obviously a beginner level will be different from a more evolved stage of your business. But it’s all about taking one step at a time. Because as we all know and agree, Rome was not built in a day! This guide is here to help you take those baby steps. A digital marketing strategy with a focus on things that matter like drawing up a plan, email marketing and amazingly fresh and unique content along with social media is what will take you ahead of your competition.

        #1. SEO Marketing

        An inherent part of any digital marketing strategy, Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is a focused element that helps in motivating customers to visit your business site via online platforms. It’s all about marketing the modern way! From knowing who your target market is to realizing truths that drive home this point, SEO today aims at attracting potential customers who are interested in what you have to offer. You also need to consider important factors such as mobile markets and optimize accordingly. If potential customers are not looking at desktops but mobile devices, then you need to ensure that you provide a quality user experience. Think about your keywords well. Move away from just one keyword and stop using just that to try to go up the ranks. Keywords are now much more about knowing and fathoming what your target audience is actually keying into the search engine. Use content that has quality. Apart from not stuffing in keywords endlessly, keep the content natural and focused.

        #2. SEM

        Search engine marketing’s provides advertisers or businesses the opportunity to place their ads right before customers who are motivated to buy their products then and there. No other medium has the ability to achieve this. Any wonder then search engine marketing is so effective and such an amazingly powerful way to grow your business. With SEM expertise, you can efficiently connect your brands with customers and prospects. It enhances visibility among current customers & qualified leads, and relentlessly measures performance.

        #3. Email marketing


        “You’ve got mail.” Once upon a time this is what you got to hear. Times have changed but that hasn’t lessened the importance or the addiction to emails. Looked at from another perspective, our inbox is still the place that grants us solitude amongst all the chaos that is communication on the web.

        So building an email marketing campaign that’s successful and engaging is of utmost importance in today’s day and age. Get started with a sizable email list – use anything from offering freebies to a simple newsletter or a product update. But also remember that it needs to have a strong call to action and copy worth dying for. Also try not to forget that a follow-up is very vital and that you need to be consistent with it. So if someone wants a daily update and you forget to deliver, maybe you need to up the game. You also need to look at the value you’re providing. And you could do it with an offer or consider doing it with a newsletter or in linking to blog posts or other forms of media content.

        #4. Content marketing

        This is a strategic marketing approach that lays emphasis on creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. So instead of talking just about what you sell or want to sell, you are doling out appropriate and useful content to your prospects and customers that could actually help them in the long run to address certain issues. From large organizations like P&G, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, and innumerable more, to small and medium businesses, content marketing is used by one and all. And they all do it all because you guessed it right, IT WORKS. Content marketing helps with:
        • More sales
        • Cost savings
        • Better customer loyalty

        #5. Social media marketing

        Using the immense power of content along with social media marketing can help you take your customer base to an all-new high. Once you know what your target audience wants, you could go for social media optimization (SMO) that acts like a strategy to pull new visitors to a website. For this you need to add social media links to content, such as RSS feeds and share buttons or promote various activities through social media by updating statuses or tweets, or blog posts. Also keep in mind that a highly-focused social media and content marketing strategy high in quality has a better chance for success than an all encompassing strategy that wants to be all things to all people. Publish unique and exceptional quality content and you will see your followers share it with their own audiences on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, their own blogs and more.

        #.6 Pay Per Click Advertising

        One of the quickest ways to get more visitors as well as potential customers to your website is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. With tools such as Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing and others, business owners can display ads in the sponsored results section of search results pages. They are required to pay a fee each time someone clicks through from the ad to their site. But PPC needs to be executed correctly if you’re gunning for a large number of customers.

        #7. Relationship marketing

        This is an important factor of effective customer relationship management (CRM), which aims at fostering long-term customer engagement. Businesses encourage customer loyalty instead of plain customer procurement. This strategy also effectively builds a foundation of reciprocal trust so customers can feel a personal connection to the company brand. Unlike perishable media like print, radio and TV, relationship marketing has the ability to live on in the lives of consumers for decades. Moving on from the basics of digital marketing. let’s look at the main advantages of adopting digital marketing:
        • Cost-effective: It’s easy on the pocket. And much more cost-effective than traditional marketing approaches, such as print or TV ads. A large percentage of small business owners have admitted to saving money with digital marketing, compared to traditional marketing. If undertaken well and executed with honesty, digital marketing can improve ROI by a whopping percentage and can even amplify revenue growth as well.
        • Buyer-centric: This one’s aimed at particular audiences. Not broadly defined people like traditional marketing approaches work. with a targeted approach, digital marketing enables experiences that customers want to remember.
        Before jumping with joy looking at the benefits digital marketing metes out, it’s really vital to know the common mistakes people make with digital marketing. As we all know by now, digital marketing is all about traffic. And when it comes to driving traffic to your website, there are two common mistakes: #1. We don’t try any traffic strategies: Imagine a world where materials sold themselves. But don’t we all know that such a world does not exist. We would love it if all our ideas and their implemented materials could sell by themselves. Alas, such is not the case. We expect our posts to go viral, also expect that they are inspiring enough that our audiences won’t think twice before sharing it. But we need to set our expectations right. Because the world does not work that way. We need to be active about promoting our material by getting it in front of our ideal audience. And for that, we need a sound strategy that drives traffic to your site. #2. We try every traffic strategy: It’s amazingly easy to believe every online guru and get pulled into the digital marketing whirlpool — SEO, PPC, Twitter, Snapchat, Affiliates — you think about it and you’ll be told that this is the only way to make money. The fear of missing out, results in us spending all our time randomly chasing the “next big thing” in digital marketing. Think before you take the leap. Take small steps and build on that big idea well. If you're a green horn and totally unaware of what constitutes of digital marketing, start with just one campaign and spend only a small portion of your overall marketing budget on digital first. It does take a while but when your team becomes familiar with digital marketing and results start to show, you can increase the proportion. That’s more or less the be all and end all on digital marketing. As is known universally, the Internet is, by far, not the only place for marketers to gather success, but it is still the one place where success can be measured and bettered. There is no chance marketers could afford to miss out on the opportunities of the web. And sooner than later, every businessman will have to master online marketing. And we are quite sure of the fact the digital marketing does matter. Digital marketing (especially during a slump) earns greater returns in a world where traditional advertising is not what it used to be. With multi-channel digital marketing increasing by leaps and bounds, we think it’s time marketers jumped on to the digital marketing bandwagon and give their business the boost it so deserves.

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          BlogSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)

          What You Need to Know About HTTP vs HTTPS for SEO


          Let’s talk about the announcement Google made in August last year. It said that making a switch to HTTPS will give you a tad bit of advantage in the rankings. Most companies took this up as a simple step to move forward, but it’s still extremely important to know what…

          Let’s talk about the announcement Google made in August last year. It said that making a switch to HTTPS will give you a tad bit of advantage in the rankings. Most companies took this up as a simple step to move forward, but it’s still extremely important to know what the difference is between HTTP and HTTPS for SEO, how easy or difficult it is to make the switch, and if at all making the switch is right for your company in the first place. Now there are two types of SEOs: Those who start drooling when they hear or see technical stuff and the other part – those who simply abhor them. If you belong to the first category, you probably already know HTTPS. Though there are some parts of HTTPS that are a bit complex, most of them are simple. Really. And to make things even better, you don’t even need to understand the exact behind-the-scenes in order to implement HTTPS on a website.

          HTTP vs HTTPS: Understanding the fundamentals

          If you’re on this site or that – meaning if you’re the user of a website or are developing your own site—you’ll mostly be involving a trusted third party and good encryption. To grasp how to accomplish this and better understand why Google favors these website elements, it’s essential to first know the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.

          HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol

          Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a system for transmitting and receiving information across the Internet. HTTP is an application layer protocol, which essentially means that it lays emphasis on how information is showcased to the user. But on the other hand, this option doesn’t really care how data gets from Point A to Point B. It does not bother to remember anything about the earlier web session. The advantage to being stateless is that there is fewer data to send, and that means increased speed.

          HTTPS: Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol

          The Internet is intrinsically open to the point that anyone can read what data you send to and from any server. You’re searching for “How to save money” on Google and anyone can read this: the government, your neighbor, and even your spouse. HTTPS solves that problem by encrypting the communication end-to-end: Only your computer and the webserver can see what data gets transmitted. HTTPS, or “secure http”, came into existence to allow authorisation and secured transactions. The exchange of confidential information needs to be secured in order to prevent unauthorised access, and https helps make this possible. In more ways than one, https is identical to http because it follows the same basic protocols. The http or https client, such as a Web browser, establishes a connection to a server on a standard port. However, https offers an extra layer of security because it uses SSL to move data. So all in all, HTTPS is almost the same as HTTP – it’s just the secure version. HTTPS works in combination with a partner – another protocol called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), to transport data safely (which is actually the vital difference that Google is bothered with). To detail it out some more, data sent using HTTPS is secured via Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS), which provides three layers of protection:
          • Encryption. Encrypting the exchanged data to keep it secure.
          • Data Integrity. Data cannot be modified or corrupted during transfer without being detected.
          • Authentication. This proves that your users communicate with the intended website.
          Google claims that websites who use HTTPS will have a small ranking benefit because of these security aspects. These are the reasons why HTTPS really offers the best of both worlds: It really cares about what the user sees visually, and also provides an extra layer of security when moving data from point A to point B. HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure provides standard rules for web browsers and servers to communicate. It is a highly advanced and secure HTTP version. However, there are significant distinctions between the two protocols: http is a hypertext transfer protocol, whereas HTTPS is a secure hypertext transfer protocol. The data can be susceptible to hackers; hence security with HTTP is less secure. The default port for HTTP is 80, while the default port for HTTPS is 443. The data to be transmitted is not scrambled when HTTP is scrambled. As a result, there's a higher possibility that hackers will gain access to sent data, whereas HTTPS scrambles the data before transmission. It decodes the data at the receiving end to restore the original data. Hence, the sent data is safe and cannot be hacked. HTTP websites do not require SSL for domain name validation, unlike HTTPS websites. HTTP websites' data encryption is not encrypted, whereas HTTPS websites' data encryption is encrypted. The HTTP search rating does not increase search rankings, but the HTTPS search ranking does. The HTTP protocol is faster than HTTPS. Vulnerability is vulnerable to HTTP hackers, but not to HTTPS hackers. Because the data is encrypted before being sent across a network, it is extremely safe. But as of now, you really shouldn’t be worried about switching from HTTP to HTTPS where SEO is concerned. Google has been letting webmasters know it is safe to do so for years. However, you do need to go through the motions to ensure your traffic doesn’t suffer. Make sure to let Google know that you moved your site from HTTP to HTTPS. Google has specified the following tips for best practices when switching to HTTPS:
          • Decide the kind of certificate you need: single, multi-domain, or wildcard certificate
          • Use 2048-bit key certificates
          • Use relative URLs for resources that reside on the same secure domain
          • Use protocol relative URLs for all other domains
          • Check out our site move article for more guidelines on how to change your website’s address
          • Don’t block your HTTPS site from crawling using robots.txt
          • Allow indexing of your pages by search engines where possible. Avoid the no index robots Meta tag.
          • Google has also updated Google Webmaster Tools to better handle HTTPS sites and the reporting on them.
          • Track your HTTP to HTTPS migration carefully in your analytics software and within Google Webmaster Tools.
          In addition to the Google Support resources, it would be highly recommended to read a condensed introduction to HTTP/HTTPS and some tips on changing over to SSL/HTTPS here before getting started.

          SEO advantages of switching to HTTPS

          Apart from the aspect of security, there are also some additional SEO benefits that you can consider.

          #1. Increased rankings.

          Isn’t this a no-brainer? As mentioned earlier, Google has confirmed the slight ranking boost of HTTPS sites. But like most ranking indicators, it is not a very easy task to isolate on its own. Nevertheless, it is still something to keep in mind. On the plus side, the value of switching to HTTPS is very likely to increase over time.

          #2. Referrer Data.

          When traffic goes through or passes to an HTTPS site, the secure referral information is preserved. This is not what happens when traffic passes through an HTTP site, and it is stripped away and looks as though it is direct.

          #3. Security and privacy.

          HTTPS adds security for your SEO goals and website in several ways:
          • It verifies that the website is the one the server is supposed to be talking to.
          • It prevents tampering by third parties.
          • It makes your site more secure for visitors.
          • It encrypts all communication, including URLs, which protects things like browsing history and credit card numbers.
          Apart from the SEO benefit HTTPS will become more significant for a lot of different reasons too: Google’s Chrome browser will put forth a lock overlaid with a red X in the address bar for all pages that do not have a correct HTTP setup in the near future. Your website will not look appealing and appear broken in the eyes of your visitors. Mozilla will likely adopt a similar policy in Firefox.

          So what exactly is the takeaway?

          So we can safely say that the clear inference here is that switching to HTTPS will help you stay in the good books with Google, or should we say good rankings. HTTPS is a very secure system for your website to operate. Security for your site and your users is the most important aspect of making the switch from HTTP to HTTPS. Not just security, HTTPS is also valuable for referrer data and other SEO strategies. When looking at the issue holistically and considering the future of what Google is likely to do with HTTPS, we would certainly advise switching over to HTTPS, to keep up with Google. So if Google is encouraging “all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone safe on the web,” then you better listen. And for those who follow, why wouldn’t Google want to reward them? HTTPS may be a lightweight signal for now, but if website owners and the Search Engine believe it’s needed to enrich the user’s experience, then you can certainly expect HTTPS to eventually play a bigger role in the search ranking algorithm. Going back to the most asked query – Should I switch from HTTP to HTTPS for just SEO reasons? There hasn’t been much data that suggests that it helps so far. This doesn’t mean that it won’t happen in the coming months or years. At #ARM Worldwide, we provide quality SEO services to drive your business growth exponentially. Hire our professional SEO experts today!

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            10 Best E-commerce CMS Platform for Your Online Business


            With digital buyer penetration predicted to edge near about 50% of overall Internet users in 2018, the e-commerce industry is ready to evolve and expand. Last year more than 1 Billion Internet users made an online purchase and the numbers are continuously growing. This is probably the best time to…

            With digital buyer penetration predicted to edge near about 50% of overall Internet users in 2018, the e-commerce industry is ready to evolve and expand. Last year more than 1 Billion Internet users made an online purchase and the numbers are continuously growing. This is probably the best time to jump in the line and start your online business if you have some amazing products to sell online. 10 Best E-commerce CMS Platform for Your Online Business However, an online business requires an eCommerce platform to start with and choosing the best e-Commerce CMS can be a lot of work. Apart from being visually appealing, your eCommerce website needs to be functional and cheap. There are some out-of-the-box free or little fee e-Commerce solutions that you can choose to kick start your online business.

            Best E-commerce CMS Platform for Your Online Business

            You will have two options when building an e-Commerce Website – #1. Hosted eCommerce Hosted eCommerce websites are based on SaaS (Software as a service) system, wherein you can sign up with the company and begin the store. You will not have any access to software for coding and modification. #2. Self-Hosted Self-Hosted platforms are generally based on open-source software, which you can download, run and edit as per your need. Here are some best eCommerce CMS (hosted and self-hosted) you can consider when starting your online business.

            Best e-Commerce CMS Platforms (Hosted)

            #1. Shopify Shopify is by far the best eCommerce platform for small to medium scale businesses that are just starting with an online store. You will find many ready-to-use templates yet can be customized to meet business requirements. The system allows selling physical or digital goods. Shopify eCommerce platform is flexible, easy-to-use and lets you expand with required features using add-ons or third-party apps. Shopify Pricing – 14 days of Free trail
            • Shopify Lite - $9 per month
            • Basic Shopify - $29 per month
            • Shopify - $79 per month
            • Advanced Shopify - $299 per month
            • Shopify Plus' - NA
            #2. BigCommerce BigCommerce is cloud-based, user-friendly software that allows the user to build beautiful, responsive web store without any design knowledge. BigCommerce can handle everything from products, payments, shipping, checkouts, coupons, integration and more. BigCommerce platform also has more than 320 add-ons, some of which are at low cost and others are free. BigCommerce Pricing – 15 days of Free trial
              • Standard –- $29.95/month
              • Plus –- $79.95/month
              • Pro –-Starting at $249.95/month
              • Enterprise – NA
            #3. Volusion Volusion is another best e-Commerce CMS offering fully cloud-based solution to users. Volusion’s built in features directly to the dashboard (no need to buy add-on from any app store) is what sets them apart from their competitors. Volusion is also loaded with features such as “deal of day” MyRewards program, Amazon and eBay integration and more that will help users to retain customers and build brands. Volusion Pricing – 14 days of Free trial
            • Mini - $15 per month
            • Plus - $35 per month
            • Pro - $75 per month
            • Premium - $135 per month
            #4. Wix Wix eCommerce platform helps you build a functional online store for selling your products. The best thing about Wix eCommerce is its ability to easily integrate with advanced eCommerce tools in the store such social media, marketing, promoting, third-party apps etc. Wix offers ready templates, and drag-and-drop editor to make your store look professional without any design experience. This platform is best for small level enterprises that are looking to keep their online store simple, clean and straightforward. Wix Pricing – Free
            • eCommerce – 485 rs per month
            • Unlimited – 372 rs per month
            • Combo – 247 rs per month
            • Connect Domain – 122 rs per month
            #5. 3dCart 3dCart eCommerce website allows the user to sell physical as well as digital goods. Apart from having powerful API for integration like no other platform, 3dCart also offers plenty selling tools such as mobile selling and social selling on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. From the attractive interface to SEO friendly, 3dCart has everything you need from a good eCommerce CMS. 3dCart Pricing – 14 days Free trial
            • Starter - $35.99 per month
            • Professional - $65.99 per month
            • Professional Plus - $99.99 per month

            Best eCommerce CMS Platforms (Self-Hosted)

            #1. Magento Magento is the best eCommerce CMS you will come across if you are a pro in web development. Magento eCommerce provides the highest level of flexibility and control over developing the store with splendid add-ons and extensions. The platform is also highly-scalable, so you would never want to move on once comfortable with Magento. The community version of Magento is free and mostly sufficient for small and medium sized businesses. Magento Pricing – Free Community Edition
            • Enterprise – NA
            #2. PrestaShop PrestaShop is free, open source and downloadable eCommerce CMS platform for managing your online store in real time. It’s easy to install and can be customized with little web development experience. PrestaShop comes with over 275 features including product management, store management, SEO, Checkouts and Shipping, Marketing, Reporting and more PrestaShop – Free #3. OpenCart OpenCart is fairly a light weight eCommerce platform that is free to use and upgrade. OpenCart is best suitable for people with some web design and development experience. It is good to start off, but might not be perfect to scale. Some of the best features of OpenCart eCommerce solution includes – Unlimited categories, products, and manufacturers, Multilingual, PCI Compliant, more than 20 payment gateways, reporting and more. OpenCart Pricing - Free #4. osCommerce For more than a decade, osCommerce has been the most trusted e-Commerce Platform for CMS in the open-source category. The platform has vast network support and more than 7000 add-ons created by osCommerce community. The interface of osCommerce is easy-to-use and has great customization options for the online storefront. osCommerce Pricing – Free #5. WooCommerce WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin for developing an eCommerce store/website on the WordPress platform. The plugin is easy to install and boasts almost all the features one can expect from an open-source CMS. WooCommerce also has one of the largest communities available for the e-Commerce platform. WooCommerce Pricing – Free These are some of the best eCommerce CMS platforms worth trying for your online business. All eCommerce platforms are unique in nature and need to be chosen according to the business module and requirements.

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              15 Smart Ways to Promote Your YouTube Videos


              YouTube is not just for posting silly, weird and pointless video contents, it’s a visual social network poised for serious content marketing. It’s a highly effective business tool to demonstrate your expertise, create brand awareness, share knowledge, promote events, engage with the customer and build credibility. When done with a…

              15 Smart Ways to Promote Your YouTube Videos to Get Insane Traffic YouTube is not just for posting silly, weird and pointless video contents, it’s a visual social network poised for serious content marketing. It’s a highly effective business tool to demonstrate your expertise, create brand awareness, share knowledge, promote events, engage with the customer and build credibility. When done with a proper strategy, marketing on YouTube can be the best tool in your social media arsenal. Moreover, YouTube marks the 3rd most popular website in the world and most popular search engine on the web after Google. You can be sure of improving your search engine rankings, boost visibility and attract new customers when doing business using YouTube. However, like any other marketing plan, you will need a strategy to promote YouTube Videos that are recorded and uploaded. With estimated 300 hours of video being uploaded to YouTube every minute, you will need a promotion strategy to get them found. Because the more opportunities you give audience to interact with your brand, the chances are better for success. No matter, if you are uploading video tutorials, offering fitness/beauty tips or coming up with short films, you will first need a great list of subscriber driven by huge traffic. So, here is how to promote YouTube Videos effectively:

              Smart Ways to Promote Your YouTube Videos


              #1. Channel Customization

              First impression is the best impression and in the case of YouTube, the first impression also decides the return rate of visitors. Don’t leave your YouTube Channel barren; customize it with colors, images, links, information, logo, slogans and more. You can also create a trailer video that will be displayed for the first time and recurring visitors. It is recommended to add a little bit of introduction and explanation of what your YouTube channel has to offer in this trailer video. This is the first step towards building a loyal list of viewers.  

              #2. Embed Call to Action (CTAs)

              Embedding Call to Action overlay is a great way for promoting YouTube Videos. Businesses that are looking to direct people to other related videos for examples – white papers, downloadable, detailed information etc can keep their CTA overlay available to the video you are displaying. A CTA overlay can also be a solution for their next inquiry or interest. In simple terms, the possibilities of Calls-to-action overlay are endless – ask your audience to subscribe, share, like, comment and let this little overlay do the best video content marketing for you.  

              #3. Use Keywords, Titles, Descriptions and Optimize them

              There is no escaping from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) if you want your video to be graded well in search engine result. Let your video be rich in keywords, titles, descriptions, and phrases. Some of the best ways would be to add a keyword in the title, create a descriptive title, and keep it to-the-point. But, remember Google disqualifies or push back the videos and sites that are stuffed with the keyword. So, just have your primary keyword in the title and secondary keywords and phrases in the description that can be long. Finally, to add more relevant keywords make use of video tag box.  

              #4. Share on Social Media

              It’s no brainer, Social media networks are perhaps the most powerful content marketing tool you need to promote your YouTube Channel. With Facebook generating 8 billion staggering video views per day and 82% of overall Twitter user enjoys watching the only video on content on Twitter, promoting your YouTube channel on these various platforms can surely drive huge traffic. Through social media, your video content gets exposed to the wide audience. Every time fan likes. comments or share your video, their friends and followers view that activity. This promotes your video and increases audience engagement towards your channel.  

              #5. Create Playlist

              Create a playlist once you have uploaded quite a few videos, as this will make significantly easy for your audience to watch all of them effortlessly. And when a viewer is hooked up for several videos in created playlist, the overall watch time shoots up. Just make sure to be strategic when creating a playlist on YouTube. Segregate them according to relevant topic and again optimize them for better visibility.  

              #6. Become a Pro Uploader

              Consistency plays a vital role in developing a long-lasting relationship with subscribers on YouTube. People subscribe to your channel because they love your work and don’t mind viewing more. So, by uploading more and more videos you will be able to keep a match with your subscribers’ demands. It would be great to have a schedule for posting videos and letting the subscriber know about it well in advance can build credibility.  

              #7. Promote with Real-Life People

              In today’s digital age and a day where friends and family interact more online than real, it is definitely a good idea to promote your videos with real-life friends, clients, and relatives. Encourage them to watch, like and share them with their online friends.  

              #8. Include them with Email marketing

              Stop believing in those rumors that say “email marketing is dead”. According to McKinsey & Company, Email is almost 40x better at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter. So you can make a clever choice of starting an email newsletter for updating your audience about your new video upload.  

              #9. Collaborate with other YouTube Video Creators

              Your YouTube video promotion can gain best results by collaborating with another YouTuber who is targeting the same audience as you do. It’s a win-win situation for both collaborators. This tactic captures the attention of your collaborator’s audiences, but make sure he or she is not your direct competitor.  

              #10. Use Digital PR and Online PR Tactics

              Digital Pr and Online PR both are a cost-effective and simple way to promote YouTube videos to a wider audience. It is similar to traditional PR, instead of sharing stories with newspapers and magazine, you connect with influential people online. Share your high-quality videos with popular bloggers, influencers, reporters, journalists and media personalities. If you have a great video, they may share your content with their readers by adding it in a blog post.  

              #11. Interact with Audience

              Audience interaction is extremely crucial to building a relationship with subscriber and viewers. There are a number of ways to interact with the audience such as responding to comments, using Google Hangouts, starting a community page on Google+, hosting Twitter chats, creating a Facebook Fan page and so on.  

              #12. Be Creative with Thumbnails

              One of the best ways to promote YouTube Videos is to create Thumbnail icon of every video on the channel. Apart from adding a relevant screenshot for the thumbnail image, make sure you also add legible text to the icon, which can be keyword rich again. Be creative when trying different thumbnail image, layouts, and designs.  

              #13. Appreciate and Reward your Audience

              With a little help of analytical tool you will come to know who is sharing your content. Do encourage these supporters by sending them to thank you mail, giving recognition in your next video or sending a free give away. It’s a feel-good factor for your audience, which is important to retain subscribers.  

              #14. Get a TubeBuddy Account

              To get most out of YouTube you will need a TubeBuddy account. This tool can automate your entire YouTube process from posting, publishing, scheduling, and help you find more viewers.  

              #15. Promote using Quora and Forums

              Quora and Forums are generally designed to ask a question and receive an answer. So, you need to be careful about YouTube Video Promotion on Quora and other Forums. Post a link to your video only if it can answer or addresses some of the questions there.


              By following all these aforementioned steps, you’ll be able to utilise the widespread platform of YouTube to efficiently practice the useful strategy of social media marketing, and increase the awareness of your brand and/or product among the masses.  

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                10 Reasons Why Magento Is the Best e-Commerce Platform


                There are reasons why some CMS platforms would be considered the best e-commerce platform and be considered superior to others. The Magento eCommerce platform is one of those CMS platforms that you can be, rest assured, is one of the best online shopping platforms available. Listed are some of the…

                There are reasons why some CMS platforms would be considered the best e-commerce platform and be considered superior to others. The Magento eCommerce platform is one of those CMS platforms that you can be, rest assured, is one of the best online shopping platforms available. Listed are some of the reasons why.

                #1. Made for eCommerce

                Unlike WordPress and other such CMS platforms, Magento was created to be an eCommerce platform. Some of the more common e-commerce features include User Dashboards, Inventory Management, Advanced shipping and supplier management, Allows bundling of products, Built-in cross-sells and upsells capabilities, CMS option, Newsletters, and so on. Apart from being e-commerce-friendly, they are also designed to ensure that they are easy to use and work with.

                #2. Easy Integration

                More often than not though the CMS platforms have core functionalities, not all solutions are solved within the system. They often need other apps or plugins to make working with the platform easier. The Magento eCommerce platform comes with the advantage of having an online shopping platform that can be easily integrated with ready-made plugins and apps from other developers. Magento’s APIs are also extensible to connect to different apps like analytics, shipping and tracking, payment gateways and so on.

                #3. Modular and Customizable

                Each industry that uses CMS platforms has different needs and has to use the CMS differently. In the sense that what works with the fashion industry doesn’t work with the furniture industry. The Magento ecommerce platform gives its users the flexibility to customize based on their specific industry needs. Given that it is an open source platform and also built primarily for ecommerce, it is highly modular and customizable. The modular elements of this online shopping platform enable you to retain the robust back end while altering the front-end to give your users an experience that is both pleasurable and efficient.

                #4. SEO friendly

                As one of the best eCommerce platforms that are SEO friendly, apart from hosting all your information it also aids your websites such that they show up in the search engine space. You can configure the Magento eCommerce platform to offer metadata and descriptions for products and categories, sitemaps for search engines including for Google, control over URLs and so on. Its source code comes built in with all this information to make its customers transition seamless and easy, saving your time while making it search friendly.

                #5. Freedom to select hosting service

                The Magento platform enables you to pick the host you want to go with, for your website. This means you can scout for the most economical options available and the most flexible one as well. Additionally, it also supports seamless switching to other hosting services, provided you are not satisfied with the one you are associated with. Also, Magento Go offers you the options to switch combined with the benefits that are available with the Magento Community edition platform.

                #6. Efficiency

                Websites cannot afford to load slowly anymore. Users want instant gratification and want web pages to load instantly or they get bored and move on to the next website. Given this, you need a solution that is on top of its game, collects all the data, and so on. It enables you to cache data, retrieves data in no time, and gives you all the tools to make sure you succeed in the ecommerce space. It uses Varnish for most of these things and has created a name for itself over the years as one of the best ecommerce platforms.

                #7. Open Source

                Magento has 3 versions, namely, the Magento Community Edition that is free, the Magento Enterprise Edition that is paid and Magento Go that is paid and hosted on Magento’s servers; the Community Edition being the most popular of them all. They have their own large community that is active and supports their own developer and user community. After downloading and installing this online shopping platform for free, you can install extensions and do a whole lot of customization using the Magento Connect Marketplace. Additionally, because it is open source the platform gets updated from time to time making it more secure and reliable to protect you from hackers. Should you have any issues, the extensive community is something you can turn to for any solutions that you might need.

                #8. Mobile friendly

                Mobiles are not going anywhere, that too with the increasing growth of smartphones, and the decrease in desktop uses more and more people are using their phones to access websites and are instead accessing stuff with mobiles. It has never been more important for an online shopping website to be mobile friendly. The Magento eCommerce Platform comes packed with mobile friendly technology such that its customers can not just use websites to promote the product but can also give them the same experience in the smartphone space. It lets users ease into drag and drop options, audiovisuals, and control on screen size to make it accessible to mobiles and websites.

                #9. Multiple websites with common backend

                Typically eCommerce websites have one site per set up. This isn’t the case with this online shopping platform. Magento allows users to create separate and independent websites for the products such that one can run multiple websites while not needing different backend systems. Additionally, it enables you to give a different look and feel to each of the websites, as a user, to entice your customers based on their needs.

                #10. Analytical and tracking

                Magento’s ecommerce platform has recently introduced its own analytical and tracking tool called Magento’s Business Intelligence. This tool is fully customizable and is growing to be used by both business and technical users. Finally, Magento is not afraid of its customer’s growth. This means that despite what the customer grows to and how well he or she performs; the best ecommerce platform – Magento - will work and continue to strive without penalizing you for your growth. Therefore Magento is one of the best platforms for your eCommerce business.

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                  Top 10 Cool Features of Magento E-commerce Website Development Platform


                  A Shopping cart software is a particular class of software designed for e-commerce. The main purpose of an online shopping cart is to enable users to accept payments, track orders, guide checkouts, manage catalogue, and calculate products and shipping costs. A well-designed eCommerce development platform is capable of storing customer…

                  A Shopping cart software is a particular class of software designed for e-commerce. The main purpose of an online shopping cart is to enable users to accept payments, track orders, guide checkouts, manage catalogue, and calculate products and shipping costs. A well-designed eCommerce development platform is capable of storing customer data and is also mobile friendly. If your business sells products and services online, then you will need open-source shopping cart software such as Shopify and Bigcommerce, but if you want software that can be installed on your own server - there is no better choice than Magento.

                  What is Magento?

                  Owned by retail water-ox eBay, Magento is the leading eCommerce development company offering free open-source eCommerce solution for online retail stores. If you are one with professional web development experience, Magento will truly be a worthwhile eCommerce solution. Because it is open-source software, you are free to use and edit as per your business suitability. With Magento come numerous customization options such as plugins and extensions, which can be obtained from either third-party developers or from massive Magento community. This eCommerce development platform is also capable of driving maximum user engagement, generate more sales and increase the conversion rates. The main selling point of Magento is its features, which includes everything from marketing to SEO and customer segmentation.

                  Features of Magento Ecommerce Website Development Platform

                  Magento features are comprehensive and you are likely to find every feature you need to build and run your online store. Here are top 10 cool features of Magento Ecommerce Website Development Platform

                  #1. Catalog Management

                  Whether you are selling beauty products, electronics, clothing, or accessories – your catalog is the key component for the online shop. And Magento undoubtedly offers extensive catalog management features including –
                  • Supports virtual products
                  • Allows downloading digital products – music, videos, etc
                  • Effortlessly edit and delete product reviews
                  • Complete inventory management
                  • Import and export products for batch update offline.
                  • Attribute sets for quick product creation of different item types
                  • Highly customizable options such as resizing and watermarking
                  • RSS Feeds and lots more

                  #2. Tools for Advertising and Marketing

                  Magento not only handles your online store effortlessly but also helps you with promotion, marketing, and conversion. It offers numerous tools to make your advertising easier. These tools include –
                  • Cross-sell products
                  • Promotional pricing restricted to selected products or categories
                  • Option to distribute coupon codes across email, newsletter and offline.
                  • Monitor coupon usage, manage newsletters and polls
                  • Offers free shipping and promote new products list.
                  • Allows price variation based on quantity and groups
                  • Landing page tools for PPC, new product promotional tools, URL tools, and more

                  #3. Fully SEO Centred

                  Magento features include a list of options to make search engine optimization smoothly for your online store/website. Magento SEO features -
                  • Generates Google Sitemaps
                  • Automatically sort popular searches and modifies
                  • Supports Search Engine Friendly URLs
                  • Easy to Meta-tag products and information
                  • Faster loading options such as less usage of minimizes .css and .js files

                  #4. Mobile Friendly Commerce

                  This is one of the coolest Magento features, wherein it allows browsing full site store catalogue or selected products particularly personalized for mobile users.
                  • Mobile HTML5 technology for creating online mobile friendly storefront
                  • Open for iPhone, Android, and Mobile Opera browsers
                  • Clear and user-friendly product display
                  • Supports media files such as audio and video
                  • Swipe, zoom, and multi-touch
                  • Drag and drop and more

                  #5. Order Management

                  Magento eCommerce development platform offers unparallel order management system. Users have lot options including –
                  • Viewing, creating, editing and fulfilling orders directly from admin panel
                  • Complete Call center support product configuration and change
                  • Allows creating one or more invoices, shipments and credit memos per orders
                  • Helps to print invoices, packing slips and shipping labels
                  • Email notification, RSS feed for fresh orders and more

                  #6. Complete Site Management

                  Magento being a great eCommerce web design company understands the importance of complete site management. In fact, it allows users to control multiple website and store within a single installation.
                  • Control sites from admin panel and share only required information
                  • Templates with fully customizable design
                  • Multiple language options and currencies
                  • Integration between Magento and third-party apps
                  • Tax rates based on location, product type, and group
                  • Captcha enabled websites and more

                  #7. Checkout, Shipping, and Payment

                  Shipping and payment are the biggest concern for users when choosing the best platform for the shopping cart. Magento brilliantly incorporates a plethora of alternatives for payment and shipping options.
                  • One-page checkout
                  • Ship to multiple orders in one order
                  • Complete SSL security support for front-end/back-end orders
                  • Estimates for shopping cart tax and shipping costs
                  • Integration with Paypal and
                  • Flat rate shipping, Free Shipping and Order tracking and more

                  #8. User Account

                  It’s pretty easy to manage user account with lots of capabilities and options.
                  • Simple to understand account dashboard
                  • Recent orders, history, and status
                  • Store unlimited address
                  • Save wish list with comments
                  • Newsletter subscription management

                  #9. Customer Service and International Support

                  Magento eCommerce development platform comprises of great back-end tools and community for customer support.
                  • Contact Us form
                  • Support for local and international currencies and tax rates
                  • Order tracking, history, and email updates
                  • Option for International site registration, shipping destination, and payment
                  • EU cookie notification and more

                  #10. Tracking, Analytics, and Reporting

                  Magento features include numerous options for tracking, analyzing and reporting.
                  • Google Analytics
                  • Sales and tax reports
                  • Abandoned shopping cart and low stock report
                  • Total sales and refunded invoice
                  • Product review report and more
                  If you don’t mind doing little web development for setting up the shopping cart, then you will find Magento as a wealth of features and capabilities. Download the free Magento version and see how it works!

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                    17 Must Have Digital Marketing Tools You Need When Starting a Business


                    Today, the ubiquity of digital marketing is such that no marketer can overlook it. Especially the small and medium businesses are catching up with modern technologies by incorporating their existing marketing efforts with digital marketing strategies – in an attempt to capture the developing and productive online marketplace. The digital…

                    Today, the ubiquity of digital marketing is such that no marketer can overlook it. Especially the small and medium businesses are catching up with modern technologies by incorporating their existing marketing efforts with digital marketing strategies – in an attempt to capture the developing and productive online marketplace. The digital consumption, in fact, has revolutionized the way businesses are performed and what seems like a daily proliferation of social media contents, marketers are left with more choice than ever when considering how they prefer to reach their consumers. Digital marketing gives an opportunity to reach out to leads and customer through various digital channels that can speed up the sales cycle and maintain customer loyalty. If you are one looking to start up your digital marketing business, then for sure you will need some best digital marketing tools to manage your analytics, content marketing, publishing, visualization etc. However, with a ton of digital marketing tools out there, it is more than a daunting task to choose few that can really help.

                    Here are 17 must have digital marketing tools you can use when starting a business:

                    #1. SproutSocial SproutSocial is the most powerful and effective social media management tools for small to large social business. SproutSocial helps businesses to grow their social media presence across all social platforms. It offers a single-stream message smart inbox feature for all networks so that you never miss any important message. The tool seamlessly posts, monitor, collaborate, measure and schedule message to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Feedly, Google Analytics, LinkedIn, Zendesk, and UserVoice. It has a great built-in social image editing and stunning interface that’s easy to grasp. #2. Buffer Buffer is a smart and easy to use tool for scheduling content across Facebook (profiles and pages), Twitter, LinkedIn (profiles and pages), Google+ and Pinterest. With Buffer, you have total control over schedule posting for all week long without worrying about managing the delivery timings. It gives you a bunch of default time slots to schedule your post, which is optimized according to the most active times of day on social media. This amazing tool also provides you with important analytics associated with viewer’s engagement and reach of your posts. #3. IFTTT IFTTT (if this then that) is a free marketing tool for automation. This tool allows you to create a trigger called “recipe” or “Applet” for web services like Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, Instagram, and Reddit. You can also use and customize recipes from IFTTT’s repository. Whether you want to automate a tweet or an upcoming blog post or even receiving an email regarding your favorite match, IFTTT can do it all for you. This tool also integrates with Buffer and Hootsuite, making it a must-have tool for a serious digital marketing professional. #4. Oktopost Oktopost is an indispensable social media management tool that let B2B marketers manage their online presence with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+. The tool is uniquely designed for B2B marketers, which follow every lead your business generates, and offers a best analytical report on which network, profiles, posts, and Tweet that are most effective for your business. Use Oktopost for measuring all your social media marketing activities, impression, engagement, conversion and relevant discover content. #5. Zapier Zapier is a cloud-based web tool that automates tasks between two online apps you might be using for your life or business by creating “Zaps”. The tool follows an “if this, then that” otherwise known as “Trigger – Action” structure, and a Zap can be created without any coding knowledge. Zapier recently updated its service by making Zaps possible between 3 or more apps/services. Currently, Zapier integrates with more than 500 web apps including Paypal, Google Spreadsheet, Twitter, Facebook, Wufoo, Dropbox, Evernote, Aweber, etc. #6. Outbrain Outbrain is perhaps the gold standard of content marketing tools. This platform can amplify your audience for any type of content including video, infographics, or blog. This is a pay-to-play option, where your content will appear as promoted suggested similar content along with other popular websites. If you want to reach out to the huge and highly relevant audience, then Outbrain is a must try! #7. CrowdBooster CrowdBooster is one of the most effective social media analytics tools that can optimize your social media marketing choices. Consistently, CrowdBooster automatically updates your social media analytics. It is also possible to generate custom reports, which can be very useful for client submission. #8. MailChimp MailChimp is currently the best email marketing tool available out there. It integrates well with WordPress, Shopify, Magneto and other platforms. MailChimp let you send 12,000 emails every month provided you have less than 2,000 subscribers. Other features include easy email creator, autoresponders, segmenting, tracking, analytics and more. #9. Url Shortener is a must for people that are new to digital marketing. not only shortens the URL but also work as an all-in-one click reporting tool. It is best for short posting on Twitter and tracks the clicks on posts to understand how well your content brings traffic to your website. #10. Green Lotus Green Lotus has launched 35+ SEO and Social Media Tools in one place, especially for small business entrepreneurs. This helps business owners with their Search engine optimization and search engine rankings. #11. TweetDeck If you are looking to manage and monitor your Twitter feeds, then TweetDeck is the best choice. It allows scheduling tweets and alerts for new tweets. TweetDeck is now available for Chrome, Windows and Mac desktops as well. #12. Tweepi At some point, you will surely need Tweepi, which is a Twitter management tool. It does a great cleaning job by flushing out unfollowers, removing inactive, counter following and follows what’s interesting. #13. Google Keyword Planner Google Keyword Planners is a keyword research tool helping you find targeted keywords. Just enter a keyword in the tool and Google will give you stats, search volume, and competition to play your keyword strategy. #14. SEOCentroRank Checker SEOCentro is an excellent keyword checking tool that checks your keyword performance not just in Google, but also in Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines. #15. Yoast SEO for WordPress Yoast SEO for WordPress is a great tool for completely optimizing a WordPress blog. It helps to boost your WordPress blog’s visibility to Google’s search engine and has many advanced Social SEO features. #16. LiveChat You will surely need LiveChat when starting a new business so as to converse with people coming to your website. The “Chat Now” box proactively let your prospective client reach out your service representative for any quires. Live Chat #17. BuzzStream – BuzzStream is web-based software that helps the world’s best marketers promote their products, services and content to build links, buzz, and brands. Choosing the right digital marketing tools for your business will require you to understand your business needs. While the tools mentioned here may seem good, but might not be applicable to you. So, do a thorough research on the digital marketing tools that can improve your current social media strategy and business. #18. HubSpot - HubSpot is an inbound marketing and sales platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. HubSpot’s Growth Stack includes CRM and sales enablement tools, but the foundation of the Growth Stack is HubSpot Marketing. HubSpot Marketing allows organizations to bring all the tools they use to support their marketing under one umbrella that shares the same data. It includes everything a marketer needs to increase website traffic, convert website visitors into leads, and “close the loop” to deliver a measurable ROI. We are a leading Hubspot Partner based in India. Our experience on the HubSpot platform includes 7 implementations, native and custom CRM integrations (including Salesforce), lead scoring and conversion focused COS development. So, which are your preferred one for business? Drop a comment! Conclusion The utilization of these latest digital marketing tools is important for a business, if it wishes to efficiently market their brand and product/service. However, it’s important that these companies avail the services of an agency that provides quality digital marketing services, since they will be able to utilise these tools to their fullest extent. In order to enlist these services, contact us now!

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