Digital Marketing / Inbound Marketing

5 Strategies to Build a Successful Measurement Plan


To stay resilient in these uncertain times, strengthening your marketing measurement plan is more important than ever. Having a clear understanding of what works and what doesn’t, enables leaders to make data-driven decisions that drive business growth and set them apart from the competition.  To help prepare for 2023, we…

To stay resilient in these uncertain times, strengthening your marketing measurement plan is more important than ever. Having a clear understanding of what works and what doesn’t, enables leaders to make data-driven decisions that drive business growth and set them apart from the competition.  To help prepare for 2023, we compiled a list of the measurement strategies marketers must leverage to deliver on business objectives and navigate changes in the marketing ecosystem:

Define Clear Goals

With measurable goals, you clearly define what will make you successful.  Looking beyond the tactical side of the business with a macro viewpoint, one may perceive the business from a competitive, business vertical, and economic standpoint. Once you've identified the company's long-term goals, conduct a SWOT analysis to identify areas for improvement. Establishing SMART goals and deciding on KPIs will help you measure your progress toward stated objectives. A quality measurement plan highlights key metrics to measure the highs and lows of the strategies that can be shared with external stakeholders for better future outcomes and understanding of strategies. Prioritising efficiency in systems is another significant factor that marketers must keep in mind. Refining processes down to what actually produces results allows businesses to run with larger profit margins.

Grow your First-Party Data

Evaluating the website measurement plan to meet the changing needs of customers helps boost business revenue along with creating a unique and personalised customer experience. Having a large and diverse pool of first-party data sets businesses apart from competitors and provides a strategic advantage in decision-making. It also allows them to make data-driven decisions that steer business growth and improve performance. Segmenting first-party data enables brands to tailor their offerings and experiences to specific groups of customers based on common factors, resulting in more relevant and customised experiences. Brands can also optimise their marketing campaigns to target specific groups with offers and messages that they are most likely to resonate with and prompt action. 

Optimise For True Business Values

To ensure that all digital marketing activities are pertinent, optimising a marketing strategy necessitates a comprehensive digital transformation that includes a reassessment of business objectives. Building, refining, and optimising on personas ensures your marketing team knows the audience they are trying to reach and reveals new platforms or tactics that are worth testing to measure the impact. Advertisers who optimise for true values, rather than cost, see an average of 14% increase in the conversion values that align with their business values. By incorporating real-world data & tracking the progress, marketers can calculate the incremental value realised and estimate the expected value of addressing remaining root causes. 

Leveraging Analytics Technology

Leveraging data and analytics is a crucial project measurement plan. By focusing on the right data points and using them to make informed decisions, you can advance your marketing goals and improve ROI. Many firms have utilised machine learning to gain deeper insights into the customer experience. The market for ML is projected to grow at a CAGR of 39%, from $8 billion in 2019 to $117 billion by 2028. Organisations must tie their CRM software with marketing analytics tools to create a more holistic view of their customers and improve their communication with these stakeholders. Google Analytics is a powerful tool that predicts user behavior, such as the rate of customer churn in a specific period. It provides valuable data that can help allocate the necessary funding to retain customers.

Monitoring Overall Performance

A clear and concise overview of KPIs allows executives and managers to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to improve processes, optimise operations, and drive growth. Build a comprehensive attribution model that distributes each sale among different marketing channels the customer interacted with before making a purchase. Consolidating crucial indicators and assessing top-level outcomes can be simplified by creating a custom report or GA dashboard and sending automated emails to all stakeholders, typically once per month. Understanding which metrics in which channels create the most bang for the buck means understanding conclusively how users interact with the brand, which ones convert to leads, and which ones are closing.

Final Thoughts

A successful data measurement plan should combine reliable and robust data with a structured goal-setting process to ensure that all areas of the business are in alignment. Setting a clear objective and goal for your business, tracking progress, and monitoring performance regularly will help ensure companies can measure the results of their efforts and adjust accordingly. By leveraging the above-mentioned measurement plan into your business, you can stay prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead.  

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    Digital Marketing / Inbound Marketing

    Data Privacy- 4 ways businesses can protect consumer data


    Customer data is the goldmine for businesses. Companies collect large amounts of consumer data as it helps them make better decisions and efficient strategies to increase sales and ROI. According to surveys, around 49% of businesses believe that customer data helps them to make better decisions, and 16% say that this…

    Customer data is the goldmine for businesses. Companies collect large amounts of consumer data as it helps them make better decisions and efficient strategies to increase sales and ROI. According to surveys, around 49% of businesses believe that customer data helps them to make better decisions, and 16% say that this data helps them to enable key strategic initiatives.  In the era where technological advancements happen now and then, data protection has become an essential part of all business strategies. With the evolution of technology, data breaches have become more advanced and heavily impactful.  The global data security landscape has witnessed an unprecedented increase in cyber threats in recent years. It has become easier for them to use phishing and social engineering attacks to infiltrate networks and spread malware and ransomware. By stealing personal information, tricking employees into divulging their credentials, or clicking infected links or attachments, cybercriminals can gain access to work laptops. Once infiltrated, it can easily infect an entire network. There has been a 125% increase in cyber attacks globally through 2021, with the increasing numbers continuing to threaten businesses and individuals in the forthcoming years.

    Why must customer data be protected?

    Protecting customer data is important for one reason. Your business depends on it. If companies don't take steps to protect customer data, they become vulnerable to hacking, which can lead to loss of consumer confidence, impact business reputation, and more.Certain laws mandate the protection of consumer information, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). In India, the Information Technology Act 2000 is the primary law in India for matters that relate to e-commerce and cybercrime.  Even if you don't have a physical place of business in a state or country with data protection laws in place, you may still be subject to penalties if you obtain data from citizens living in that area. 

    4 ways businesses can protect consumer data

    We have listed down four ways in which big organizations can ensure to protect their consumer data at all times:


    Encryption is the lock and key for protecting consumer data. Make sure all sensitive data is encrypted regardless of where it is stored or transmitted. Methods of encrypting connections include Virtual Private Network (VPN), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), or Transport Layer Security (TLS). A VPN service can help you hide your IP address and protect your online activities. An example of this is an SSL certificate that encrypts personal data when processing payments. This helps protect consumer privacy, especially if your business uses third-party applications to process transactions. 

    Restricted access

    Not all employees need access to every nook and cranny of the business. Give each employee only the access that is necessary for their position. The same applies to internal networks. Use firewall protection to block them internally from each other. This makes it harder for cybercriminals to devastate your business.

    Keep plugins and software up-to-date

    Hackers are well-aware that non-updated and out-of-date softwares and plugins are the easiest to hack. It is important to keep your software up-to-date to avoid any hacking or cyberattack. While many devices and applications offer automatic updates, sometimes operating system updates make a device unusable for a couple of minutes, which can extend to hours, and have to be manually launched after download. If you use plugins, make sure they are always updated to mitigate vulnerabilities and protect consumer data from hackers.

    Password management tools

    By using password management tools, you can improve cybersecurity and reduce the risk of hacking. These tools create and store complex passwords for all the tools and software your team uses. Complex passwords are usually difficult for users to remember and are not used by users. Password managers make this much easier by storing all your passwords encrypted. This way, if someone needs to log in to the tool, they can easily get the credentials from the password of their manager

    Final thoughts

    Your customers entrust you with their most sensitive information, from credit cards to social security information. It is organization’s responsibility to keep it safe. As we move into the era of data protection by design and default, every business must implement security plans to protect data from internal and external threats.

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      Digital Marketing / Inbound Marketing

      2023 Trends Digest


      As the world continues to become more digitally connected, one of the most important aspects of success for businesses in the year 2023 will be staying up to speed with the ever-evolving landscape of trends digest.  Let's revisit some of the trends you definitely need to own this year: E-commerce…

      As the world continues to become more digitally connected, one of the most important aspects of success for businesses in the year 2023 will be staying up to speed with the ever-evolving landscape of trends digest.  Let's revisit some of the trends you definitely need to own this year:

      E-commerce Trends

      With the growing usage of mobile internet, Ecommerce has taken centre stage in our lives. By 2023, industries will embrace these new Ecommerce trends and will capitalise on the opportunities presented.
      • Leverage Social Commerce
      • Advance Payment Modes
      • Omnichannel Customer Experience
      • Eco-friendly Shopping choices
      • Rising Presence of AI
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here

      PR Trends

      Technology will be a major influence on PR trends in 2023. Keep an eye on the future with the newest PR trends for 2023, which include cutting-edge technology and creative narrative strategies.
      • Customisation and Connections
      • Focus on Mission & Value-based Storytelling
      • Change the Game with Technology
      • Rise of Interactive Content
      • Metrics and Ratings
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here

      UX/UI Trends

      UX/UI trends in 2023 are projected to be more data-driven, utilising predictive analytics and AI technology. Designers will ensure their design decisions take into account accessibility and vision.
      • Leverage Motion Design
      • Interact with 3D Imagery
      • Enhance Typography
      • Employ Immersive Scrolling
      • Virtual and Augmented Reality
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here

      Social Media Trends

      In 2023, social media trends will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with technology. Connectivity and collaboration will be the two major pillars of social media.
      • Rise of Nano Influencers & UGC
      • Boom in Social Audio
      • Expansion of Social Commerce
      • Gaming is the New Playground
      • Creation of the Human Touch
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here

      Influencer Marketing Trends

      In 2023, influencer marketing trends will be driven by the increasing demands of customers and their ever-growing reliance on social media channels to make informed purchase decisions.
      • Consumption of Quick Content
      • Rise of Nano Influencers
      • Employing Influencer Subscriptions
      • Power of Live Streaming
      • Expanding Influence Genres
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here

      SEO Trends

      In 2023, a key trend in SEO will be the continued importance of user experience. A major emphasis will be on page speed and other factors that influence the user experience. 
      • Optimising Mobile-friendly Websites
      • Answering PAA Queries
      • Utilising Various Forms of Content
      • Powering AI Content
      • Trusting Boring Ol’ SEO
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here

      Marketing Automation Trends

      Marketing automation trends in 2023 are predicted to lean heavily on personalisation. With intelligent automation, marketers will be able to tailor their messages effectively instead of sending generic campaigns.
      • Embracing User Quality Data
      • Emergence of Omnichannel Marketing
      • Leveraging Personalised Content
      • Generating Lead Capture
      • Utilising Conversational Marketing
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here.

      Paid Media Trends

      In 2023, paid media is expected to grow significantly as more companies continue to incorporate digital marketing into their campaigns. 
      • Utilising Influencer Marketing
      • Leaning on First Party Data
      • Embracing Omnichannel Marketing
      • Leveraging Meta
      • Exploring Pinterest Marketing
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here

      Social Commerce Trends

      Social commerce trends in 2023 will see an increase in social media usage, technology, and better consumer experience. These offerings will drive the digital shopping experience. 
      • Utilising Visual Commerce
      • Embracing Descriptive Live Streaming
      • Collaborating with Micro Influencers
      • Selling with AI Chatbots
      • Offering Customised Experiences
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here

      Tech Trends

      2023 is projected to be a year of significant technological advancements. Emerging technologies like quantum computing, computer vision, and robotics are set to become more advanced and commonplace.
      • Applied Observability
      • Digital Immune System
      • Edge Computing
      • Super Apps
      • Robots will Become More Human
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here

      Content Marketing Trends

      Content marketing will continue to be an important part of digital marketing in 2023, and emerging trends will be focused on personalising content and delivering it in the most effective and engaging way possible. 
      • Short Form Videos
      • Embracing Voice Search
      • Strategic SEO
      • Leveraging Tech for Creativity
      • Powering with Podcasts
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here

      Digital Marketing Trends

      Digital marketing is an ever-evolving field that is quickly changing the way businesses reach and engage with their target audiences. Digital marketing trends are very crucial to maintain a connect with the customers.
      • Relying heavily on Data
      • Boom in Live Audio Interactions
      • Youth-centred Marketing
      • Leveraging Pinterest Marketing
      • Augmented Reality becomes Mainstream
      Read the exhaustive BLOG here Trends have and will continue to shape the future of virtually every industry, from design to marketing, from finance to retail, technology and beyond. Staying informed about emerging trends not only enables businesses to remain competitive but it also allows them to identify and seize opportunities to distinguish themselves from their competitors. 

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        Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

        Why do URL slugs matter?


        There are endless terms in the digital marketing domain, related to SEO, content marketing, influencer marketing, paid media, and more. Talking solely about the SEO industry, there are numerous terminologies, some of which we might not even be aware of. One such terminology that we are going to deep dive…

        There are endless terms in the digital marketing domain, related to SEO, content marketing, influencer marketing, paid media, and more. Talking solely about the SEO industry, there are numerous terminologies, some of which we might not even be aware of. One such terminology that we are going to deep dive into is URL slug. 

        What is a URL Slug? 

        Many marketers who are new in the industry find themselves asking “what is a URL slug?”, “why does it matter?”, “What are the benefits of URL slugs?”, and more.  A URL slug refers to the trailing portion of a URL after the backslash ("/") that identifies a particular page or post. Each slug on a webpage should be unique and give readers and search engines information about the content of the web page or post. No slug is added to the homepage URL or website domain name, but all other pages have a slug, which is automatically generated when you create a page or post. However, an automated slug may not be as useful as a slug you create yourself using best practices and keyword strategy. Now that we have understood what exactly a URL slug is, let us now understand why a URL slug matters. 

        Why are URL slugs important for SEO ranking? 

        A URL slug is often considered the best place to insert a page's target (or primary) keyword. After all, Google Search Advocate John Mueller confirmed that the words in the URL are a ranking factor. Though, he also emphasized that it's "very light", mostly useful for ranking pages before Google visits them. Even if URL keywords are a ranking factor, their impact on rankings should not be overestimated. However, it can be useful to use the page's target keyword in the URL slug. Especially from a user experience (UX) perspective, which goes hand in hand with SEO.

        Best SEO practices for URL slugs

        Now that you know the importance of optimizing your URL slugs to make them user-friendly, let's take a closer look at three best practices to follow when customizing your slugs.

        Keeping them concise yet informative

        Keywords in your URL won't significantly improve your rankings, but one of the best SEO practices is to include your main topic or keyword in your URL slug. It's best to keep the title short and simple so that it's easy to remember and understand, and to give an overview of the title.

        Make it readable

        Most web servers treat lowercase and uppercase URLs the same, but this is not always the case. Technically, everything after the domain name in the URL is case-sensitive, so some servers treat it differently. URLs are traditionally written in lowercase, so it's best to use the same for simplicity. Additionally, it is important to separate words in slugs for easier comprehension. It is recommended to use hyphens instead of underscores to separate words within a slug. It identifies hyphens as word separators and helps you understand what the page is about. It is also advisable to avoid special characters in your URLs. 

        Make it future ready

        It's always good to avoid the use of numbers in your URLs that are likely to be changed in the future. For example, if you are writing about the trends, avoid mentioning any particular year, as the trends might be different in the future. Making URLs future proof is an activity that must be kept in mind of every marketer and ensure that they are in place to avoid problems. 


        URL slugs aren't just for telling your website visitors what your page name is. It provides important data for search engines to organize and display your pages. While some businesses have an understanding of how to use URL slugs in their overall SEO strategies, some seek help from the best SEO agencies for the same. Knowing how to improve your URL slug and overall URL strategy can improve your SEO results.  

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          Influencer Marketing

          Boosting Reach: The Impact of Live Streaming on Influencer Marketing


          Influencer marketing is a force to be reckoned with today. Brands are rapidly adopting this means of marketing to reach out to their target audience and engage with them. While some companies are following the usual method for reaching out to the highly engaged online audience, others are trying to…

          Influencer marketing is a force to be reckoned with today. Brands are rapidly adopting this means of marketing to reach out to their target audience and engage with them. While some companies are following the usual method for reaching out to the highly engaged online audience, others are trying to fine-tune their influencer marketing strategies as per the latest trends to cash in on influencers and their vast popularity. Live videos have recently boomed the digital media industry. According to reports, nearly 80% of audiences prefer watching live videos from brands over reading blogs. Brands have also started to hop on the live-streaming bandwagon to stay ahead of the competition and reach a wider audience. As per sources, around 70% of B2B businesses using live streaming report positive results in their ROI. And this number will continue to grow.  Here are some fascinating ways live streaming is shaping the face of influencer marketing campaigns. 

          Why is live video streaming important in marketing?

          Makes influencers more accessible to the audience

          The live-streaming form allows audiences to directly engage with popular influencers. It makes the audience feel like they are peers and not just followers of the influencers. There exists an undeniable thrill within the audience when they get a response from their favourite influencer or celebrity. This sense of excitement merely amplifies when followers get a live reaction to their questions. It gives a face and voice to the content that is lacking in the written forms of marketing. 

          Builds trust with the viewers 

          Live video streaming provides transparency between the influencers and the audience. Their voice rings truer during the live streaming than in a blog post, which results in increased influencer engagement and open conversations. If you're looking for a compelling way to build trust with your audience, live video is for you. Some examples of building trust with viewers during live streaming are offering a behind the scenes at your offices and production facilities, inviting industry influencers to interview some of your employees in live conversations with audience questions and comments, and more.

          Allows content creation with quantitative ROI

          Influencer marketing ROI is often difficult to measure. However, live streaming is one area where you can get measurable results that provide valuable information for designing future campaigns. This technique is highly engaging with viewers, attracting a much larger audience than traditional online video. You can watch their Facebook Live videos at three times the length of their recorded videos. Businesses can leverage powerful influencers and live videos to reach audiences across industries.

          Provides an affordable way to add videos to marketing campaigns

          Professionally produced videos can be incredibly expensive. Even the DIY approach videos require time and video editing software. Editing a 3-minute video takes around 3 hours, but a 30-minute live stream only takes 30 minutes, plus prep time. These two factors are one of the reasons why influencers love live streaming so much. All you need is a stable internet connection and a quality smartphone to stream videos live. After the live stream ends, you can save the recording and reuse it as a video for your marketing campaign.


          Live video is a powerful medium that can be used in any influencer marketing strategy. Adding influencers to the mix makes your posts more impactful. By including authentic names and faces in your live videos, you can reach your audience in the most relatable way.

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            Digital Marketing / Inbound Marketing

            Get to know your customer: 5 rapidly evolving behaviour


            Customer behaviour has indeed evolved drastically. With new and emerging technologies, the digital domain is changing the way consumers interact with brands and purchase products. For example, the pandemic has shifted the shopping experience to an internet-only experience for many. Recent years have also seen a move among brands to…

            Customer behaviour has indeed evolved drastically. With new and emerging technologies, the digital domain is changing the way consumers interact with brands and purchase products. For example, the pandemic has shifted the shopping experience to an internet-only experience for many. Recent years have also seen a move among brands to promote more transparent and sustainable practices. As consumer expectations continue to rise, brands find it increasingly difficult to differentiate themselves from their competitors. The market is becoming increasingly competitive, with price and product second only to customer experience as a brand differentiator. Consumers now have become more demanding towards expressing their needs to brands. This get to know your customer day, we have listed down a few ways how consumers have evolved lately.  Here are 5 eye-opening insights on the evolution of consumer behaviour, that might help you plan your marketing strategy in a better way: 

            Gen Zs are leading the charge in social buying

            Gen Zs tend to engage more in social commerce as compared to older generations, as per a report by eMarketer. More than 56% of consumers between the ages of 18 and 24 years old have made at least one purchase on social media platforms. Unlike the older generations, GenZs prefer using social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram to find information about products and brands. With this valuable insight, brands that have GenZs as their target audience have started to heavily invest in social media to make them loyal consumers. 

            Consumers have higher expectations for customer service

            As compared to the past years, around 59% of consumers today tend to have higher expectations from brands in terms of customer service. As new technologies rapidly go mainstream and businesses leverage data analytics and machine learning to deliver personalized experiences, the bar for customer experience is being raised and consumers are raising expectations for every touchpoint and interaction. With product and price secondary to the customer experience, consumers increasingly prefer companies that recognize and understand their wants and needs. Today's successful brands are customer-centric, have two-way conversations with consumers, and use predictive analytics and machine learning to deliver great experiences that engage customers and drive brand loyalty. 

            Consumers expect a prompt response from brands

            As per stats, around 82% of consumers expect brands to respond in a prompt way to their queries, especially when it comes to sales and marketing. To meet the demand for instant answers, companies are investing in AI-powered chatbots and automated messaging. Machine learning enables brands to offer consumers a 24/7 intelligent conversational experience. Chatbots can automate responses to large numbers of consumer queries, reduce costs, free up customer service agents to handle more complex customer interactions, and increase customer satisfaction. 

            Shoppers expect to buy products via the BNPL option

            BNPL, or buy-now-pay-later, is a payment service which allows customers to buy products and pay later for them in interest-free instalments. According to Google Trends, BNPL options witnessed a rise in popularity in mid-2022. Various reports predict that this mode of payment will double or triple in the year 2023. It's especially popular with Gen Z, who is just starting in the workforce. Payment is often not what marketers think about when promoting a brand's products or services. However, the data suggests that it is helpful to highlight this as it becomes an increasingly strong selling point for consumers. As per statista, 52 Mn shoppers expect to buy products via the BNPL by 2026.

            Consumers are willing to pay a premium for sustainable products

            According to Harvard Business Review, sustainable products tend to be 5x more successful in average sales growth than common product sales growth. In today’s time where consumers have become more ‘woke’ to protect their planet, around 1/3rd of the consumers are willing to pay a premium for sustainable products. Verily more than 60% of the Gen Zs prefer paying for more eco-friendly products. Online shoppers look for products which are made of organic materials, recycled items, have no harmful chemicals, and are durable. Many brands may offer one or more of these, but do not advertise them. However, as sustainability grows as a consumer purchasing factor, this will help you stand out from the competition.
            Final thoughts As consumer behaviour has changed, customer experience has become a key differentiator for brands. To create a great experience, businesses must understand consumer demand and deploy the right technology to deliver a great, personalized customer experience. Every interaction is an opportunity to win new customers, drive positive business outcomes, and thrive with change.

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              Tech Trends to Watch Closely in 2023


              In this age of digitalisation, the world is shifting toward virtual experiences, creating more possibilities for user involvement. In 2023, new trends will emerge that will transform consumer experiences, daily advance tasks, forecast hazards, and — most importantly — improve customer security. These future tech trends will help your business…

              In this age of digitalisation, the world is shifting toward virtual experiences, creating more possibilities for user involvement. In 2023, new trends will emerge that will transform consumer experiences, daily advance tasks, forecast hazards, and — most importantly — improve customer security. These future tech trends will help your business grow and stay ahead of competitors. So, to stay on top, check out the most effective tech trends 2023:

              Applied Observability

              The applied use of observable data in a planned manner across business functions and operations helps drive better, faster, and more consistent business decisions. Furthermore, since observable data is catalogued, engineered and layered according to business perspective, it can thus result in both active and passive metadata that can help businesses in making valuable decisions. With applied observability, your organisation can increase its speed and optimise business performance in real time. Studies reveal that by 2026, 70% of organisations relying on applying observability will be able to achieve shorter latency for decision-making and will enjoy the benefits of competitive advantage. 

              Digital Immune System

              Data breaches and other digital threats can raise serious concerns and hamper the growth of the business. A Digital Immune System offers virus protection advantages to businesses and makes the application more resilient. To enhance UX and positively impact the organisations' performance by offering protection against operational and security risks, the Digital Immune System (DIS) holds a combination of software design, development, observability, automation, operations, extreme testing, and analytical technologies. DIS provides corporate customers with intelligent tools that can help the system keep running without interruption during peak performance. As a result, organisations investing in Digital Immune Systems can decrease their downtime by 80% and increase their customer satisfaction.

              Edge Computing

              Edge computing is a computing paradigm bringing enterprise apps close to the data sources like IoT or local edge servers. It helps in processing data at a more incredible speed and enables greater action-led results. With edge computing and 5G, businesses can enable faster and more comprehensive data analysis, create insights, increase response times, and improve customer experiences. Utilising edge computing helps make the business functions more proactive and adaptive in real-time, thus ensuring optimised experiences for people. As a result, the edge computing trend is creating various job opportunities that benefit both businesses and the global economy. According to reports, by 2023, the global edge computing market is expected to reach $6.72 billion.

              Super Apps

              In this growing digital era, super apps have gained huge popularity since they offer mobile-first experiences that are powerful and easy to use. Super app users can create personalised User Experiences (UX) by selecting and installing their chosen mini-apps. These apps will eventually expand to support Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, chatbots, and immersive experiences like the metaverse. The super apps can help businesses to attain economies of scale, leverage and use the network effect of a larger user base and multiple mini-app teams. According to the predictions by Gartner, by 2027, more than 50% of the global population will be daily active users of multiple super apps.

              Robots will Become More Human

              Performing a repetitive task can be exhausting and time-consuming. Passing these tasks to bots that function like humans will free up agent time so that they can concentrate on more complex tasks. Automating business processes like interpreting applications, processing transactions, handling data, or even responding to emails through bots saves costs, increases profitability, and has a lower probability of error. Robots can work effectively in an environment that may be unsafe for humans, like in areas of high radiation or freezer warehouses. In the lights-out warehouses, robots can ensure increased productivity, efficiency, quality, and consistency of work. Consumer robotics is gaining huge popularity after tech incumbents like Amazon, Google, and Dyson have made notable moves. As per CB Insights' Industry Analyst Consensus, the consumer robots market is estimated to be worth $ 22B. These top tech trends offer encouraging possibilities both now and for the foreseeable future, despite the fact that technologies are unravelling and changing all around us. Staying on top of these cutting-edge latest tech trends of 2023 for business is no longer optional as digital transformation becomes an increasingly crucial component of success for organisations trying to compete in the global marketplace. Let's hope the ensuing innovation benefits businesses and individuals worldwide!

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                5 Elements you must include in your website design


                Websites serve as the first touchpoint between your business and customers. It has the ability to create a complete brand perception with just the first glance. Almost all website designing efforts are directed towards creating a great brand image. And, a great brand image is an outcome of a great…

                Websites serve as the first touchpoint between your business and customers. It has the ability to create a complete brand perception with just the first glance. Almost all website designing efforts are directed towards creating a great brand image. And, a great brand image is an outcome of a great user experience which can be achieved with rewarding website design services By ensuring an interactive and professional website design you set a positive tone for user engagement and brand credibility. As per stats, 75% of a brand’s credibility is directly influenced by the website design, making it imperative to dedicate enough time and resources to building your website.

                Why should you invest in Website Design? 

                Every website visitor is a potential lead for your business. Studies show that it takes approximately 50 milliseconds for a visitor to form an opinion about your brand. And, with millions of websites all over the internet, there is a possibility that visitors might spend even less time going through it. A compelling website design has visuals that attract and content that retains traffic. On top of an improved retention rate, a good web design also offers the following benefits to businesses: 
                • A competitive edge amidst intense competition. 
                • Improved brand credibility. 
                • An accurate brand perception. 
                • A higher conversion rate. 
                • Better visibility in the SERPs.
                As per stats, 94% of first impressions are related to the design of your website. Therefore, it is crucial to mindfully decide on the elements of your website and strategically place them. A cluttered website can cause huge losses in terms of your traffic, user trust and search engine ranking. So, today, we bring to you: 

                5 Elements that you must include in your website design.

                  Navigational Links Your website is the online storefront of your brand. Just like a shopper seeks smooth movement when visiting a physical store, so does an online shopper. Web designers ensure the navigational comfort of visitors through various elements such as internal links, CTA buttons and the menu section. Using menu types such as hamburger, sidebar and dropdown is better since they do not overwhelm the user with information and allow them to view detailed content on their own accord. The ultimate goal of this element is to ensure a good website structure catering to an enhanced UI.   Compelling visuals This is possibly one of the most important elements of website design. With a significantly decreased attention span, simple yet attractive visuals are a great way to create a hook for visitors. Posting image content such as infographics intrigues the visitors to scroll through the web page and know more. Embedding videos help exponentially in giving an interactive feel to your website plus video content is retained better by viewers.   Tailored Landing Pages A website is an amalgamation of many web pages that talk about the various facets of your business. Different visitors come to your website with different needs or problems in mind. Therefore, your website must have dedicated landing pages, with tailored content, keeping in mind the visitor’s expectations. Each webpage must clearly specify, at first glance itself, how it is solving the user’s query and adding value to them.   Consistent typography The typography on your website must align with the tone of your brand. It must be consistent throughout, so as to look organized and must have enough white space in between to avoid the content looking congested. Also, the font selected must be identified by common browsers otherwise it might look jumbled to some viewers.    Responsive web design Last, but possibly the most important element of a well-designed website is it being responsiveness. A responsive website is compatible with various devices and adjusts itself depending on the user’s screen. A responsive website is dynamic in nature and adapts itself to different viewport orientations. This ensures that all your visitors are being catered to exclusively creating a great UX.  


                A well-designed website can boost the growth of your business ten folds. It not only retains traffic but also drives conversions. Being aware of these 5 elements is surely a great step forward towards building a robust website for your business.  Are you thinking of stepping into the vigorous digital landscape by bringing your business online? Let #ARM Worldwide be your helping hand. We are one of the top website designing companies with a team of technology experts, ready to assist you from the start to the end of your website development journey.  

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                  E-commerce Marketing

                  Unlocking the Potential Social Commerce Trends in 2023


                  The market size of social commerce is likely to increase by 31.6% in the upcoming years, allowing businesses to rule. As the craze for social media continues to grow, more businesses are utilising this unique marketing tactic to increase their reach and sales. Let’s get the scoop on top social…

                  The market size of social commerce is likely to increase by 31.6% in the upcoming years, allowing businesses to rule. As the craze for social media continues to grow, more businesses are utilising this unique marketing tactic to increase their reach and sales. Let’s get the scoop on top social commerce trends for 2023:

                  Utilising Visual Commerce

                  Visual commerce is a method where businesses use AR and visual content to draw in, engage and persuade potential customers. By leveraging technology, it elevates the standard product visuals that customers anticipate when visiting an online store. With mobile commerce and incorporated solutions for advertising, supporting online consumers, and selling goods and services, visual commerce is transforming into the marketplace of the future.  With the ever-evolving AR and VR, you can establish a personal connection with customers as soon as they visit your digital storefront, allowing you to benefit from rising online traffic. Visual commerce equips you with the tech needed to shorten your sales cycle. With real-time dynamic pricing, it provides clients with a stroll through every aspect of your product at their own speed.

                  Embracing Descriptive Live Streaming

                  One of the top trends in social commerce is live streaming in Ecommerce boosts a brand's appeal and uniqueness while driving more web traffic. Thus live streaming has become a must for businesses. Live streaming is engaging and keeps viewers watching for longer. Additionally, it enlarges customer decision pathways from awareness to acquisition. Live streaming blends audience engagement through a chat feature or reaction buttons with instant product purchases. Live streaming improves brand recognition among current customers and draws in new ones, particularly teenagers drawn to cutting-edge shopping experiences and formats.

                  Collaborating with Micro Influencers

                  Collaborating with micro-influencers is one of the best social commerce strategies, as it helps in boosting the reach of your business. This isn’t a new trend but will remain relevant in the upcoming years.  Micro-influencers are more effective at geo-targeting due to their tight-knit followings. They are able to start more personal discussions with their target audiences, giving authenticity to your brand. At a fraction of the expense of a mega-influencer marketing campaign, engaging a sizable number of micro-influencers will produce exceptional outcomes. For tasks like product reviews, unboxings, demos, and photos, many firms rely on micro-influencers.  The niche content that micro-influencers offer is one of their notable advantages. They build highly targeted communities around the interests they pursue, which increases engagement for your brand.

                  Selling with AI Chatbots

                  Ecommerce has evolved due to AI technologies. It has an impact on every aspect of building an Ecommerce brand, including payments, security, logistics, buying, inventory control, and fulfilment. Big data is transformed into real-time analytics via AI. Real-time business intelligence can be used by merchants to understand their consumer base, analyse the volume of traffic, transactions, and other data required to streamline an Ecommerce site. Chatbots have been one of the best uses of AI technology. To assist the consumers in finding the appropriate information, companies can automate the most frequent queries and responses. Voice commerce is the way of the future growth of social commerce since it enhances the shopping experience by making recommendations based on the customer's preferences.

                  Offering Customised Experiences

                  Personalised digital interactions increase brand loyalty, improve customer happiness, and help customers remember your company across all channels. When shopping online, customers anticipate a frictionless process. Therefore, with personalisation most organisations prioritise delivering services that align with customer preferences. Providing customers with specialised solutions can give you a competitive edge. Personal chat help, live agent calls, and email assistance are few specialised customer-centric techniques. Software with an open BI platform can be used to give customised omnichannel purchase patterns as well as cross-sell recommendations through their try-on feature.

                  Final Thoughts

                  As we look towards the future of social commerce trends for 2023, it is becoming increasingly clear that technology and advancements in AI will play a major role in shaping and driving the trends. We can expect personalisation to be the foundation for social media platforms and augmented reality and virtual reality to become increasingly integrated into the user experience. We will also see an increase in the amount of data that social media companies will be able to use to further customise and shape a user's experience. Finally, new and emerging technology such as voice commerce will also become more commonplace, allowing for an even faster and smoother experience.  

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                    Digital Marketing / Inbound Marketing

                    Revisiting Top Searches and Dominant Trends in 2022


                    Each year, Google releases its annual ‘Year in the Search list’, revealing the top trending search terms and topics of the year. This list provides an interesting insight into what the world was talking about in the past 12 months. It gives us a glimpse into the public's minds, allowing…

                    Each year, Google releases its annual ‘Year in the Search list’, revealing the top trending search terms and topics of the year. This list provides an interesting insight into what the world was talking about in the past 12 months. It gives us a glimpse into the public's minds, allowing us to see what really resonated with people and what was on their minds. From current events to pop culture phenomena, this list gives us a roadmap of how the world has been reacting to the events of the past year. Let’s look into the top global and local search trends of 2022.
                    • The Indian Premier League (IPL) continues to be the biggest sporting sensation in the country, as it was the top trending search in 2022. With its exciting matches, glitzy opening ceremonies, and star-studded line-up, the IPL became the talk of the town. It was closely followed by Cowin, the vaccine registration portal, and the much-awaited FIFA World Cup 2022. 
                    • The highly anticipated movies "Brahmastra: Part One" and "K.G.F.: Chapter 2" have been trending the most as fans eagerly await their release. With both movies boasting an all-star cast, as well as stunning visual effects and an intriguing plot, viewers couldn’t seem to wait to see them. It's no wonder these two movies are the talk of the town!
                    • Agneepath Scheme has become one of the most searched topics on Google in the 'What is' segment, topping the list and being followed by NATO, NFT and PFI. By offering pan-India merit-based recruitment, the Agneepath scheme serves as a unique opportunity for the Indian youth to realize their desire to enlist in the military and defend the country. 
                    • People around the world have been actively searching online for information on how to download their COVID vaccination certificate and PTRC challan. With the current pandemic, it's no surprise that this has been a top search, as it's an important step in keeping everyone safe and healthy.
                    • B.J.P. spokeswoman Nupur Sharma, who has since been suspended, was the most googled person in India in 2022. Droupadi Murmu, the president of India, was followed by Lalit Modi and the new prime minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak.
                    • The world was shocked by the passing of legendary Indian singer Lata Mangeshkar and the rising Indian rapper Sidhu Moose Wala. The news of their deaths was one of the most searched topics on the internet, followed by the recent war between Russia and Ukraine. It was a sad reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.
                    This list of top trending searches on Google, when compared to last year's results, demonstrates a significant shift in search trends, as users primarily searched for questions linked to the coronavirus in 2021. Top Trending Searches on Google in 2022 The mapping of the global trend will be intriguing as well. The top choices from the list are as follows:
                    • Google has identified the word game Wordle as their top search in 2022.
                    • The T20 World Cup semi-final between India and England had the second-most Google searches in 2022.
                    • Due to the ongoing conflict, news about Ukraine received the highest number of searches.
                    • The other top searches in the people, sports, and news categories included Queen Elizabeth, India Premier League, India vs SA, World Cup, India vs West Indies, iPhone 14, and Jeffrey Dahmer.
                    Top Global and Local search Trends So, these were the top global and local search trends of 2022, and it is clear that search trends will continue to evolve. Therefore, keep an eye on the latest trends, and continue searching for the best information available.

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