Paid Media

Look Out for the Top Paid Media Trends in 2023


One of the most crucial marketing strategies for reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time is paid media, as it offers instant results in comparison to other digital or traditional marketing channels. As we get ready to welcome 2023 and assist customers in growing in…

One of the most crucial marketing strategies for reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time is paid media, as it offers instant results in comparison to other digital or traditional marketing channels. As we get ready to welcome 2023 and assist customers in growing in the face of significant changes occurring across industries, let's look at some new trends that your paid media trends 2023 should include:

Utilising Influencer Marketing

In this digitally advanced era, influencer marketing has been a buzzword and will continue to be at the forefront of brand marketing conversations in 2023. This paid media trend helps businesses promote their brand and increase their revenue via promotion through user-generated content. To improve campaign performance and real-time engagement, brands can collaborate with influencers to develop engaging content, make giveaway announcements, conduct Q&A sessions, etc. In addition, paid media influencer marketing enables firms to target new audiences and provides vital metrics to guide upcoming marketing choices. 

Leaning on First-Party Data

With all the controversy surrounding third-party data, this is the perfect opportunity to reconsider your marketing plan and make the most of your first-party data. For example, targets for Google's machine learning-based bid strategies under the Smart Bidding banner can be more precisely determined using first-party data. You probably have information about your customers' previous purchases and other contacts with your firm if you use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to manage customer information. However, first-party data must be gathered and operationalised by businesses to abide by the constantly changing privacy requirements as it is less expensive to gather, more accurate, and enables a customised customer experience.

Embracing Omnichannel Marketing

When we talk about current paid media trends 2023, it is impossible not to include omnichannel marketing. It aims to offer seamless buying experiences to customers across different channels. This media trend helps to retain a huge number of customers. Customised messages will help you to get the most value from online marketing. You must measure, test, and continuously modify your omnichannel strategy to achieve the most significant outcomes. By connecting all the touch points and maintaining transparency between them, omnichannel marketing in paid media makes sure that the customer experience is uniform across all channels. The consumer is placed in the centre of the ecosystem via omnichannel marketing with an objective to be at the forefront of your customer's thoughts while they go about their lives on the various platforms where you sell your brand.

Leveraging Meta

Among all the latest paid media trends, leveraging AI is rising at the fastest pace. More brands will start utilising AI technologies as we approach 2023 in an effort to grab consumers' attention and eventually boost product sales. Customers can virtually insert a 3D image into the user's perspective of the real world using augmented reality (AR) in paid media. Potential clients can personalise products due to this expanded vision of reality.  You can employ AI technology for ad production to speed up the process of writing and testing ad copies. This way, you can raise the efficiency of your company. Based on data and your particular business goals, AI aids in decision-making. As a result, it lowers the wastage of advertising dollars, enhances campaign performance, and saves time.

Exploring Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest marketing is a collection of strategies that integrate Pinterest into your company's overall social media marketing plan in order to reach out to new target audiences and increase brand and product exposure. As a visual search engine, Pinterest is excellent for introducing new potential customers to your brand and providing businesses of all sizes with a distinctive approach to selling their products and services. Pinterest, which boasts over 442 million active users each month, is a fantastic platform for companies to market their products. Ads appear in the same format as a typical Pin on users' feeds and searches. On Pinterest, frequent pinning is more fruitful than making a board and populating it all at once. Along with this, consistent pinning guarantees that more people will see your material.

Final Thoughts

With the rapid transformation of media consumption habits, the modern media landscape is shifting at an unprecedented rate. The next few years will bring about significant changes in the way consumers interpret and interact with media, and companies need to keep up with the latest trends. To be successful in the years ahead, companies need to be aware of the top paid media trends of 2023. With their sites set on these trends, companies can expect to see drastically improved outcomes, increased ROI, and greater success in the future.  

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    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Is your website affected by Google’s December 2022 Link Spam update? Everything you need to know.


    On December 14, 2022, Google began to roll out the December 2022 link spam update, which undoubtedly has some impact! It is a well-known fact that when this update was rolled out, many people benefited from the same, while it left many worrisome.  As per the industry experts, this update…

    On December 14, 2022, Google began to roll out the December 2022 link spam update, which undoubtedly has some impact! It is a well-known fact that when this update was rolled out, many people benefited from the same, while it left many worrisome.  As per the industry experts, this update will take up to around two weeks after the initial date to fully roll out. In the most recent update on December 20, 2022, the company claimed that it might take much longer instead of two weeks. After the launch of this update, social media was flooded with posts, tweets etc., as individuals shared the update's impact. 

    What is the December 2022 link spam update by Google?

    For this update, Google will leverage the power of SpamBrain link algorithm to neutralize the impact of unnatural links on search results. Spambrain, Google's AI-based spam-prevention system, is designed to identify and nullify unnatural links, including those on sites that engage in link-buying or link-building activities.  Therefore, the website that uses spammy link-building tactics will have significant implications with this update as it is primarily here to improve the effectiveness of the spam detection system and help protect users from spammy or low-quality content. Google claims that the website ranking may be affected by this update as it neutralizes the spammy links, and any credit passed by these unnatural links is lost. Moreover, it will affect all languages. 

    How is it affecting websites?

    The company had advised that the rankings may change after this update as it neutralizes unnatural links, removing any signals passed to the linking domain. Moreover, it affects search results in all languages, potentially creating a widespread impact. 

    What is the way forward?

    To detect spam and control bot functioning on the internet, such updates are being regularly rolled out. However, with this update, there are certain precautions one needs to keep in mind from now onwards.  Firstly, ensure that the links you create for your website are natural and follow Google's webmaster guidelines. Secondly, it is essential to work on improving your website to naturally attract new links over time.  (Note: Prior to this update, another update, i.e. Google's helpful content update, has also impacted the websites that had low-quality content. So, from December 14, 2022, after the link spam update, both these updates made a back to back impact on the keyword ranking and SERP visibility of the websites.) 

    How Can #ARM Worldwide help you here?

    As this update will push down the rankings of low quality that have received undue advantage due to backlinks that were bought, along with the SEO strategy, it is also essential for companies to focus on the website's in-depth audit, quality backlinks and content. Moreover, our SEO team, which keeps a round-the-clock tab on what's happening in the industry, ensures that timely solutions are provided so that if there are any repercussions, the impact can be lowered and brought down to the bare minimum.   These updates are unpredictable, so keeping an eye on what's happening around is essential and requires a keen focus on the same. One miss, and you are in for a downfall. 

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      Influencer Marketing

      8 Tips to Devise a Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign


      There is a famous quote by marketing Guru, Philip Kotler, “It is no longer enough to satisfy your customers. You must delight them.” And, influencers have mastered the art of doing so.As per stats, 80% of customers have made a purchase after seeing an influencer recommendation, which has propelled businesses…

      There is a famous quote by marketing Guru, Philip Kotler, “It is no longer enough to satisfy your customers. You must delight them.” And, influencers have mastered the art of doing so.As per stats, 80% of customers have made a purchase after seeing an influencer recommendation, which has propelled businesses to partner with influencers to upscale their marketing campaigns and experience significant growth. 

      What is Influencer Marketing? 

      Influencer Marketing is a practice that leverages the clout of people who have established a successful personal brand for themselves, predominantly on social media platforms. They are looked up to by their community and have a loyal follower base. Influencers have the ability to direct their follower's attention towards a particular brand and drive their purchase decision in a subtle manner. Their target audience both relates to them and aspires to be like them. There are numerous benefits of running an influencer marketing campaign, such as: 
      • Influencer marketing exposes your brand to a wide set of audience.
      • It ensures accurate framing of your brand’s perception. 
      • Influencer marketing yields a higher conversion rate.
      • Influencer collaborations offer long-term benefits by generating brand credibility and trust.

      8 Tips to devise a Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign

      Influencer Marketing is an amazing technique that aims to enhance your brand’s name in a creative manner, therefore demands diligent planning and smart implementation.  Set your KPIs Just like goals guide your campaign planning and implementation, KPIs guide your campaign analysis. Different influencer marketing campaigns may have different KPIs. For example, the dominant KPI for a campaign with affiliate links and discount coupons would be sales conversion but the dominant KPI for a campaign with a major message to spread might be clicks and impressions.  Specify your campaign goals Your campaign goals are a guiding light to your influencer marketing strategy. Prior to reaching out to an influencer, you must have an ultimate goal you wish to achieve through the collaboration, the message you plan to share, and the brand perception you wish to create. This would not only provide clarity to the influencer while creating content but would also shed light on the best possible ways to run your campaign.  Define your campaign budget Influencer Marketing is just one marketing technique under the wide roof of campaigns brands craft for their digital marketing. Therefore, a set budget must be defined in the initial stages after examining the influencer industry benchmarks. This would assist in staying away from unhealthy negotiations and would provide a structure with optimal utilization of monetary resources. Identify your target audience To identify your target audience, you must start by observing how your customers engage in the social media space and post that, create a customer persona with both behavioural and demographic elements specified. This would assist you in understanding your audience through the lens of influencers as the social media space is highly ruled by quality content creators. Choose the right influencers The influencers you choose would represent your business. They would be the face of your brand, even after your campaign ends because, content that goes online, always stays. Therefore, it is key to ensure that you choose an influencer that aligns with your brand’s values and has a follower base that you recognize as your target audience. Mass appeal is an added advantage with influencers but you still should choose one that is perceived as the industry expert of your niche.  Build your campaign brief You must prepare a campaign brief prior to pitching an influencer. Every influencer marketing campaign must have an exclusive brief containing the basic details about the campaign, such as the content expectation, main message, your brand’s perception, timeline of the campaign, etc. This gives the influencers an idea of how to create content that best caters to your brand image and when and how to deliver it. Select the best-suited campaign There are an array of campaigns that you can run depending on your ultimate goal, your target audience and the type of influencer you are deciding on working with. For example, macro influencers can be collaborated with for sponsored campaigns, or co-creation of products, and micro and nano influencers can be a part of giveaways, contests and even product reviews.  Tailor your campaign to the platform Lastly, it is imperative to tailor your campaign depending on the platform you are choosing to publish at. There is no “one size fits all” in the digital space. Almost every business is collaborating with an array of influencers to reach their target audience, but the ones that cater to the audience keeping in mind what they seek are the ones that are able to grab and retain attention. Also, Read Influencer Marketing Trends for 2023.


      Influencers are like relatable celebrities in the social media space. People see them as their peers and not as brands. Therefore, they have a better connection with the audience, which is indeed loyal to them. Businesses have recognized the strong connection influencers have with their followers and are leveraging that for expansion and growth. If you are also looking for a way to reach out to your target audience and appeal to them in a subtle and aesthetic manner, then Influencer Marketing is the next best tool in your digital marketing toolkit. #ARM Worldwide identifies as a dedicated influencer marketing agency. We can help you build a strong influencer marketing strategy and improve your brand presence significantly.

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        Digital Marketing / Inbound Marketing

        How to choose the right KPI for Digital Marketing?


        Key performance indicators or KPIs are quantifiable measures that assist a business review its performance and tracking the results. There are a lot of metrics that define the success of a digital marketing campaign, but KPIs are the exclusively selected metrics that best display the investment yield for a specific…

        Key performance indicators or KPIs are quantifiable measures that assist a business review its performance and tracking the results. There are a lot of metrics that define the success of a digital marketing campaign, but KPIs are the exclusively selected metrics that best display the investment yield for a specific project. A Digital marketing agency selects both long-term and short-term KPIs for the overall analysis of their efforts. A long-term KPI, that best aligns with the ultimate goal of the business, helps in integrating all the departmental efforts and, short-term KPI assists in analyzing the efforts of a specific campaign that is run under a holistic digital marketing strategy.  

        Why should digital marketers set KPIs?

        KPIs give a SMART approach, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound, to your digital marketing campaign. Defining KPIs for campaigns assists the business in ensuring that its operational efforts and monetary investments are reaping maximum benefits. Some other benefits of setting accurate KPIs for your digital marketing campaigns include: 
        • KPIs justify the performance of digital marketing experts in front of stakeholders such as investors, clients, and even employees. 
        • They help in identifying the wins and loopholes in the campaign which assists in devising more rewarding and fruitful future strategies. 
        • Analyzing the KPIs diligently also helps in becoming aware of hidden opportunities and foreseeable threats, which helps in bringing about proactive measures. 
        Now that we are well aware of the importance of setting KPIs for your digital marketing campaigns, it is equally important to understand which KPIs. to go for. This brings us to the next segment which is:  

        How to choose the right KPI for Digital Marketing? 

        Because KPIs are key elements that define the success or failure of your campaign, it is imperative to select them carefully. Keep in mind the following 5 tips while creating a list of KPIs for your next digital marketing project.   Narrow down your list of metrics Not all metrics are KPIs. Metrics are an array of measures, and KPIs are the specific ones that you select. So, we can say that the list of metrics is much broader and KPIs are specific. For example, a metric of your social media brand awareness campaign can be increased follower count, but a more SMART KPI will be a specific number of impressions and engagement rate.    Set relevant expectations The most prominent feature of a KPI is that it is more easily measurable in terms of the expectations of the outcome. A generic metric will be the increased traffic rate to your website which has no boundaries to it. The more the traffic rate, the better it is, but a KPI will be much more defined. For example, a defined KPI for your next SEO campaign can be a 15% traffic rate increase, month-on-month.    Align the KPIs to digital channels Different digital channels call for different action plans and measures. For example, the KPIs for an email marketing campaign would be delivery rate, open rate and click-through rate, whereas the relevant KPIs for the pay-per-click campaign would be, impressions, cost-per-acquisition and conversion rate. Therefore, it is crucial to align your KPIs to your digital channels.   Analyze industry benchmarks Your KPIs will differ based on the industry your business model falls in. By analyzing the industry benchmarks, you can choose digital marketing KPIs based on what is relevant in your industry, and also keep abreast of what your competitors are choosing. For example, the relevant KPIs for an E-commerce business would be conversion rate, abandoned cart rates and customer lifetime value, whereas the KPIs for a digital campaign run for a local service-based business would be, lead generation from Google my Business and footfall in the physical store.   Tailor KPIs to the business life cycle Every business has a life cycle – starting from the startup stage moving up to expansion. Your KPIs must be tailored to the life stage of your business. An accurate KPI can be a major motivator for you and your digital marketing team, but an inaccurate one can lead to a major plummet in the zeal to work. Being a startup, your primary digital KPIs. might surround improved digital visibility and new customer acquisition but, if you are a mature business then your primary KPI might be digital reputation management and customer retention rate.  


        Selecting the right KPI for your business is crucial as it gives direction to your digital marketing efforts. With diligent and consistent work, SMART KPIs are easier to reach, boosting the morale of both you and your team, given they are strategically selected.  If you are seeking professional assistance to achieve your digital marketing goals and define the best-suited KPIs for your campaigns, then let us be your guiding light. #ARM Worldwide is an award-winning digital marketing agency that is here to support you at every step of your digital journey.  

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          Latest Trends Shaping Influencer Marketing in 2023


          By 2025, researchers have estimated that the channel will reach another all-time high with investments totalling $24 billion. Why? Because consumers want it more than ever. As target audiences begin to shift for businesses, the appeal of influencers continues to make its way to the forefront of business marketing strategies. …

          By 2025, researchers have estimated that the channel will reach another all-time high with investments totalling $24 billion. Why? Because consumers want it more than ever. As target audiences begin to shift for businesses, the appeal of influencers continues to make its way to the forefront of business marketing strategies.  Brands must keep up with these latest trends, adapting their strategies to placate and engage a restless audience and emerge on top:

          Consumption of Quick Content

          The consumption of quick content has increased among social media users, and this is going to become a trend in the future. A short span of content intrigues the audience and increases the retention value. In addition, the span of human attention is getting shorter as social media usage increases. Therefore, utilising the potential short-form content will help you stand out and engage your audience. These days, short-form videos are everywhere. And brands continue to pay attention as platforms like Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn, Google and Pinterest increase their short-form offerings. YouTube's evolving entry into short video content is worth exploring for marketers who are ready to take risks and engage in quick content.

          Rise of Nano Influencers

          The newest additions to the influencer marketing industry are known as nano influencers. Consumers refer to these as "ordinary individuals" with remarkable social media abilities and a built-in capacity for influence. Brands will recognise the close and valuable bond nano influencers share with their audience in comparison to those with large followings. Potential sponsors will find the nano-influencers more appealing in terms of niche, so the audience will be more devoted to their identity. They will consequently have a big impact on lead generation for the brand. A survey examines the growth of nano influencers in the influencer marketing industry, with a particular emphasis on the benefits that businesses can derive from this new talent level.

          Employing Influencer Subscriptions

          Paid subscriptions are being tested by social media platforms, while newsletter services like Substack are becoming more and more well-liked among creators. In addition, subscriptions can strengthen bonds between content producers and their audiences, whether used in conjunction with current social network services or a different subscription platform. By providing restricted access to creative work, subscription-based content gives producers a means to interact with their audience. Brands can benefit from subscriptions by financing a creator's specialised subscriber-only material or by connecting with a close-knit subscriber group in other ways.

          Power of Live Streaming

          Live streaming is an innovative and powerful way to engage influencers in your campaigns. The craze and allure towards live streaming are expected to rise among consumers in 2023. When you receive a real-time response to your queries or remarks, your excitement level increases, and live streaming does exactly this, increasing your curiosity towards the product. Live streaming adds a voice and a face to the message, which written forms of marketing lack. Additionally, live streaming outperforms pre-recorded video when you want to make a strong personal impression.

          Expanding Influence Genres

          With digital transformation swooping in, altering how businesses operate and communicate with consumers, banks, financial companies, and everything in between have swayed to hop on the influencer marketing train. As a result, financial Services and Infotainment industries can tap into a group of Influencers at once to access their ideal audience and often drive better engagement than if they used other marketing channels. Brands use influencers to promote their offerings through paid advertisements, free giveaways, and endorsements. They can generate important brand awareness and loyalty via paid or unpaid posts. The goal is to get influencers to share valuable information & create excitement around a particular topic. The key benefit here is that they reach a larger or wider audience at a lower cost than traditional advertising.

          Final Thoughts

          In order to increase client confidence in your company, influencer marketing is a crucial strategy. As a result, it will be essential to promote brand awareness as well as online sales. Influencer marketing companies can assist in doing this by helping to convey the correct message at the right time on the right platform, which will promote further sales. Additionally, consumers of today are driven to authenticity and realism; therefore, adaptable content stirs rather than branded scripts will be the foundation of your successful influencer marketing campaigns. Finally, keep in mind that influencers can only create strong, positive brand connections when brands allow them the freedom and liberty to be who they truly are.

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            Digital Marketing / Inbound Marketing

            The Top 7 Viral Marketing Techniques


            Viral marketing is the ball game of both luck and diligence. Some viral marketing strategies make the brand go viral in an instant, some take time and some just sink. The thing that is common for all successful viral marketing campaigns is that they start with great efforts, that include: …

            Viral marketing is the ball game of both luck and diligence. Some viral marketing strategies make the brand go viral in an instant, some take time and some just sink. The thing that is common for all successful viral marketing campaigns is that they start with great efforts, that include:  Producing share-worthy content, Creating a buzz around the same, and Inducing social sharing through paid collaborations. These efforts aim at acquiring the target audience’s interest which eventually leads to the content spreading like wildfire.

            What is viral marketing?

            Viral marketing revolves around creating content that has the ability to spread at an exponential rate. It can be in the form of a video, text or image. Through viral marketing techniques, brands make immense use of social networks and online platforms for their promotion.

            Why include viral marketing strategies in your marketing campaign? 

            With digitization taking off, viral marketing has become supremely beneficial. Content goes viral online frequently and that is why brands are including it in their marketing campaign. Other than that: 
            • It helps enhance brand awareness on a large scale. 
            • A great viral piece of content improves brand retention ten folds. 
            • It is much more economical as compared to paid advertising since the followers become organic promoters. 
            • With successful viral marketing campaigns, a brand can build a robust and loyal customer/follower base. 

            7 viral marketing techniques to skyrocket your business.

            Hop on the bandwagon of trends Some sort of a topic or piece of content keeps on going viral every now and then, making it a trend. It can be in the form of a meme, a hashtag, a tweet or a video. By building content surrounding the “it” topics of your industry, you can garner loads of audience for your brand, even from segments outside your targeted ones.  Leverage video marketing The attention span of people consuming online content is significantly decreasing. Therefore, video content is taking a major role. The changing viewer behaviour calls for a change in the content creation strategy in order to cater to the target audience’s stated or unstated wants. Moreover, video content has a reach of 92% among worldwide internet users, making it an extremely popular content form with a higher chance of going viral.  Read more on short-form Video Content Marketing Create relatable content Content that resonates with the viewers tends to have an emotional appeal, making it much more compelling. If a viewer relates to your content, they will have a better remembrance of your brand and will be willing to know more about it. Therefore it is crucial to create content with which your target audience can associate. Moreover, relatable content incubates brand awareness through organic social sharing. Empower your customers Viral marketing is highly dependent on perceptions. The success or failure of your campaign will depend completely on how your target audience reacts to it. Challenging general beliefs is a risky game, it can either change the viewer’s narrative or bring your brand to the ground. Therefore, every viral marketing campaign must have an essence of empowerment for the customers to experience. This ensures a positive result.  Associate with influencers Influencers are like relatable celebrities in today’s time. As per a majority of marketers, influencer-based posts bring much more success than branded posts. Influencer marketing can be a propeller for the campaign to get viral, especially in the initial stages. Make use of the festive seasons Festive seasons are the golden time for businesses to intensify their promotional campaigns considering the scope of higher traffic, especially shoppers. Building content and campaigns tailored around festivities posit high growth potential.  Check out the viral Diwali ads that touched our hearts. Ensure variety and consistency Lastly, it is important to be consistent with your viral marketing techniques and build a variety of viral marketing campaigns in order to increase the probability of actually going viral in the content-filled online space. 


            The key element that differentiates a general marketing campaign from a viral marketing campaign is content. Content is king and its power should not be underestimated.  Do you wish to build a lucrative content marketing strategy for your brand, then let #ARM Worldwide be your supporter and promoter. Our dedicated professionals leave no stone unturned to take your business to a noteworthy level. 

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              Digital Marketing / Inbound Marketing

              The Top 7 Viral Marketing Techniques


              Viral marketing is the ball game of both luck and diligence. Some viral marketing strategies make the brand go viral in an instant, some take time and some just sink. The thing that is common for all successful viral marketing campaigns is that they start with great efforts, that include: …

              Viral marketing is the ball game of both luck and diligence. Some viral marketing strategies make the brand go viral in an instant, some take time and some just sink. The thing that is common for all successful viral marketing campaigns is that they start with great efforts, that include:  Producing share-worthy content, Creating a buzz around the same, and Inducing social sharing through paid collaborations. These efforts aim at acquiring the target audience’s interest which eventually leads to the content spreading like wildfire.

              What is viral marketing?

              Viral marketing revolves around creating content that has the ability to spread at an exponential rate. It can be in the form of a video, text or image. Through viral marketing techniques, brands make immense use of social networks and online platforms for their promotion.

              Why include viral marketing strategies in your marketing campaign? 

              With digitization taking off, viral marketing has become supremely beneficial. Content goes viral online frequently and that is why brands are including it in their marketing campaign. Other than that: 
              • It helps enhance brand awareness on a large scale. 
              • A great viral piece of content improves brand retention ten folds. 
              • It is much more economical as compared to paid advertising since the followers become organic promoters. 
              • With successful viral marketing campaigns, a brand can build a robust and loyal customer/follower base. 

              7 viral marketing techniques to skyrocket your business.

              Hop on the bandwagon of trends Some sort of a topic or piece of content keeps on going viral every now and then, making it a trend. It can be in the form of a meme, a hashtag, a tweet or a video. By building content surrounding the “it” topics of your industry, you can garner loads of audience for your brand, even from segments outside your targeted ones.  Leverage video marketing The attention span of people consuming online content is significantly decreasing. Therefore, video content is taking a major role. The changing viewer behaviour calls for a change in the content creation strategy in order to cater to the target audience’s stated or unstated wants. Moreover, video content has a reach of 92% among worldwide internet users, making it an extremely popular content form with a higher chance of going viral.  Read more on short-form Video Content Marketing Create relatable content Content that resonates with the viewers tends to have an emotional appeal, making it much more compelling. If a viewer relates to your content, they will have a better remembrance of your brand and will be willing to know more about it. Therefore it is crucial to create content with which your target audience can associate. Moreover, relatable content incubates brand awareness through organic social sharing. Empower your customers Viral marketing is highly dependent on perceptions. The success or failure of your campaign will depend completely on how your target audience reacts to it. Challenging general beliefs is a risky game, it can either change the viewer’s narrative or bring your brand to the ground. Therefore, every viral marketing campaign must have an essence of empowerment for the customers to experience. This ensures a positive result.  Associate with influencers Influencers are like relatable celebrities in today’s time. As per a majority of marketers, influencer-based posts bring much more success than branded posts. Influencer marketing can be a propeller for the campaign to get viral, especially in the initial stages. Make use of the festive seasons Festive seasons are the golden time for businesses to intensify their promotional campaigns considering the scope of higher traffic, especially shoppers. Building content and campaigns tailored around festivities posit high growth potential.  Check out the viral Diwali ads that touched our hearts. Ensure variety and consistency Lastly, it is important to be consistent with your viral marketing techniques and build a variety of viral marketing campaigns in order to increase the probability of actually going viral in the content-filled online space. 


              The key element that differentiates a general marketing campaign from a viral marketing campaign is content. Content is king and its power should not be underestimated.  Do you wish to build a lucrative content marketing strategy for your brand, then let #ARM Worldwide be your supporter and promoter. Our dedicated professionals leave no stone unturned to take your business to a noteworthy level. 

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                Social Media Marketing

                Discover the Top Social Media Trends in 2023


                Social Media today has turned into a dynamic landscape, with user appeal and behaviour resulting in constantly-evolving features of social channels. For marketers searching for fresh, inventive methods to connect with their target audience, this constant change creates the scope for fantastic opportunities. Utilising social media trends will not only make…

                Social Media today has turned into a dynamic landscape, with user appeal and behaviour resulting in constantly-evolving features of social channels. For marketers searching for fresh, inventive methods to connect with their target audience, this constant change creates the scope for fantastic opportunities. Utilising social media trends will not only make you stand out and expand the market but also help boost user interaction and your company's visibility. Let's look at the latest social media trends that will be prominent in 2023.

                Rise of Nano Influencers & UGC

                Working with nano-influencers has already proven successful for many well-known firms, and in 2023, this trend will reach new heights. 90% of effective influencer marketing efforts use nano-influencers as they connect your brand with niche audiences and give you direct access to your target market. Nano-influencers' credibility is stronger than that of bloggers who are paid to promote a product, considering their feeds do not contain many advertisements. Therefore, UGC is another successful component of content strategy. It demonstrates that your product is well-liked and in demand in the market.

                Boom in Social Audio

                The significance of audio in social media is rapidly evolving as more social media platforms shift toward active interaction with customers via dialogues. Therefore, in 2023, businesses should develop a plan that makes the most of social audio. For instance, they can have channel-specific strategies wherein users are more inclined to view with 'sound-on' mode. Live audio interactions will enable people to be their most authentic selves by promoting better empathy and accessibility. In addition, marketers can leverage audio for a Tête-à-Tête on topics relevant to their brand. These discussions will be the newest form of UGC with free-flowing conversation as the attendees will provide all the content. Digitisation, along with the rising integration of social commerce platforms and AI-enabled chatbots that help predict customer behaviour and optimise UX, is trending in the market today. 

                Expansion of Social Commerce

                Digitisation, along with the rising integration of social commerce platforms and AI-enabled chatbots that help predict customer behaviour and optimise UX, is trending in the market today. In 2022 sales via social media platforms are estimated to add up to $992 billion. Moreover, its popularity shows no signs of dying down and is further anticipated to reach nearly $3 trillion by 2026.  Marketers can tailor content to the audience and automate marketing communication. Smart CRM tools also help move prospects along the funnel seamlessly and manage all customer data in a single source of truth. Consider both existing and potential customers. Ensure that you reach them across all touchpoints and channels they use. Identify effective ways of engaging – through live videos, custom graphics, or UGC.

                Gaming is the New Playground

                With social media platforms being the 'tried and true advertising channels, 2023 will bring a wealth of exciting new prospects for brands and enterprises in the gaming industry. To narrow the gap between virtual reality and real life, gaming can be leveraged as a means of community engagement. Marketers can empower streaming platforms to increase social interaction. Gamers are constantly in pursuit of new content to check out, preferably in real-time. Therefore, smart marketers will focus on hyping up live events such as announcements and competitions. As a result, the gaming business is predicted to be worth over $200.8 billion by 2023. As a result, a lot of IT companies and brands are increasing their investment in the sector.

                Creation of the Human Touch

                Brands will continue to recognise the value of having a social media presence, but in 2023, we'll finally see them adopt a more personal approach to the channel. Businesses will start to prioritise content that features 'real' users rather than models to capitalise on the possibilities of peer-to-peer communication and feed the desire for authenticity. 91% of customers are more likely to purchase or shop with brands that provide personalised offers and recommendations. Therefore, distributing relevant content will have a much higher success rate. Brands will adopt more conversational tones by showcasing more of the 'inner workings and behind the scenes.' To become more responsive and interactive, they will drop the polished sheen.

                Final Thoughts

                Given the importance of social media in today's society, marketers swarm to social media sites to connect with their target demographic. On the other hand, social media is overrun with content, and the competition is expanding rapidly. Without a well-thought-out social media strategy, it may be difficult to stand out. Maintaining awareness of these newest social media trends will strengthen your plan and help you stand out from the competition. Your company could achieve new digital heights in 2023! So, stay up to date on these most recent advances and use them in your social media campaigns.

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                  Social Media Marketing

                  Discover the Top Social Media Trends in 2023


                  Social Media today has turned into a dynamic landscape, with user appeal and behaviour resulting in constantly-evolving features of social channels. For marketers searching for fresh, inventive methods to connect with their target audience, this constant change creates the scope for fantastic opportunities. Utilising social media trends will not only make…

                  Social Media today has turned into a dynamic landscape, with user appeal and behaviour resulting in constantly-evolving features of social channels. For marketers searching for fresh, inventive methods to connect with their target audience, this constant change creates the scope for fantastic opportunities. Utilising social media trends will not only make you stand out and expand the market but also help boost user interaction and your company's visibility. Let's look at the latest social media trends that will be prominent in 2023.

                  Rise of Nano Influencers & UGC

                  Working with nano-influencers has already proven successful for many well-known firms, and in 2023, this trend will reach new heights. 90% of effective influencer marketing efforts use nano-influencers as they connect your brand with niche audiences and give you direct access to your target market. Nano-influencers' credibility is stronger than that of bloggers who are paid to promote a product, considering their feeds do not contain many advertisements. Therefore, UGC is another successful component of content strategy. It demonstrates that your product is well-liked and in demand in the market.

                  Boom in Social Audio

                  The significance of audio in social media is rapidly evolving as more social media platforms shift toward active interaction with customers via dialogues. Therefore, in 2023, businesses should develop a plan that makes the most of social audio. For instance, they can have channel-specific strategies wherein users are more inclined to view with 'sound-on' mode. Live audio interactions will enable people to be their most authentic selves by promoting better empathy and accessibility. In addition, marketers can leverage audio for a Tête-à-Tête on topics relevant to their brand. These discussions will be the newest form of UGC with free-flowing conversation as the attendees will provide all the content. Digitisation, along with the rising integration of social commerce platforms and AI-enabled chatbots that help predict customer behaviour and optimise UX, is trending in the market today. 

                  Expansion of Social Commerce

                  Digitisation, along with the rising integration of social commerce platforms and AI-enabled chatbots that help predict customer behaviour and optimise UX, is trending in the market today. In 2022 sales via social media platforms are estimated to add up to $992 billion. Moreover, its popularity shows no signs of dying down and is further anticipated to reach nearly $3 trillion by 2026.  Marketers can tailor content to the audience and automate marketing communication. Smart CRM tools also help move prospects along the funnel seamlessly and manage all customer data in a single source of truth. Consider both existing and potential customers. Ensure that you reach them across all touchpoints and channels they use. Identify effective ways of engaging – through live videos, custom graphics, or UGC.

                  Gaming is the New Playground

                  With social media platforms being the 'tried and true advertising channels, 2023 will bring a wealth of exciting new prospects for brands and enterprises in the gaming industry. To narrow the gap between virtual reality and real life, gaming can be leveraged as a means of community engagement. Marketers can empower streaming platforms to increase social interaction. Gamers are constantly in pursuit of new content to check out, preferably in real-time. Therefore, smart marketers will focus on hyping up live events such as announcements and competitions. As a result, the gaming business is predicted to be worth over $200.8 billion by 2023. As a result, a lot of IT companies and brands are increasing their investment in the sector.

                  Creation of the Human Touch

                  Brands will continue to recognise the value of having a social media presence, but in 2023, we'll finally see them adopt a more personal approach to the channel. Businesses will start to prioritise content that features 'real' users rather than models to capitalise on the possibilities of peer-to-peer communication and feed the desire for authenticity. 91% of customers are more likely to purchase or shop with brands that provide personalised offers and recommendations. Therefore, distributing relevant content will have a much higher success rate. Brands will adopt more conversational tones by showcasing more of the 'inner workings and behind the scenes.' To become more responsive and interactive, they will drop the polished sheen.

                  Final Thoughts

                  Given the importance of social media in today's society, marketers swarm to social media sites to connect with their target demographic. On the other hand, social media is overrun with content, and the competition is expanding rapidly. Without a well-thought-out social media strategy, it may be difficult to stand out. Maintaining awareness of these newest social media trends will strengthen your plan and help you stand out from the competition. Your company could achieve new digital heights in 2023! So, stay up to date on these most recent advances and use them in your social media campaigns.

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                    UX/UI Trends to Rule in 2023


                    Any website's success depends on how well it is designed. Since it will be the first thing users and potential customers will see, it must be done carefully and to the highest degree of excellence. Everyone can benefit from using a user journey map to see the product from the…

                    Any website's success depends on how well it is designed. Since it will be the first thing users and potential customers will see, it must be done carefully and to the highest degree of excellence. Everyone can benefit from using a user journey map to see the product from the user's point of view. It is regarded as a crucial element in UX/UI trends design and optimisation.  Understanding the newest UI/UX trends of 2023 is crucial if your company is planning to update its current apps or deploy new software. This will allow you to enjoy these UI/UX trends and create a superior brand experience. Let's dive in!

                    Leverage Motion Design

                    Motion design is a crucial component of the language used by designers to interact with users. It describes physical connections between the positioning and operations of different elements. By expanding and strengthening the interactive design, motion design defines navigation and produces a more natural experience. Current UX/UI trends like Motion support a user's actions. User engagement can be elevated through visual response. Transitions, animations, and even moving textures that simulate 3D depth are just a few examples of the many motion-based design components used today.

                    Interact with 3D Imagery

                    A visual effect can catch a customer's eye and improve their experience in the virtual environment. In 2023, application startup times will be a trend in user interface and user experience design. Many programmers and visual artists will look for solutions in 2023 that make it easier to post website pages and graphics. Interactive animation is more likely to be noticed since it is easier to recall, which increases user attention. The goal is to draw in and interact with the audience, and the 3D impact does this by raising brand familiarity and broadening the target market. In addition, industries will continue to develop in response to the rising demand for virtual reality experiences and images that captivate viewers as realistic. 

                    Enhance Typography

                    A UI trend that puts typography front and centre is ancient typography or rule-breaking typography. You should be familiar with the norms of typography in order to bend them correctly. Beyond its usual use, typography occupies a significant place. Typography is sometimes allowed to spin, twist, grow large, break up words into several lines, and generate unreadable designs. UI design trends strongly emphasise bolder fonts, creating a bold statement and providing the best value. Therefore, the year will be characterised by the employment of brighter and bolder fonts, which goes hand in hand with the clean lines and geometric compositions trend.

                    Employ Immersive Scrolling

                    Scrolling is a unique experience in and of itself, and it keeps getting more creative. This UX trend is centred on scrolling through a page and discovering even more details. With the appropriate approach of creative scrolling, brands can advertise their products in an immersive, storytelling manner. The scroll can be altered to give more precise or slicker actions. For instance, it is possible to zoom in and out on films, the transition between various characteristics, and alter the shape of images. The hierarchy of vertical scrolling allows it to be improved for message delivery. Designers can now modify the appearance and order of content by using JavaScript and animation frameworks.

                    Virtual and Augmented Reality

                    Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have been around for a while, but in 2023, these technologies will become more widely available, affordable, and utilised as the newest UX/UI trends. Through immersive experiences, AR and VR technologies will improve customer experiences as they become more widely available to enterprises. While AR is a real-world scenario that has been enhanced with computer-generated sensory input, including sound, video, graphics, and other sensory inputs, VR is a computer-generated simulation of an immersive environment. For training and development, product creation and testing, and customer service, people have used AR and VR technology.

                    Final Thoughts

                    Future software development will be significantly impacted by the changes in digital user experience and interface that have been covered in this blog. Organisations will be able to improve their digital user experience and create better products by implementing these latest UX/UI trends. Businesses must stay current on new user experiences and interface trends as a result of the digital transformation that is currently occurring.

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